Thursday, August 28, 2008

Believe it or not....

I am finally getting back to answering some of the questions you guys asked me back on my "Questions for the Quad Mom" post in May '08. I've been in a bit of a "blogging funk" lately and decided that it was time to share some things that are close to my heart.

How do you manage to keep it in perspective all the time? Do you ever get completely overwhelmed and if so, what do you do? When you fall into bed at night, do you ever want to cry if it has been a nutty day? Where do you get your energy? How do you look so together in pictures?

ATTITUDE. I believe it is all about my attitude. (And before I start my novel...I would just like you to know that I have NOT been like this my whole life--I have changed tremendously in the last 2 years) I have the power to CHOSE to be positive or negative--we all do. I chose the positive route. It is almost as easy as that! We keep things in perspective b/c we know life doesn't begin and end with the Steece Quads---our hearts are constantly out there with those who need prayers or who are struggling. We have four healthy babies, what can we complain about?

Of COURSE I get overwhelmed! Especially during the pregnancy and immediately following! I remember how it was VERY difficult to stay positive when I had not yet reached my 24th week of pregnancy--knowing that my four babies would have zero viability outside of the womb...that was rough. I cried for a full week one time--I could NOT shake those bad thoughts! But, then, I gave it all over to God and just forced negative thoughts out of my head. It is SOOOO very important to surround yourself with POSITIVE people!--and that's what I try to do on a daily basis.

Those first 4 months of the quads' lives was the hardest thing we have ever been through. (Just bringing ONE baby home is SO ridiculously difficult). Every once in a while we would have someone to help with the night feeds---other than that, it was me, Joe, and my mom. Church volunteers began taking day shifts when my mom left (around week 6 (?) of the quads being home). We were EXHAUSTED---mentally, physically, emotionally...POOPED! We fed the babies every 3 hours around the clock--by the time you get finished feeding all four, you have about 30-40 minutes before it starts all over again...and the spit up/reflux?...OMG....the reflux! COMPLETELY DRAINING. I was barely eating, sleeping, showering, brushing teeth, etc.

To keep things in perspective: Joe and I would cherish those few MINUTES when the babies were silent. I remember turning to each other occasionally and saying, "Do you hear that?.....ah.......nothing.....peace and quiet"--and it would last for MINUTES, but it was a beautiful sound. Joe and I would live for those quiet moments in bed, just cuddling before the next feed. We made time for each other and found joy in the tiniest of moments. It is all about attitude and making the choice to find those moments each day---because the day is FULL of them.

I must admit, the days of complete and utter exhaustion and being overwhelmed are few and far between nowadays...I guess you learn how to roll with it the longer you do something--and the positive attitude helps a lot. Someone once gave me some good advice: I try to start every day as a prayer--it begins in the morning, and I talk to God throughout the day, and ends at night-right as I'm falling asleep--each day is one long prayer.

Joe is another HUGE part of my sanity. Every day after a long day at work, he comes home, changes clothes and immediately goes upstairs to "relieve me of my duties": playtime, night bottles, diaper changes x 4, and bedtime. I go work out at the gym for an hour (my recent boost of energy lately), run errands, or make dinner. Needless to say, Joe is an amazing husband and father- love him SO much!
Family, friends, and church are major support systems in our lives. During quarantine, the Diaper Darlings are going to make weekly visits to play with the kiddies so I can run errands and what not. I also lean heavily on my other quad mama sistas! They have been such a blessing in my life and we can vent/laugh/cry/encourage/keep accountable/be silly with each other every day when we find brief seconds on the computer!

"Looking together in pictures" is all about attitude--for example, immediately after having quads, I was definitely NOT in the best shape of my life...but it felt good to take care of myself. I would put on a cute outfit and throw on a little powder to go see our babies in the NICU. I truly believe that what you are feeling on the inside is totally a reflection of how you look on the outside.

(And NO, to answer another question- I do NOT "look cute" and wear make-up and do my hair every day! OMG! On any given day, you will find me make-up-less with a T-shirt on, scrub pants, and my hair pulled back in a clip! In fact, when I first read this question back in May, I laughed outloud and immediately made Joe take of picture of what I looked like at that very moment!)

So gorgeous! Ha! This is my work attire--I am a FULL TIME MOM!--Ready to jump in and get those hands dirty! ;)

How do you balance making time for day-to-day fun and combat stress? How much time for yourself do you have? Do you ever just grab a cup of coffee with a girlfriend? Do you ever get "me" time by yourself? What is your favorite thing to do with it?

See above--Joe and I are a team. I let HIM go play with his boys, and he lets ME go play with my girls. I've just recently started working out and feel GREAT! I never used to get that "good-exhausted-every-muscle-hurts" type feeling when I used to work out--but I think it was all about the attitude thing. Now, I LOVE it! It is a chance for me to get out of the house and focus on being healthy. I want to be the best mom I can be and that starts with taking care of myself and my body...I plan on sticking around for a long time, haha! ;)

Yes, I occasionally get out with friends--in fact, I have a hot date tonight with my buddy, Liz (on the left)! We have the BEST friends who travel (usually from Dallas 30~45 minutes) to come see us and who come over for Saturday barbecues, etc. They know it is difficult for us to get out with 4 little many times, they just come to us! Great friends...

As far as "me" time...I've always preferred being around people--I'm very much a people person. However, it is funny how motherhood makes you view that "alone" time in a whole different light! It is the little things: like driving around in the burb, by myself, listening to music while running errands! The "Old Suz" (pre-quads) used to go out to eat with Joe/family/friends & go to movies all the time. Those are two of my most favorite things to do!

How do you get everything done like housework, yard work, cooking, etc? What does the rest of your house look like? Is it perfectly tidy? How do you avoid getting frustrated/defeated when you get behind on the "to-do's"?

Don't sweat the small stuff! When the kids are awake, I am playing with them. It is a great piece of advice that has been given to me time and time again. The dishes can wait, the cleaning can wait. Babies/children grow up so fast--really cherish every moment you have with them. So, that is what I try to do...every day. When the babies go down for their naps, that is when I do dishes, prepare food, tidy up, do laundry, etc. Also, it is not an every day thing---some days, I just lay around the house and do absolutely nothing---but the following day, I will have a "mad-cleaning-frenzy" of a day and will do 5 loads of laundry, scrub all the bathrooms, organize closets and pantries, etc! It is insane! What doesn't get done today, will get done tomorrow---so I'm not worried about it. I always make the bed...I dunno, its one of those things that "you know, the house may be a wreck...but if that bed is made, it makes it all better! ha!"...just a little quirk, I guess.

Once again, I have an amazing husband who has somewhat of a "cleaning obsession"--to put it mildly (my friends and family are laughing right about now). He actually enjoys cleaning---so, Joe is the MAIN reason our house is always tidy!

