Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mama's Lap Dogs

Joe snapped this picture of us right before bedtime. Mama had just returned from her "ever-so-fun" root canal and was exhausted. Ben and Savannah were not feeling well, and Ethan & Andrew wanted up in my lap too.

Ahhhh...I immediately felt better!

This is a daily ritual in our home: Cuddling up to a video with all of our chick-a-dees, right before bedtime. Usually, Joe holds two and I hold two--but tonight, they all wanted in Mama's lap!

I love it...favorite time 'o the day for me.

Sweet Dreams!

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Grunwaldt Family said...

That is so sweet!!

The McNulty Family said...

Holy Cuteness. I love you!

The Murray Crew said...

I just wanna kiss their little brown heads.
Household...get it?

Anonymous said...

Life doesn't get any better than that!!! I know you couldn't even imagine what blessings your would have remembering past christmas'...God is so good and has blessed ya'll beyond measure!!!
All you needed was Shiloh in your lap too!!!!

Dorinda said...

Oh so cute :) I love when they happily sit there! Enjoy it - they'll be fighting soon :) But man, the cuddles are the best part of the job.

mandy_moo said...

Yeah, I was surprised to not see lil Shiloh in your lap too!! ;) That is so cute though. :D

Anonymous said... is absolutely amazing!

Casey's trio said...

SO Sweet! Just precious Suz! Sorry to hear about your root canal. Yikes!!

Anonymous said...

happy family

Catherine said...

Adorable! There's nothing that will help a mamma feel better than her precious children snuggled on her lap!

DJones said...

so sweet!

Blair said...

That is adorable!!

My girls do that with me too and I just love it. My favorite is when my oldest starts giving me kisses. Melts my heart and makes everything right in this world!

Hope you are feeling better!

Blair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Spotted-Bird said...

That is so sweet. You did a good job of getting everyone in your lap.

The Titsworth Family said...

How sweet!

I hope your root canal was ok and your mouth is feeling better! My husband had 2 root canals this summer and he said it wasn't fun. :) Have a Merry Christmas!

Dallas said...

So so sweet! They are at the best age right now, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!! I just want to kiss their lil heads =)

Love your blog btw Suz, just spent all of yesterday reading the archives! What an amazing journey, thank you for sharing it all!

Kathy said...

Oh my goodness, melts my sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

it has to be the best feeling in the world to have had a rough day (OR good day) and then have all those beautiful babies to love on when you get home =)

The Reeves bunch said...

Oh my gosh! I love those times when she just wants to be with me. No other motive then just to spend sometime with her mama. So precious!

Anonymous said...

I said "Awwwww" out loud before reading your blog entry. :) What a precious moment caught on camera. So sorry you're dealing with a painful root canal. I hope you're feeling better today.

TEXOSE said...

How cute.... My littles do that with the dad too but they don't fit anymore together. We have invested in a larger seat for them all. We went with a double pasapan for them and the dog that want up in Daddy's lap. It is so adorable. Thanks for sharing... I think yall might need a bigger chair before too long to...hehehehehehe
What a blessing! Love yah and miss yah...ALL!!!

Stacey said...

Aww..this melts my heart! Too sweet! I love it!

Rachel said...

That's too cute...

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Sorry to hear about the root canal, those are no fun at all. Hope you are feeling all better soon. I prescribe some more of those sweet baby hugs and cuddles in the chair!

Stacey said...

Too cut. I hope the root canal went well. I bet coming home to those 4 cute faces made all the pain go away.

Lees said...

Melts your heart! Hey - sorry I haven't written lately - been crazy here too - but not as crazy as it sounds like it has been there! Pray for you and the rest of the pieces often! Merry Christmas - may you and Joe get some special Christmas time together too!

Elyse said...

Precious babies just wanted mama!!! They are adorable and yuck with the root canal. Hope you feel better girl! Gotta love you some lovable quads!

Pam said...

Awe! Thatis so precious! At least they don't mind sharing! I hope you are feeling better too! Thank you for sharing also, your children have such a good example....from both of you! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.

boysmum2 said...

Way cute, and such a lovely routine. We do the same, well when they let us as now they just want to keep playing some more!

Unknown said...

so cute! hope you're not feeling too bad after your root canal. Just what you wanted for Christmas, huh?

Anonymous said...

Awe, that's just too cute. I hope everyone, including mamma, feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

How precious! I have spent the last couple of days reading about your journey from the beginning. I must say...what an inspiration. I hope when my husband and I have children, we can find strength and happiness in every situation as you have. Congratulations and I look forward to reading about what your future may hold!

Cori said...

What a great picture! You have a beautiful family.

Andria said...

Aww, what I'd give to have one sit still on my lap! You are so lucky!

Kalle said...

Such sweetness.

*Lissa* said...

That is so sweet!!

Dana Banana said...

What a precious picture! Love seeing the pictures of your sweet angels!

Anonymous said...

Suz, I have been reading your blog for a while now (thank you for being such a blessing!) and I read this today and immediately thought of you and the similar experience you had with Savannah: You are such an encourager and I just thought I would pass on the link to you.

Christmas blessings to you and your precious family!


Jessicca said...

Too precious Suz. I can't believe how big they're all getting! Thinking about you all this Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I had this post pulled up on my laptop at work during my lunch and I heard about 20 "Awwww's" in the background.
So sweet!
Hope your feeling better after the root canal. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

How amazing. I found your blog on Tuesday. Ever since, I have been nothing but engulfed in it. I started at the very beginning. I couldn't stop. It was like an amazing novel. Your faith, positive attitude and great motherly love are things I strive for. I am not a mom yet. Don't tell a sole, but you have given me baby fever like no other. (I started a blog a couple weeks ago, and last night I blogged about your blog, and announced that it DIDN'T give me baby-fever. I had to tell a little lie to keep the mom and MIL from getting too excited.) You are again, truly inspirational. I can't believe I read all the way to present day. I am going to go back and watch all the videos now. I didn't have a chance to watch them along the way. I hope you have an amazing and blessed Christmas with your growing little blessings.

Allisyn said...

I miss those days when my little boy would cuddle up with me in a chair.. now he is in Argentina and I am waiting for grandkids to cuddle with. Enjoy your little family all to soon they will be grownup and you will be holding their kids. Wishing you and your sweet family Merry Christmas a Happy New Year.

Kelly said...

Love these pics! Such precious moments! Did you ever know you could have so much love for your little ones!! Thanks for posting, I love your blog!! I sorta relate, but not really at all, just my Caleb is the same age of your babies (except I just had 1) We are expecting again though due in August!

Grandma Honey said...

Is that the sweetest picture! Babies are such a comfort so that is like comfort xs 4!

Anonymous said...

Darling picture! Have a great Christmas with those little sweethearts!
Can you tell me what brand and model of safety gate you have at the top of your stairs? My sister and bil have a staircase similar to that are expecting their first this spring. They're going to be needing something like you have.

mrs boo radley said...

Oof, a root canal?

Must make having four babies seem like a walk in the park!

Heal soon and happy winter and Merry Christmas to you!

da momma said...

crazy that those big babies were in your tummy!

Unknown said...

This is adorable! Your kids are so cute!

Misadventures in Baby Raising

Kari said...

I love this! That's my favorite time of day too, when my two little ones (2 and 5 years old) snuggle up in my lap. The closer they get, the better!

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