I just wanted to make sure you guys know that we DO have our "bad days". I am trying to get some action on video for you. Here is a small taste of what some days are like:
As soon as the quads see me pull their bottles out of the refrigerator, they will immediately start crying! (Even if they have been totally fine before) I usually try to hide them as I place them in the crock pot to warm. This morning, they saw me...
I LOVED watching Ben stare up at the bottles...so sad! And absolutely melted with Drew's widdle puppy dog face at the very end!
No less than one minute later, we have happy quads again!
Oh yes, here is the new bow site I promised you:
Sweet Daisy Bowtique (Great bows that are SUPER comfy for Sav's little head made by GREAT gals! She was modeling one of her new bows in the July 4th pic below)
my lil bug has a certain cry that she has when she sees a bottle! she couldve just eaten 20 mins ago-and if she sees a bottle shes cryin for it! so funny! u are not alone!
The first video says it's no longer available. Too bad cuz I bet it's hilarious! (That is... as long as I'm not the mommy having to withstand the screaming.)
I was picturing how the first video would be knowing my own daughter's crazy "give me food" times, but sadly like Jeni said it didn't work.
I'm horrible about lurking and never posting. I thought I should say that before I say your kiddos are getting so BIG! It's hard to believe they can start out so small and yet they catch up so fast.
ok...let me know if you guys can see it now!
I could see it. That is hilarious! I love how Ben stops crying when he hears you laugh. Like "what's so funny mama?...I just want my bottle".
And then they are all so happy and satisfied when they FINALLY get that bottle.
Will you be able to switch from formula to milk after they turn 1? That saves a lot of money...even though the price of milk is outrageous these days. :/
They are all getting so big!
Cathy in Frisco
omygoodness!That is sooooooooooooo freakin ADORABLE!
i can see the first one now!!!
thanks they were adorable!
it's working now! they are just too cute!
they are TOO cute!
I just have to tell you how cute your kids are! I seem to be checking in on this blog on a regular basis just to see these cute kiddos!
Videos are so funny. Won't they laugh when the are 16 years old and you show that !!! You are doing an awesome job!
Bless you and those precious children. God knows to whom and how many of His blessings to give.
I am another that often lurks and not posts! Suz that is freaken gorgeous! I was going all mushy seeing them cry and then OMG when they are all lined up in absolute silence too too cute.
Marie in NZ
It is like you starve them then taunt them. What sweet babies! They crack me up. Savannah was really throwing a major fit. Poor girl :( Glad they are all better. Ben cracks me up when he is drinking his bottle-too cute!!!
You have the best life ever and are so blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Suz!
Gen's friend, Jenny, here with my first comment. Nice meeting you on the computer today! Gen just raves about you and Joe.
Love the blog. Such a hungry herd you have-adorable!
Jenny T
I can relate, too, Suz! My 19 mo twins still get a cup of warm milk at night and they can be upstairs, in their room, fan on, me trying to be quiet as can be downstairs in the kitchen...and they honestly have SUPER SONIC hearing and know when I OPEN the microwave door to get their milk and can't wait for it to get upstairs. One almost always meets me at the gate at the top of the stairs, begging for "mik, mik". Oh, what a relief to know those bottles can make everyone happy though!
oh my gosh, i can't WAIT until my boys can hold their own bottles like that! oooh, love that lineup in the boppy's. awesome!
Hey Suz!!
Just wanted to let you know how much the girlies enjoyed the video. Erin said..." aaaaahhh poor widdle babies, they are sad." Shannon says," OH MOMMY!!!, that's lots babies!!!!!"
Your kiddos are so sweet. I love reading your posts and seeing how your kiddos are thriving. Thanks for the great bow site, I have an almost 4month old with only peach fuzz. I use www.fiveblessedbows.com and they have fantastic stuff too. They are christian stay at home moms who started the company when they had five kids, and now they have seven:)between the two of them
I've been playing the "crying" video over and over so I can get used to that sound again:) Pretty cool how they know what they want and the complete 180 when they get it. Miss y'all!
It says the videos are no longer available :(
I love it!! Its so cute how distraught they are about having to wait a couple minutes. All I have to say is Good luck with the bottle weaning! lol
Ahhh Suz, I love the 2nd video when the babies are happy and content all lined up. For some insane reason, we never had Boppy pillows and they look like they are fabulous, especially for propping. Anyway...thanks for sharing. I had a flashback:) My girls also used to cry if they saw the bottles before the were ready!
Aww, that was funny! I am SOO glad our daughter has moved to holding her own sippy cup and feeding herself (even though I do miss her being more dependent on me sometimes).