How do you deal with the crazy things people ask you in public? How do you stay positive and not let rudeness bug you. What are some tips on staying positive?

Hmm...I just always try to be gracious. I know that the majority of the time people don't INTEND to say things that might be taken as a rude comment. For example:

~ mumbling under their breath: "Better you than me!"
~ looking at the quads, shaking their heads and saying: "I feel sorry for you"
~ or just blatant laughing at me, while standing in a check-out line, paying for 100 tubs of baby food to last me a couple of days (pointing, snickering)
~ looking at the quads, laughing and saying: "NO THANKS!"

...stuff like that happens all the time. I just smile and say, "Yes, we are blessed!" A favorite motto to live by is: "You have been blessed, now go be a blessing"...and that's what I try to do.

We get rude blog comments all the time (attacking me, Joe, my family, my children) but I always skim over the comments before reading them word-by-word and delete them immediately when I can tell that they are negative. I don't even read the them! DELETE COMMENT- and move on. ;) I don't understand the people who take the time to read my blog, just so they can attack us (and my friends, for that matter).

We both just make a choice every day to be positive. Joe goes running in the mornings and uses that time to spend quiet-time with God, reflect on his blessings, and focus on positive things he wants for his life...what a great way to start the day! We have a certain joy that cannot be extinguished--God has blessed us beyond our dreams.

post signature


Anonymous said...

Just wanteds to say how much I love your blog. I can't believe that anyone would have anything negative to say about you or your wonderful family. You are an inspiration!

Audra Laney said...

What an uplifting post! It just helps me to remember that if you can keep a positive attitude with FOUR, I can certainly do it with one! Thanks for the attitude encouragement!

jenny winstead said...

you are simply amazing, and a true inspiration. thanks for taking the time to share! :)

Anonymous said...

You ROCK, Suzanne. The "delete" button is a powerful thing...and so is the power of embody the power of love in every aspect of your life.

Blessings to you,
A Fan from Big D

Kara said...

Hi Suzanne,
This will sound kind of crazy but my husband is Marshall Shepard's cousin. Leah told me about your blog and I have been reading about you and your babies for quite some time. I have 8 month old triplet girls. You are such an inspiration to me. Your babies are so lucky to have you as their mom. I always look forward to seeing what you and your babies are doing next and what I have to look forward to in the upcoming months!

Mary Kate said...

You are a true inspiration to do what you do day in & day out! I truly enjoy reading your blog & seeing new pics of your precious babies!! God Bless You!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I also have a blog and have received a few strange comments from time to time. People are too "generous" with their opinions! You have a great attitude and spirit. God bless all of you as you continue on this exciting adventure!

Kara said...

Hi Suzanne,

This is going to sound kind of crazy but my husband is Marshall Shepard's cousin. Leah told me about your blog and I have been reading it for quite some time. I have 8 month old triplet girls. You are such an inspiration to me. I love reading about what you and your babies are doing next and see what I have to look forward to in the upcoming months. You have such a great attitude and reading your post I could easily relate. Your babies are very lucky to have you as a mom!

The Murray Crew said...

Oh My Goodness Gracious! So much I could say (but I have 4 butts to wipe =) at the moment) so I'm just gonna say
I so get 'cha. 10-4, sista!

Angela said...

Suz, you are so great! I really hope that someday when I have kids I can be as put together and upbeat as you are!
And I can't leave a comment without saying one more time how absolutely adorable your kiddies are!! :)

Jax, FL

Meredith said...

I have to say that I have enjoyed your blog for a long time now and once again I am reminded why I enjoy it so much. You definitely have a positive attitude, one that is obvious in every post. I became a lurker back when you were 18 wks. pregnant, I think? Anyway, the reason your blog caught my attention is because we lived in the same dorm at HU our freshman year. I transferred after that to ACU, but thought it was funny that I remembered your face. Anyway, I was going back through your blog and past enteries and saw a picture of Katie Householder, whom I went to LHHS with. Actually Katie (we didn't really know each other) was a year above me and her sister Annie was a year behind me. Annie and I ran track together. Anyway, all of that to say, what a small world. It is funny how you can know similar people as someone, go to the same school as them and then learn about them on a blog years down the road. It's great! Also I want to say thanks for always portraying such a great picture of marriage. It is obvious that you and Joe are best friends and I wish everyone that is dating or single or married could experience something like that in their present or future. It is a wonderful gift to your precious kiddos!! Keep up the great work!! You are definitely a ministry to a whole lotta people!

Stephanie said...

AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING!! Thats what you are! THanks so much for opening your life to us..we really do appreciate you being so open and honest!
Kudos to you Super Woman..theres not a negative thought that comes to mins when I think of the 6 (ok 7..sorry Shiloh!) of you!!
Keep on keeping on mama!!

Anonymous said...

Great blog and great attitude. Your cute little quads will grow up to be wonderful people because of you and your husband and your outlook on life!

The comments make in public can be annoying but just take them with a grain of salt as well. Smile and move on.

Robin Lynn said...

What a FABULOUS post Suz!! I always look forward to your posts!! You always put things in perspective and make me smile. You are truly an amazing mom, wife, daughter, sister friend......thanks once again for sharing your life with us!!

I can not believe anyone could ever write a negative post. Thank goodness for the delete button.

Have a wonderful evening with those beautiful babies and your wonderful husband!!


Anonymous said...

I have not had a good talk with God lately and today after reading your blog, we are going to have a nice daily chat. Thank you, I have missed the big guy and I was reminded today that prayer can be an ongoing conversation not just a quick chat. So from there I figured if a mom with quads has the time to chat with Him, I can definely schedule my chat :)

Thank you for your blog, your kids and your family are truly inspiring.

Christi in Scottsdale

Aimee said...

WOW! What a great post! The answers to specifically your first question is just what I needed to read today. I'm having a rough day with my three kids today, and when I read that, it really forced me to change my attitude! Thanks! Love your blog!!! :)

Williams' bunch said...

I enjoy reading your blog so sure are blessed-your babies are beautiful! I know how rude people can be-we have 5 kids and one on the way. I try to bite my can't believe they could look at these "blessings" the Lord has given and be so hateful...but they can be so ugly!

Cindy said...

You are awesome girl! I have been a lurker since you found out you were having the quaddies...saw it on a friends blog & had to check it out! I'm an OR nurse too & we are having a hard time getting preggo...I'm a little nervous about the Clomid that's coming in Oct! hehehe I LOVE reading your blog & seeing your beautiful babies! People are crazy for saying anything negative towards any of you! You rock sista!!

Lori said...

