Monday, September 29, 2008

RNs at Play...

I had a WONDERFUL time in Maryland/Virginia with my gals!! It was so great to reconnect and play...we are all so busy during the year that we don't talk near as much as we'd like to--so once a year we make a point to get together and catch up! How fun to live in different, neat and exciting states that we can all visit each year?! I missed the babies, but knew they were in great hands! The Diaper Darlings played with them during the day (Thank you SOOOO much!) and Joe took over once he got home from work. Joe took off Friday and loaded up the kids for lots of lovin' in Austin.

We took the train into DC and played around the Capitol for a while.
Jess, Suz with baby Monroe, Wendy, Alisha with baby Aria, and Maurine (Sonya snapping pic)

This is what happens when you forget that your automatic timer on your camera takes 3 pictures right in a row... (Sonya, Jess, Mo, Alisha, Wendy, Suz)

It was difficult to decide on which museum to visit b/c there are SO many good ones! We ended up at the Newseum and it was FANTASTIC! It followed history in the news- from a journalistic perspective. Here we are on an outside balcony with the Capitol in the background.

This was a 9/11 exhibit with front pages of newspapers lining an entire wall. The massive structure was a piece of antennae from the top of one of the twin towers. We watched lots of video footage--very emotional.

One of my favorite displays of the Newseum was the award winning Pulitzer Prize photographs--from the very first one to the most recent. Some of the moments captured on film are just incredible. You could sit down and click on a photo and hear about what was going on in that picture....amazing.

We went for a stroll around Historic Georgetown

...stopping for coffee, sweet treats, and lots of girl talk

Made our way over to the charming little town of Leesburg one day

Nice little walk around the neighborhood...

And a great, girls night out
Suz & Sonya

Wendy, Alisha, and Aria

Maurine & Jess (due in January!)

I just couldn't get enough baby luvin'!!!


Sonya, Alisha, Suz
Wendy, Maurine, Jess

To my nursing girlies:
I love you SO, SO much and had a blast! Alisha & Sean: thanks for letting us stay at your place--LOVED getting to see where you live and love on those boys.
Can't wait to do it again in California next year! Miss you gals already...

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The Murray Crew said...

Looks like a rockin' time, Steece. Course anything turns into a great time with your smile and sweetness! These pics make me miss you even more!!!!!! I love all the baby lovin' action...jealous of that too! =)

I love you dearly!

MEGAN said...

In CA next year! You should take the quads to Disneyland!

How fun to get away for a few days with great friends : )

Emily said...

I love that you work at your friendships and find a way to see your girlfriends even though you all live far away. I am glad you had a great getaway.

Andria said...

Fun pictures! I wish I had as many friends as you do! And growing up in the printing/newspaper industry, I love the link you provided for the Newseum! Never heard of it before. Very neat! Thank you!

a portland granny said...

Great, Keep it up! At 76 I still get together a couple of times a year with my "girlies" from my college years. You can't beat the memories!

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Had a great time!! Thanks for lovin on my little one. Miss you already. Can't wait til next year.

Elyse said...

WOW!!! Looks like you all had a wonderful and relaxing time! I so need a vacation now that I look at the picts of yours. Glad you got some girl time and had a blast!
Have a great week!

Jessica said...

Wow you guys were in Leesburg!?!? You missed out on hooking up with some of the COOLEST blogging triplet Mamas around!! Oh well!! Maybe next time!!

Whitney said...

Leesburg is my hometown - too funny! I will be there in a few weeks and I can't wait. So glad you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

It was so great to see you Suz! Oh, and the 2 AM text--awesome--thanks for taking my suggestion :). If I wasn't such a slow texter I would have sent you a big congrats immediately.
Can't wait to see you in CA next year!

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish everyone stayed this close to their girlfriends! This is a great post!

Lori said...

Suz I've been reading your blog for most of the summer. I have 3yr. old twins and a 5 mos. old baby. I live in NRH here in the metroplex. I am totally jealous of the stroller skating. I would love to join in on the fun

The main reason I'm commenting is to ask you about nursing. One of my twins just spent 4 days at Cook's. Now I want to be a nurse. I was a teacher & I'm staying home now, but I know I'll go back to working eventually. I'm not sure teaching is for me. Tell me the good sides & not so good sides of nursing. I've lifeguarded for years so I think I can handle the yucky stuff and the urgency of some situations. I think I would love to be at a Childrens hospital.

Aimee said...

That was great you got out and have some fun girl time! Sounds like you had a blast! I live in the VA/DC area (Fairfax County) an love it here!

Cherie said...

I can't believe you were in Leesburg! Ditto to what Jess said. . .you definitely missed meeting up with some of the coolest triplet mommy bloggers around.

Glad you had a fun girls weekend!

Chela said...

It's so cool that God provides ways for you to enjoy some great girl time with your close friends. You are gorgeous by the way! Your inner beauty makes you glow all over! Thank you for setting us all such a great example of womanhood.


Sandi said...

Hi there! I have a quick question. When you were in the hospital before the babies were born, what are some things that helped you, encouraged, passed the time etc. . . My dear friend is in the hospital for at least 4 weeks with her twins and I wanted to help her out so I came to ask the expert! Thanks!

Amanda's News said...

Glad you had a great trip and reunion! I'm sure Joe was anxious to have you home again:)

The G's said...

Hey! I found you blog and have been reading for a while. You are really blessed. I had to comment since you were in my neck of the woods. Glad you enjoyed DC and how cute is Leesburg? Did you eat at Lightfoot? Maybe next time. Glad you had a great time. Thanks for sharing your exciting journey with four babies with us.

Erika von said...

FUN!! Glad you were able to get some "SUZ TIME" in!! Every Momma needs that :-)
Love from FL,
(17 month daughter Kai)

Jeannie said...

I live in leesburg! :) i cant believe you were so close! i am so glad you had a great time--you deserve it!

Deanna Turner said...

Looks like you had a great time!! But I bet you are glad to be home to those precious babies!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the action photo of you running towards camera! Awesome :)
I am so glad you had a good time.
Really sad we werent able to get together before RSV season. Its so sad to me that we live so close together and us and the kids have never gotten together :(

Charity Donovan said...

Looks like a blast! Good for you girl...getting some girly time!!!

studentrntiffany said...

What a wonderful trip!

Im so excited to join the RN ranks!

~St. Louis Galz! said...

Hi! If you're in the 4-6th grade at my school then we get to go to Washington this summer! Was it like really awesome? I think it'd b kewl 2 no so then i no wat 2 expect when i go.

P.S. I love your site!!!

~St. Louis Galz! said...

Oh and do you still live in Arlington? If so then have you ever heard the Arlington All-City Choir? My cousin is in it.

~St. Louis Galz! said...

Oh and do you still live in Arlington? If so then have you ever heard the Arlington All-City Choir? My cousin is in it.

DJones said...

How great that you take a bit of time for just girl time. I'm sure that you came home recharged! I hope that you don't mind, but I added your page to the gadget on my page.

Deb said...

Ok - Somehow I made it to your blog and now I'm hooked. I've read the whole blog and now I'm anxiously waiting an update! So come on! Get to it lady! =)
Love the blog, the kids are gorgeous and I'm amazed that you have FOUR babies and still sound so sane....

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