By the way, at the end of the "happy video", did you notice that Ben and Savannah had the same leg position and then Drew and Ethan had similar positions? I'm sure you did, but just another one of those crazy quad things. Cute! :)
This cracked me up! It's EXACTLY the same at our house - EXCEPT - our babies are not holding their own bottles yet...Oh man, I CAN'T WAIT until they do!
Adorable videos! :)
Aw! I loved seeing them all lined up and slurping away!
that is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the row of quads happily eating...so cute! I don't know how you do it!
That is too funny...but oh what a blessing that they can hold their own bottles now. Love this post!
I can relate. I get that way when I see a box of donuts.
How precious! They are so cute! Thanks for sharing! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.
That is all too familiar! ::hehe:: Sweet babies. It's amazing how they don't even realize they want the bottle until it appears.
OMG I just LOVE it!! My twins were the same way and you totally forget things like that--they grow fast! How precious to have a video of that. You are such a wonderful mom to them--they are so lucky!
oh my! mine do the same thing - funny, cute and nerve racking at the same time - I never feel like I am fast enough! When I played this for Noah (2yrs) the twins chimed in and cried along - made them sad that the quads are hungry! Hee...
I love the videos! They are so cute. I have enjoyed seeing them grow, I can't believe they are almost 1!
Those videos are so precious, and you are such a patient mommy!
Your kids are adorable! I am a blog stalker from Dallas. I have a link for you on my own (new) blog -you are definitely a blog I read every day- If you don't want to be linked, let us know.
Quads! I can only imagine! I know that everyone loves reading your stories and you are a wonderful mom.
From: a jealous workaholic newlywed in Dallas. Not workaholic... I mean, I would love to not work, the darn house and car payment would suffer a bit, but I could be a stay at home mom too...
You do have it good. Cherish these moments. Cherish your husband. Really cherish those kids. For as much as I tell my friends I don't, I want them too.
Maybe one at a time though..., but I'll use you as a super-mom excuse when that is tough... aka, I read this blog and... she had four, so anyone can do one ... right?
Thanks again for sharing.
Even us Dallas-workaholic-jealous-newlyweds need to hear about a success story now and again.
Hello..My name is Lacy Jeffers. I'm from Indiana and I came across your blog and loved it. My friend has a set of triplets and I adore them. I have a 2-1/2 year old, However we've had two tubal pregnancies in the last 4 years so we're on fertility again! Just reading your blog lets me know what I could be in for one of these days if I ever got multiples. I hope you don't mind that I added your blog to my "favorite blogs". If you do ... let me know and I'll remove it. I enjoyed reading your blog:)
My boys always did that same sort of thing when it was time to eat too....the way they'd act, you'd think they hadn't eaten in DAYS!
That was really good for a laugh, thanks for sharing!!
All my babies were the same way! Unfortunately, it hasn't gotten better now that they are toddlers. They will be playing wonderfully, but if I go in the kitchen and start preparing a meal, they are all under me screaming like they haven't eaten in days!
Great video!
I couldn't help but laugh with you! It is like their life is ending if they don't get that bottle RIGHT NOW!!! We have many of those moments with Charlie...come to think of it with Thomas too! Too funny:)
That is great!!! I loved Ben sitting there starring down the crockpot..Too sweet..
If you have a chance, check out my blog, you've been mentioned!
Oh my gosh..even when its not "sunny:, it is still so darn cute!! They are just adorable...I love both the videos!!
Now that looks like my house when Gracen sees me mixing up her bottle. I try to hide it until it's ready because she cries like she hasn't eaten in 4 days, and I'm breaking her heart to make her wait 30 more seconds.
Suz..Have you seen the things for babies that are crawling called "Babylegs"? They have an entire website of different designs for like baby leg warmers and keeps them from wearing out their little knees.
I love them.
The bad news...my kiddos still do this when the sippy cups come out of the fridge. Heaven forbid I need to refill one! Ha!
The video of them all lined up having their bottles is just precious. Wow.
That is just too cute that the house is SILENT after they have their bottles!
Well, the "bad news"... my 21 month old twins still FREAK when they see thier juice cups. LOL
How sweet is that. My twins do the same thing when they see their bottles. And my little girl turns beet red and sound stops coming out of her. I swear it a ploy for her to get feed first.
But I wouldn't trade it for anything and I am sure you wouldn't either
Hi Suzanne!
I've become a fan of your blog and am cousins with Bree Leonard! She is my normal side of my family!! Anyway, I am curious if I can share something with you to feed your entrepreneurial side that has been a truly powerful thing in our lives the past 30 days and I was going to ask you for an email address to mail it to you....?
I look forward to sharing with you...
Schelli Creacy
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