I started reading your blog a few months ago and I love it. I have twin 3 yr. old girls and a 4 mos. old girl. I agree with you on all your points and this motivates me to stay positive.

Also I wanted let you know that I think you look adorable in your scrubs!!!

Mom Guide said...

Suz you are AWESOME! Continue to be the blessing that you are girl. Joe you ROCK!

Robin Lynn said...

Suz, I am LOL. So I guess I checked on forward follow up comments to my email when I commented before. I did not realize it was selected and really did not know what it was...well that means every time someone writes you a comment I get an email notification of it. So I am in the office, supposed to be working, of course, I had just read your blog and went back to work and my computer said "you've got mail" and then proceeded to ding like crazy!! Guess you approved a lot of comments at once huh?? hehehe Sounded like a carnival in here!! Got a good laugh, have now disabled comment link from you site!!! LOL

becky said...

"you have been blessed, now go be a blessing" have done it sweetie! i love to read your blog and am mainly a lurker. it is easy to look at someone else and assume they have it all together. but you are so right...attitude makes the biggest difference. what a smart lady you are! i'm thrilled that i have a wonderful hubby like your joe. those men make it allllll easier and so worth it don't they?? you and joe (and of course the little quaddies) are just so precious!!

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

OMG!!!! I seriously think I'm going to bookmark this post so I can refer to it when I'm having a bad day! Great attitude girl! I can't even tell you how much I got out of this post. God truly blessed you with quads...and this blog for a reason! Thank You! :)


Jeana said...

All I have to say is your look cute bummed out, hee hee!! I know what you mean, I'm a stay at home mom and I look the same as you...when all you need to do is roll out of bed to be with your little ones, they don't care what you look like, hee hee!!
I love your blog and am so excited when you post new are very positive and I think you do a great job and what cute babies!!! :-)
I actually ordered a Sara's Tutu from seeing Sav wearing her's on her bday, my daughter is going to be a butterfly for halloween, love Sara's tutus!!
Keep up the good and your family are great!!

Chad and Lisa said...

I have been a follower of your blog for a while now and I always come back because I can't believe what an amazing person you are. When I read your blog and see how upbeat and positive you are, it really makes me put my own life into perspective and stop "sweating the small stuff". I am a mother of one and one on the way and there are days I wonder how I will do it, but after reading your blog I always seem to get a better perspective. Thank you for sharing your life and opening your heart to complete strangers. You are an amazing person!


Susan said...

Thank you for the perspective. I think that if you have 1 or 8 babies it can still be difficult and crazy. We have been married for almost 3 years, our 1st anniversary I was pregnant and having morning sickness. It is goodto read about ya'll...we are still very new in our marriage and knowing each other plus a it gets really crazy at times,but your perspective helps me see that as the years advance, my husband and I will just get better and better at being a team! Thanks!

The Cains said...

You go girl! I'm always so happy to hear about how you roll with the punches. You are right ATTITUDE is everything. You are an awesome mother and wonderful role model. Keep on keeping on! I loved the Monday pics, what an on your toes life you have--so blessed:)

Unknown said...

i love your family and your blog. so sweet and such inspirations... thanks for reminding me to not let others negative comments become my own reality, that saying about "being blessed and going out and be a blessing" is so true. thanks for your ministry:)

Katie said...

Suz, I've been reading your blog for a really long time...such the stalker. Anyway, thank you for your great post (and for sharing so much of yourself all the time). I LOVE your positivity~~you're so right.

I have four children as well (not quads) and, yes, people think they're entitled to "give their 2 cents" constantly. Way to go for smiling and counting your blessings. (I do that too, but must admit, I let it bother me too much.) Thanks for the reminder to "go be a blessing."

andersons said...

who would leave a rude comment on your blog. you are an amazing person. you have the most beautiful and healthy looking babies ever! shame on them. you are an inspiration and a true testament to God's love and grace. keep up the great work. you are a beautiful family. and beleive me, they grow up right before your eyes. i know you enjoy each and every minute. good for you.

Anonymous said...

hey Suz,
firstly soooo glad to see you in a daggy outfit i was really beginning to think i was one of the only mums whose uniform consisted of trackies(sweats I thnk you call them) and daggy shirts and bad hair. Those babies are just getting too big, enjoy this year, I have to say the next 12 months is so exciting, they will learn and grow so much and become their little individual selves, really a wonderful thing. Also PLEASE get out of your funk, I can understand you are exhausted (really I can only imagine) but reading this blog always helps me get 'it' together and stop moping around. I have a very sick 4 year old boy and sometimes it all gets just a bit too much, so i like to pop in for a reality check,
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months and it always brightens my day.
Yes, attitude is everything!

Keep up the good work and congrats on your beautiful family!

Austin, Texas

aubrey said...

I randomly found your blog and now check in frequently because I enjoy it so much.

I too am a Christian and a mother of 3. A 3 yr. old boy and twin girls 10 months old. Our life is crazy too like you we remind ourselves how blessed we are and God will give us only what we can handle each day.

Thanks for being an encouragement!

Haley said...

YOu guys are amazing! Your attitude is so wonderful.... whe I feel frustrated I always read your blog....(even if I have already read that partucular post).... I always remind myself life could be harder and their are people out there like you and Joe (what a hubby.... you and your babies are blessed)that see the positive in everyday.... I remind myself to me more like that when the day seems to be going wrong.....

Catherine said...

You are an inspiration to all mommies!!! Your babies are PRECIOUS I enjoy reading about you and your family. God bless!!!

~aj~ said...

Suzanne, I think you are amazing! I seriously think you could write a book with all of your wisdom. You are an inspiration to many.

Neil said...

Thank you so much for your candidness - you ARE an inspiration to the rest of us mommies!

Michelle Larkinson said...

You are the best mommy!!
I Love reading about your family!! And, I lvoe the q and a's!
Thanks for your help earlier- talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! Your blog is super fun to read!

Unknown said...

Hi Suzanne!

I stumbled across your blog the other day when I was reading Kristin Foster's blog. We both went to ASU and were in our sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda together.

I started reading your blog, and honestly I couldn't stop! I went back to the very beginning and have been reading ever since. I loved hearing all about your life with quads and you are so encouraging to read about. I can just tell that you are an amazing wife and mother!

I also live in the Dallas area, but am from Waco(Lorena). I also get my hair cut at "The Cutting Edge" in Waco! Lita cuts my hair, and she's so great that I drive back to Waco just to get a haircut (and I've been doing it for the past 3 years)!

I am the oldest of 7 children, (which I know is a lot :0), but we never had multiples at any time. I just think that it's interesting to read about ya'lls perspective on big families!

Well, I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed reading your blog and will continue to do so!

Chelsey Snodgrass

*Lissa* said...

Great post. I just love your attitude! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that anyone could possibly find a reason to attack you Joe or your gorgeous babies! Just who does that? Anyway haven't got a lot else to say but was just so taken aback by that I felt that I just have to say that after reading your blog over the past few months you come off as one of the most positive, gracious and all round awesome families I've ever encountered so just keep being you!

Melodie said...

You should get a shirt made that says "Better Me Than You" on it to wear when you're out with the quads. That way the rude people won't have to say it and they will know that you are very happy with your life as a mom of quads.

Life As A Newlywed said...

Suz, this is the first time I've commented on your blog, I can't remember how I got to it! You know how it gets once you're "blog surfing."

I CAN NOT believe someone could say ugly things to you and leave mean comments! You seem so very sweet and down to earth. And your babies are just beautiful! Keep up the great work, you make it look so easy!


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog since the quads were a few months old - so I guess you could call me a "lurker". I wanted to "de-lurk" today to say how much I enjoy reading your posts! You are such an inspiration and your family is just beautiful! Thank you for giving us all a sneak peak into your life!

Maggie said...

You are so amazing, and I can't imagine anyone saying anything negative about your precious family! Way to go with that awesome attitude! It is definitely an inspiration to so many! Oh, and by the way, I'm a Wacoan with a one year old little boy, so hopefully I'll see you out and about one day! :)

Anonymous said...

think about it: MOST people look up to you & if any negative comment is said...God uses you and your beautiful babies as an example of others not complaining and living life to the fullest. May He continue giving you joy, peace and support from friends & family!

Jenny said...

You are such an inspiration. I so appreciate you allowing us into your life - you make me want to be a better person. You are living the motto you shared-you are a blessing!!!!!

Crisanti Family said...

IT's nice to meet you via blog....I found it on the King blog we've been following.
I'm currently pregnant with quads (14+ weeks) and have a 6 year old and a 3 year old already. I appreciate you taking the time to answer those questions put out there and sharing what works for your family! Great Job! You have a sweet family!

SMK said...

YOu are truly an incredible lady and the fact that you are so positive is incredible. You inspire me and help give me strength your family is gorgeous and I feel very lucky to have a glimpse into your life.

1happymommy said...

Wow! I don't know you, but you're awesome! I read your blog frequently and every post is more inspiring than the previous one! What a sweet, sweet spirit you have! Your kids are so blessed to have you as a mommy!!

Marty Rhea Hill said...

You are truly a godly woman and you are right, God has blessed you and Joe so much. But as also blessed those sweet babies with parents like you two. I love your blog and love reading up on everything. Keep it up.

meurrier said...


I have been reading your blog for sometime now, but I have never left a comment! Your post today about attitude is AWESOME!! I have kind of had the same revelation here lately that my day is determined by the attitude that I CHOOSE to have! Thanks for the encouragement!

I have a link to your blog on mine b/c I enjoy reading your blog so much. So many of my friends ask me, "Do you know the "Steece's Pieces" people?" I have to tell them, "No, but I wish I did, b/c they seem so nice and loving and GODLY!" I am so grateful that those four beautiful children will grow up in a house with the love and knowledge of God freely shared. What a great heritage!

Mereidth Meurrier

Kristin said...

I love your honesty and your attitude! God is good, all the time!

Mommato4miracles said...

Thanks for your post and willingness to share your family. You are truly an inspiration to me. My son has had many health issues and I get so overwhelmed. I am so inspired by you and your beautiful family. What you wrote today totally hits the nail on the head: You have been blessed, now go be a blessing. YOU TRULY ARE A BLESSING!!!! Thank you!

Angie said...

I love your blog, you have a great attitude about life. I had two single births and those were tough, I can't imagine having 4 at once (I'm sure you here that all the time!) but I think you and your hubby are amazing people and are so blessed to have four beautiful, healthy toddlers!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the questions and answers. I've just started reading your blog (I love it!), and it's fun to get to know you. Your positive attitude truly is inspiring!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing your life.

Nicole said...

This is such a great post! I completely agree with you- I even had to do a "tribute" post to you on my blog tonight! Thanks so much for keeping it all in perspective. I have a 3 year old and 15 month old twins and I love reading about your adorable family!

Katie Lewis said...

I have been a lurker on your blog for a little while, but I couldn't resist commenting tonight. We have 5 kids - 10, 4, 2 1/2, 1 1/2, and 2 1/2 months and I get the same looks and comments. It never fails to amaze me that people feel that they have the right to comment on someone else's family and reproductive rights/activities. We've come up with a few responses that tend to make people stop asking the questions, but I've gotten to the point now where I can see the looks and usually avoid the confrontation. Your babies are absolutely beautiful and you are so blessed to have them - love your attitude! I'll remember that the next time mine are driving me bonkers! :)

Elizabeth said...

Hi! I also went to harding and a friend of mine who knew you and told me about your blog when you were a few months pregnant. I just wanted to let you know how much I love reading about your sweet babies and how encouraging you are to me!

Lorelle said...

Suz- I've been a loyal fan of your blog for over a year now and I wanted to THANK you for taking the time to blog. You dont even realize how many people look up to you and respect you.
You're a wonderful mother and your kids are lucky to have you.

Love from Alabama-
PS. I was a nanny for 7 years before I became a nurse! =)

Anonymous said...

I have never commented but I love your blog. I have always thought you are a great mom and make it look fun to have 4. I have 12 week old twins. They were born 29 weeks and 5 days. They are doing great and came home at 5 weeks and 6 days old, a lot earlier than the doctors expected. Reading your blog in advance and now has truely helped me know what to expect and to realize they are doing the normal preemie things. You are a great example that I have been trying to follow. I am doing the same "think positive." Of course you have 2 more than me but you make me want to have 4.


Anonymous said...

Suz, I've been reading since early on in your pregnancy, and your attitude continues to inspire me.

Something you said in your post today struck me - "our hearts are constantly out there with those who need prayers or who are struggling". If you have a chance, you might think about linking over to the blog auctions going on right now to benefit a fellow blogger (she and her husband were in a plane crash and are severly burned; they have 4 young children)

Any extra bidders that can be brought to the auctions is a huge help to the family, as are prayers for them and their kids.

details here and a list of auctions here

Tina said...

Suz, I'm a long time lurker and very slack commenter but I just wanted to say how much I admire you and your gorgeous family. I have 3 kids and struggle to cope sometimes so I just can't imagine how you cope.

This post is amazing. You are truly an inspiration to me and many others.

I can't believe the things people say to you. Good on you for being such a positive person.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Suz! Love reading your blog. I agree with you on the positive attitude. It is the best way to live life and it makes you a better person. You can also help others see the positive side of events (even when they seem sooo bad)and that usually helps them feel better. I knew you guys were amazing before reading your blog, but now I know why God gave you the opportunity of raising 4 wonderfur kids. Gracias(I really enjoyed the reading and the videos)!!! See yall soon :)

Our Happy Married Life... said...

First of all, you are amazing! I always look forward to reading your blog. I can't believe anyone would have a negative thing to say about you or your family. You are truly an uplifting person and even though I don't know you, I am a pretty good judge of character and I think you are awesome! Keep the blogs a coming!!! Thank you for sharing all that you do!

Kris said...

I just love reading your blog. I know a lot of people have said this, but you really are an inspiration. And I have to say you have the best smile. I am a mother of three. 3 1/2 year old twin girls and a 22 month old little girl.

We are from MN but currently living in South Korea. My husband's job has brought us here. So, I have a whole new set of challenges. Like you have time, but I do have a blog of my own that I set up since moving here if you want to check it out. If not, no worries busy Mommy!

Great job on raising those beautiful babies of yours!


Casey's trio said...

You rock sista! Love-Love-Love your positive attitude:)

Jody said...

Tomorrow my hubby and I are going on a long road trip with our twins. I keep telling myself, "If Suz can do it, so can I!" Girl, YOU ROCK!! Plain and simple!!

God chose you and I am so glad HE did! I know you are too! Keep up the amazing work you guys! I have a "Joe" for a husband and couldn't live without him... before kids and now after!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

How terrible that people leave mean comments! I love your blog..thank you for ignoring those rude people and continuing to share, it makes me smile :)

Anonymous said...

If I lived near you, Id want you to be my best friend!!! I love your outlook in life and how you strive daily to live with a positive attitude, You are one wise woman and I know you will get through anything!! Thanks for sharing, you have such a beautiful life! Keep on with that positive attitude!!
Hey, love that motto... youve been blessed, now go be a blessing!! You are indeed a blessing to me!!! I look at your blog, and it takes no time for smiles to pop on my face. God gave your family a good sized mouth of smiles for a reason. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE how you all shine...
Heidi C. in IN

Cassi said...

You are amazing! People talk about how awesome Kate and John are from Kate plus 8, but you and Joe have them beat. You two have the best attitude and outlook on life, and live vocations as spouses and parents to the fullest - with no TV network and sponsors to help. You guys seriously rock my world. I'm so impressed.

Malena said...

I've been so crabby all morning, letting stuff get to me, and I am so happy I read this post to remind me to choose my attitude. Thank you!

Rebecca said...

You and your family are just precious! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog -- I love it!

I admire your strength and perspective. You are a great example of a Godly woman, and I can tell you have a passion for our Lord.

God Bless the Steece Family!

Phat Girl said...

This post is an amazing one. I have been a long time reader & only commented maybe once....My best girlfriend has 2 sets of twins....ages 6 and 2 1/2....her day is very similar to yours....non-stop beautiful chaos. I love going to her home in the afternoon when all the kids are fired up from the's greatness! I absolutely admire/adore you and your precious family. Keep up the Great Work. God Bless the Steece Family!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne you and your family are beautiful!
Those precious little toddlers are just AMAZING!


Ms. Perky said...

hah hah. I make the bed EVERY SINGLE DAY. 11 month old triplets, 5 year old ADHD kindergartner, full time job - it doesn't matter, my bed gets made EVERY SINGLE DAY. I would go crazy all day long thinking about an unmade bed! I thought I was the only one. :)

Look how far we've come... we shared most of our pregnancies together, and now we've got healthy bouncing toddlers - how incredible!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering why on God's good green Earth someone would write a message attacking you or anything else about this blog. They must be mentally ill. I love your choosing to be positive and we have the same motto for housework, "what isn't done toady can be done tomorrow!".

lubke-moss said...

You've got it all figured out! :)
Placing God at the center of your life is definitly the key. It helps with your attitude, emotions, relationships, and everything else a person faces during their everyday life. God didn't promise us an easy and comfortable existance, but he did promise us his love, guidance, support, peace, and joy. I love how you said that everyday was a continuous prayer. I start everyday with a prayer, too. My family has always referred to little prayers throughout the day as "arrow prayers". We just shoot them up real fast. :)
Christ's richest blessings to you and Joe as you continue to grow in your marriage and raise your beautiful children.
~Candace (long time reader, first time commenter, and soon to be mommy of 1) :)

Linda said...

What a beautiful post and a great reminder to stay in touch with God and have Him guide us through our day. You are a true inspiration!

The Porter Family said...


You are such an encouragement! There is nothing like reading your blog to put life in perspective!... And I think I'M busy!!!!! To hear about the positive attitude you have that keeps you going is so simple yet so necessary. I try to remember that every day :) Thanks for the reminder!

Love, Krystle

Greta said...

I don't understand negative comments either - and besides, who could even come up with one!

You are such an encouragement, especially your attitude. You've got adorable kids, an adorable husband, you're adorable and you're doing "it". You're raising FOUR little kiddos (which has just got to be soooo difficult) and you're doing it. You seem to be thriving, not just making it. Thanks for sharing with all of us!

The Armstrong Family said...

Wow! I am so impressed with your attitude. It makes such a difference. You are an inspiration for so many! I love hearing you talk about Waco and Central Texas because my husband and I grew up and now live in Temple.
I agree that you should delete any negative comment. Those people need something else to do!

Jessica said...

love you blog and can't believe anyone would have anything bad to say about you and your sweet family!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you so much for that entry! I feel uplifted in my soul and I admire you and your family.

TheSipeFamily said...

Cannot believe people would say negative stuff. I, on the other hand, bought you a christmas ornament and wanted to send it to you. I am not a mad stalker and just saw it when I was in S.Carolina and thought you would like it. You can email me at and let me know where to ship it. I understand if you do not want to give me your address. I could send it to you c/o your church if that would make you feel better. I have a blog but hate to post the address on here since SOOO many people read your stuff. I do love your blog and all of my friends do too. We ask everyday-Have you read the Quad's blg? Did you see those pics??" You are an inspiration and remind me that I need to keep my cool with my son and let the dishes stay dirty!!! Thanks, TIffany S from Tenn.

Kerin said...

I have been reading your blog for about a month and I wish I found it sooner (before I had twins)! You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your life and your heart. May God continue to bless your precious family!

Anonymous said...

I'm a single mother by choice of twin girls and I love your blog. I love my girls and love being their mom. I'm asked all the time how I do it and it didn't hit me until I read this post, I stay positive! You are so right. We have a choice and I choose to be positive and laugh with my wonderful daughters.

Your wonderful relationship with Joe helps me keep the faith alive that there are wonderful guys out there!

Anonymous said...


You rock. Your posts are a constant source of encouragement. I check in often to see how things are going with your precious family. Have a wonderful weekend. You deserve it. :)

meow said...

What sort of crazy person goes through the trouble of reading a blog just to be a big fat meanie?! I'm not too much of a spiritual person, but I do believe in sending kind vibes and positivity to others (even via the internet!). You've got a lot of readers who adore your lovely family. I really admire you all so much. Silly of me to say, maybe, being a random stranger, but after reading for almost a year, it almost doesn't feel that way!

Anonymous said...

Suz, I happened upon your blog from the Michael's blog in Bloomington, IL. I swear you could be a sister of mine. Positive attitude, crazy fun. I love catching up on how things are going for you and your family. Now that your kiddos are up and running around, I'm sure you're facing challenges beyond imagination. I have some amazing toilet seat locks I no longer need and no one wants to buy. Are you squared away in the toilet seat saftey arena? They are Kidco locks and are awesome. Please let me know if you'd like me to send them to you (free of charge of course).

Heidi said...

I think this is a wonderful post, thank you for sharing it all with us! I am sorry also that some people have not been so nice, but I guess you find that anywhere, and like you said, we just have to choose to be positive!

TXSkipper said...

God is using you and your family in amazing ways. Thank you for sharing yourself so selflessly. Your words are an encouragement to me - a mom who has been battling Satan over control of my mind and feelings. God chose you to be a mom of four because He knew you would give Him all the glory - every single moment and victory - all His. God bless you all.

Elyse said...

I can not believe the strength that you have given through this blog to me Suz. You and Joe are awesome parents and Sav, Ben, Ethan, and Drew are so lucky to have you. Seriously, when I am having a tough day and look at your kiddos, I feel better and am so glad to have you as a "blogger buddy."

You guys' strength is AWESOME and I look foward to posts. I can honestly say that your blog is in my top 5 favorites because you are always so sweet and encouraging.

I can not believe some of those rude commentors out there! What nerve! Glad you take them with a grain of salt!

Have a great weekend!

SG said...

I guess I'm the 94 person shocked and awed that someone would say something negative to you on here! Good for you tht you don't read them or post them here because the writer of mean or negative things to you would probably be tarred and feathered on here...not something you want on a baby blog!

O live your attitude, your blog, your sweet babies and ..I have to admit your fashion sense! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone would have something negative to say about you! I mean, I understand their are those kind of people out there that are just very unkind but I will never understand that.

You have 4 amazing kids and a wonderful husband and family/friends. Good for you! You really are blessed.

Shannon said...

I am a friend of Mari's and I read your blog... This most recent post was so uplifting to me. I can't believe people would be rude to you. That's unimaginable... the nerve. God bless you!

hope4more said...

Let me first say that I am sorry to hear that people could be so negative towards you and your family. That is really sad to me. I have to admit I am not a huge child person and my husband and I aren't planning to have any at this point. However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and find you so uplifting and positive. I can not see how anyone could find anything bad to say about anything. Your babies are darling, and you two as a couple are inspirational. I learn a lot from you and your positive attitude and I totally agree, it is a hundred percent our desicion to either be positive or negative. You have been blessed tremedously and we are blessed that you let us look into your life through this blog. There are days I just go back and look and laugh, it brings my mood right back up. You have a good way of projecting your stories and communicating with us over the computer. Thank you for all the sharing.

Kristi said...

Suz... I can relate to so much you say. My husband I were blessed with healthy twins and everytime we go out, we get the "You have your hands full", "you must never get any sleep", "Did you plan this?" as they give ugly looks to my beautiful babies!!

It's frustrating. But for every negative comment there's 10 positive comments.


BTW, I was at Macy's the other day and some lady at the make up counter was making a comment about my twins and how cute my little girl's bow was. And she mention that a woman with quads was in a few days previous (a week or so). I wonder if that was you LOL. :)

Have a great evening with your family.

Halli Matheny said...

I have been following your blog since right after you found out you were pregnant. I found it through the Wilkinson Quintuplet blog (she's a good friend of mine and I go help her with the babies once a week while my kids are at school). I feel like a stalker as I haven't met you but feel like I know you after reading your blog. I look forward to your posts and love seeing what your beautiful babies are learning. I just think you are so cool. I would love to meet you as we have a lot in common (i.e. I love to eat out and go to movies! :) I just wanted you to know that I think your family is awesome and truly a blessing.

TMR said...

I am a mom of almost 2 year old triplets (bgg 27 wks), a 3 year old and a 12 year old....Love your blog!! I have been reading for sometime now, but I had to comment today. I feel the same way, I am so blessed to have my children, and all the comments people make, you just have to let them roll of you, because we know how luckey we are. I love what you said about being blessed now go be a blessing, that is the best. Our lives our full of love and lots of kids and we would not change it for the world.

The McNulty Family said...

I love you. This post was freaking AWESOME!

You inspire me to be a better wife, mother and friend EVERYDAY! I don't know what i would do without you.

Joe, DYING over the OCD cleaning issues. LOVE IT.. LOVE A NICE CLEAN TABLE too ;)!!!

As for the mean people. Well, the suck. I need to jump on your band wagon. We are so blessed.. the jerks just can't bring us down. Keep on smiling and the world smiles with you.

Oh btw... you are beautiful in scrubs or all dressed up. BEAUTIFUL, inside and out!

I love you!

Michelle Larkinson said...

thanks fo ryou help the other day! did you ever recieve my other e-mail?
thanks, muichelle

Kathy said...


I love reading your blog and the kids are getting so big! I have a favor. I have a friend that just found out she is expecting quads and lives in the central Texas area. She needs some advice on a few things. If you could e-mail me, that would be great. I wasn't able to find your e-mail anywhere to contact you. xoxo


Anonymous said...

OMG!! I love your blog and I too cannot believe that people would waste keystrokes to insult you guys. I guess that more than the tongue is evil now...Keep up the great work... You always know when you are doing right because satan gets even busier! Keep praising God!


Travis & Jeri Tidmore said...

I am a first time commenter!! I have been reading your blog for a long time...and you are amazing!! I only have one sweet baby, but the amount of love that oozes out of me for that tiny boy is insane!! I can only imagine that you must be BURSTING with love because you have FOUR sweet miracles! That has to feel great! God has blessed you guys...and you know it and are obviously thankful for that. I'm glad you don't even pay attention to the nay-sayers...if they could feel the amount of love that you feel on a daily basis for your family, then they would be hugging you!!


Anonymous said...

it's amazing how quickly I can read through your blog posts. i love the way you write!! I can't believe people have the nerve to leave rude comments on your blog and even worse, say rude things to you about having 4 kiddos!! That's crazy! I think your kiddos are adorable. i have 2 kiddos 15 months apart so sometimes I feel like I have twins (much different than quads, I know :) I'm sure people give me rude looks or say things, especially when they are rowdy in stores and don't have shoes on b/c we somehow left the house without them (I have a 2 year year old and 10 month old - little boys) i agree with you, ignore those people, delete their comments and move on. Love on those little ones that God has blessed you with!!


Anonymous said...

You and Joe are doing a fantastic job with those beautiful sweeties! I appreciate your outlook and postive attitude. People sometimes don't realize how words hurt so much. I'm so glad how you handle their statements. We are all here praying for each of you daily in Arkansas!

Jennifer Prince said...

You and Joe (and your fabulous hair! ;) ) are absolutely inspiring. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!
I've been having a rough night with my one child, and this post just made me reflect so much more on the positive. Thank you for bringing me there!


C.Thompson said...

I read and lurk on your blog often and I can not imagine why anyone would want to say rude things about you and your family. I admire your positive outlook and I really enjoy following your blog.

Allison P. said...

I love reading your blog and enjoy your positive attitude. I have a 2 year old and a 9 month old. I appreciate your thoughts and think that if someone can do it with 4, I can do it with my two. And, i must say that you have fabulous hair and taste in clothing.

Anonymous said...

I have been a lurker for awhile, and never commented before. Your post was so uplifting for all moms out there struggling with day to day balance. I have a one year old son and reading your blog has helped me have a positive outlook on all the ups and downs of parenting. Thank you!!

New Hampshire

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I found your blog thru my friend Shelly Oliver's blog. I have read thru all of it, starting when you found out you were preggo with the are an amazing woman and such an inspiration to me. I think of you often throughout the past couple of days and have even told some of my friends about your blog. It's so refreshing to read a blog from a "real" perspective on motherhood and life in general. I am married and a mom of three, but our middle son was stillborn. I have battled with my relationship with God since losing my son. Reading your words about your relationship with God has truly been a blessing for me. I have always believed that there are no coincidences in life and I know God has led me to your page...thank you and I wish you and your family many blessings.

-Nicole Rodriguez of Waco, TX

Anonymous said...

I really do not remember how I stumbled on your blog but I have loved reading every minute of it!!! Your children are so very precious and you are truly an inspiration!!! Thank you so much for sharing your precious ones with us. You all are truly blessed!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Phyllis in Texas

Melissa Stover said...

your 4 babies are so precious!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to share with you that your family is an inspiration to all us mommy's and the daily sturggles that we have. It is nice to have someone to keep things in persprctive for us! Thanks for the positive christian views everyday!!!!

Ashley D said...

I've been reading since before the kiddos were born, and I think they are all so adorable! But I am just stopping by today to let you know that I am recommending your blog today (through my blog) for Blog Day 2008. Woo!

Elyse said...

Are you popular or what? Forgot to say last time that I LOVE the new picture at the top left of you and Joe! Talk about one HOT mama!
Have a great day!

Wellers said...

You are amazing (as is your husband)'s difficult somedays just with one baby, I can't imagine doing it with 4.

You make the rest of us know that anything can be done! Your children are adorable and will be so amazed someday!!

Bethany said...

Hi, I've been reading your blog for a while now but don't think I've ever commented... just wanted to say you are an inspiration and your smiling face and great attitude have at times helped me get through those days when I feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted as a new stay at home mom (to only one baby boy who is almost five months old). Thanks for keeping us updated on your life and those precious kids of yours!!!

Cindy said...

Great job! This was so fun to read and really sounded so familiar (reflux, exhaustion, etc...)!!! How time has flown by!
And the daily uniform? Mine's almost exactly the same except I'm wearing boxer shorts instead of scrubs. HA HA!

Anonymous said...

You ARE a beautiful person. I look forward to your blog every day and love to see you and your lovely family. Thanks for sharing your story and for encouraging others. May God continue to richly bless you and your family. I know you are a testimony for Him!!! Thanks for being you and for sharing "you" with us! You are an inspiration. I love you and I don't even know you.
A sister in Christ,

Lindsey Eason said...

Amen sista'!!! Great post! And I am baffled as to why in the world anyone would feel the need to think negative things about you and your beautiful family...much less SHARE those negative thoughts - craziness!! So glad to hear you just delete and move on - THAT is a motto to live by. :)

Doreen Larson Michael said...

I must say that I come to your blog for many reasons. Most importantly, I look forward to seeing your family grow. Their birth and develoopment is a miracle from God and I love being a witness to that. Secondly, your positive thinking is contagious and we all need that. Another reason, a rather selfish one, is that this keeps me close to those I love in Texas when distance makes it impossible to see you day to day.

Suzanne, (Sunshine) you and your family are an inspiration and you have certainly lived up to your commitment to be a wonderful witness to others about God and his miraculous works in your lives.

Suzanne said...

I am a stranger that reads your blog all the time and I love it. I just wanted to say how much that last post helped me. I am a mother of an 11 month old and have been suffering from post partum. I read what you have to say and it's true. I just need to wake up and be positive. Just reading that made me feel like I can beat this and that I will be ok. You are such an inspiration to all of us mothers. You are doing a great job and don't ever let anyone tell you different.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just spent the morning reading your blog....and crying and laughing. A friend sent me the link since I am expecting quads anyday now. I will be 30 weeks tomorrow and am enjoying some of the same things such as bedrest that you enjoyed. We are expecting 3 dudes and 1 diva just like you guys! I have found your posts to be so inspirational! Thank you so much for the time you've put into this!
Future Quad Mommy

Tonya Staab said...

Just wanted to say that I love you, your blog and your outlook on life. You are an inspiration and for those nasty pieces of work with their negative comments go get a life and leave this fabulous mummy of 4 alone.

MEGAN said...

It is such a blessing to read your blog. You are a beautiful woman, and have a beautiful family. Your positive attitude makes your job look easy, but I know 4 toddlers is anything but easy. Praise God for wonderful mothers (and fathers) like you and your husband.

Beth Anne said...

"Be a Blessing!" You must be a Beth Moore fan :) I love that expression. I love your blog, Suz -- keep being amazing in life, as a mom, and in this blog.

Beth Anne said...

"Be a Blessing!" You must be a Beth Moore fan :) I love that expression. I love your blog, Suz -- keep being amazing in life, as a mom, and in this blog.

Anonymous said...

I am just curious about the quarantine thing. I didn't think much about it last winter, but at 1+ years old, are the quads still more susceptible to infection? Just curious!

Amanda's News said...

Loved reading that! I totally agree, it is all in the attitude:) You are an amazing mom and Joe is an amazing dad. Love you!

Allison said...

I have a question for you-- I have twins and when I am having one of THOSE days where I feel sorry for myself and overwhelmed I think "well, at least I don't have triplets or quads!" So, when you are having one of THOSE days, what do you think, "at least I'm not John & Kate...The Duggar Family..etc.?" :)Seriously, I'd love to hear you fill in the blank!

asplashofsunshine said...

Rude comments to you???? Ok, so I don't know you, but come on, how can you find something rude to write about when you see happy children, and bubbly posts. Yikes, this world can be pathetic! Keep up with the fun posts Suz (I can call ya Suz right?). You are a breath of fresh air... and don't delete this comment. ha ha!

A Day in the Life of Quads said...

Hi... a friend of mine gave me your website... i too have quads... and they too are 3 boys and a girl... they turned 20 months today in fact... and they are a joy to have.. congrats on your bunch...

Courtney said...

Gosh, y'all are such an inspiration and are obviously doing such a great job with ALL your blessings.

However, I am relieved to see that you don't get decked out everyday. :-) I, too, love to get "fixed up" just to make myself feel better...even if we're just going to the park or the grocery. But even with one kid, I have days with no make up, no cute tops, and no sassy jewelry. I was wondering how you looked so stinkin' cute everyday with 4 babies...thanks for letting the secret out! ;-)

Anonymous said...

well I think it's time I come out of the closet.. lol I've been 'stocking' your blog for sometime and I am hooked! I'm taken back by the fact that people would right negative things on YOUR blog. If they don't like it or anything you talk about then DUH - don't read it! Got to love the world we live in :)

I'm a mother of two and have just recently been blessed by 'on lookers' comments. It amazes me the things people will say to strangers - who gives them the right. But I do try to kill them with kindness :)

Shawna said...

I love reading your blog! It is so neat! I found it one day and was amazed! You must be a very special person to deserve such a wonderful blessing! :) I have 3 boys and a
4th on the way and we feel very blessed also! Keep up the good work! :)

glam R baby said...

Hey Suz! I don't know if you remember me or not but we talked a while back about doing pics of the babies with a photographer friend of mine and also I was wanting to give you some of my items from glam R baby! Love your blog and let me know if this is still something you are wanting to do!! Thanks hon!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

you are the most BEAUTIFUL mommy of four, not only outside , but inside as well. you have your priorities in order for sure. Lovely family. You are all gorgeous. Keep up the great work. You are a blessing and inspiration to people all over the world!!!!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for sharing your Christian life with the world. I have been reading your blog for about a year now and I am just so impressed with how you have managed not only the first year with quads, but how you never ever leave God out. So encouraging in today's world. I found your site through the Ross Quads here in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area and I know God lead me here. We too have struggled with fertility, two miscarrages and one live birth so far (Greta who will be 3 in November). We are currently pregnant again, with only one, thank you God. I just wanted to let you know that you have made a positive difference in so many lives and we are truly thankful. I have heard it said, that you do not have to shine a flood light, just your individual candle, one can make a difference. Thanks.

I also noticed today that you have an ad for Children's vaccines. As a nurse myself, our daughter received all of the vaccines which were offered. I however, have friends who are "choosing" which vaccines to give their kids. Do you have any advise as to encourage them that those vaccines have been created to help not only their children but society's kids? Just wondering.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Suz,

I read your blog a lot. I recently found out I'm pregnant and I am so completly scared. I've had a miscarriage before and a healthy baby and so far I feel "normal" no sickness, etc., so I am so fearful. I was up two hours on Tuesday night just worrying, so reading how you were so scared and just gave it God really made me think and that is what I'm going to do! So huge THANKS for providing support to me.

Jeannie said...

can i just say i love you! :) you are so encouraging to love the lord, you husband and your children so much---and it's great that it comes through in your writing.

BuckeyeBundle said...

I just stumbled across your blog from one of my triplet friend's blog list. I just wanted to comment and tell you how much I love this post and whole heartedly agree about it's all in the attitude. I have 6 month old triplet girls and there are days that I ask myself how do I get through this day, but then I ask God to give me some strength and here I am. I am also lucky because I have a wonderful husband.

Before I make this comment a book...just wanted to say way to go, I love your attitude and your children are adorable!

megan k said...

Just found your blog and too cute! Those little faces with little teeth make me smile!

When I was pregnant with my first child people would always say, "Ohh your life is going to change. It will never be the same again." I'd tell them, "Good b/c it's pretty boring right now anyways."

Now we have two and life is much better than before. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne,

You probably don't remember me but i was in nursing school with you maybe a year behind i think. i found out about your blog from Kristen Thompson. I am just so happy for you and your family and am amazed at how God works. He knew that you could handle these beautiful babies and that is why he gave you the opportunity to bless these children as their mommy. You are an encouragement to so many people and i often wonder if i can have more that one child because one is challenging enough. Reading you blog helps me realize that i would love to have more children no matter how challenging it is because they bring so much joy with all the challenges. keep up the blogging, it is wonderful. You are truly a light,

Sincerely, Shelley (Kung) Rio

Christy said...

Suze, I just read the post about the day the quads turned 1 and all the craziness you endured before their party! Holy Cow, I was exhausted. You are amazing. Can't believe how calm and collected you were that day plus your house looked amazing. Big props to you and your helpers. The kids get cuter with each post!! Lots of love, Christy and Adam

Ware Family said...

Hi Suz,
I just found your blog and I love it! I have identical twin girls who are almost a year, and like you, we get the stares when we go out, esp. since I also have an older son. I don't think anyone realizes how special and wonderful it is to have multiples, it's just something you can't explain.
I know I had no idea before I had the twins, and it would make me tired just looking at moms like that. I had no idea I was going to join the club!! But I have and I'm so glad.
I think God has a big hand in all of this, and I know now that for all the trials I go through, He blesses me ten times as much. It's amazing how that works huh?
I think your attitude is amazing and you're doing a fine job of dealing with the daily stresses and logistical issues that come with having multiples, esp. quads!
May the Lord bless you (especially during RSV lockdown--ugh!).
Take care!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

I love this post, Suz. Just found your blog now and I love your attitude - hmmm, maybe that's God talking to me. Because these TWINS are hard, hard work.

Allison said...

Hi, I stumbled across your site and think its very cool you're a mom of 4! What a blessing :)
I just wanted to say you can do it! My best friend is the 2nd oldest of 6 children. The youngest 4 are quads 2 boys 2 girls and they are now 18. Time flies but seeing your post and pics make me think of them when they were little. Well just wanted to share. God bless :)


Anonymous said...

You and your family rock! May your life be always full of blessings.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about all of your adventures. I am the mom of 4 young boys, the last 2 are fraternal twins. I get rude comments a lot too and think that the best way to deal with it is with a smile and kindness. You are amazing and I love your positive energy!!! Thank you for sharing your blessings with us.


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