Friday, January 09, 2009

Quad Tricks and Happy Dances!

I have been busy making a video montage of some of the quaddies' tricks! (Mainly Savannah) It is funny watching the boys run circles around Little Miss Priss--but she sure is talking, signing, and using those fine motor skills more than her bros! The boys are preoccupied with walking, running and climbing...while all Sav wants to do is read books, learn new words and practice signing. The learning differences between the genders is absolutely amazing (at least with our kids)!

This video is for you, Grandparents!!! Hope you enjoy! (Please forgive the 400 billion times I say "GOOD GIRRRRRL!" in a high annoying voice--We love to practice tons of positive reinforcement over here! hee hee)

Woo Hoo! Happy Friday everyone! If this music doesn't make you want to get up and dance, I don't know what will! Everybody do the "Happy Dance!" Its the WEEKEND!!!

(We call Savannah: "Princess" and sometimes it gets shortened to "Prin" case you wonder what in the world we are saying! lol)

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Elyse said... truly out did your self on this one! Sav sure does love to dance and the boys are so cute as well! Can not believe the trick that daddy taught her...oh my goodness!
Loved the video!!!

Lauren said...

Too cute. I love the little HO, HO, HO. That is what mine have always called santa around that age.

Deb said...

You have beautiful children! I'm the proud mom of a 4 1/2 year old son and 1 year old twins! I can't imagine how wonderfully full your heart is with 4 precious ones to love!

Stefanie said...

Such a cute Video!!

The Carlsons said...

your video has made my day! i'm down sick with strep throat but your video of cute (and SMART) sav has made me smile and giggle. ha!

thanks for sharing!
-fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4.5yo boy

The Murray Crew said...

Happy dancing with you, Steece's! Hope that little Sav has a "M" for a last initial someday. Great job, mama and dads for all your hard work! =)
Love you, sista!


Heather B. said...

They are so adorable!! I am very impressed with all the signs they know! Kendall only knows eat, more, please and thank you! They are growing up so fast!

Caralyn said...

Toooooooooo cute! They are all so smart and simply adorable. I have a 6 year old and 20 month old twins......every day is an adventure. My now 6 year old LOVED signing and had an amazing vocabulary once she started talking. My twins haven't taken to the signing as much, which I have noticed has led to more frustration. We keep trying, but now that they gotten more verbal, I think I have given up a bit. :) the future, you will be SO GLAD you took this video(and all your others!). Whenever we watch old tapes of my oldest, we always are saying "Aw, remember when she did that? It was so cute!" whenever she signs in the videos. Love your blog!

Ashley said...

Wow! I am impressed! I am always talking to my other therapist friends about your kids and how smart and super on track they are. That is just INSANE to me that they were so early and multiples and have no developmental delays at all. I know you had a TON of people praying for you those months in utero. Congrats. I signed with my first one all the time. My one year old just screams all the time...I think I dropped the ball with her. I am curious to know when you started signing with them. Anyway, thanks for the video and your adorable kiddos.

Jenny said...

that was awesome!!!!!!!!! omg i was sitting here cracking up. they are so precious.

DJones said...

So much cuteness going on!
We also had a big difference in my 2 (singletons) in verbal, fine motor (daughter) and just wanting to be busy (son). I had no idea that two children could possibly be SO different!
Good job (insert clapping and high squeaky voice)for all the positive reinforcement... :)

Amy Pennington said...

absolutely precious. Those lil ones make my heart smile. It is so fun to watch them grow up!


adorable! Love the signs...they amke it so much easier to communicate before they can really communicate!:)

Tabaitha said...

That is precious. My little boy, Mason loves to sign, but he would rather climb, run, and jump than talk. I swear one day he is going to speak in full sentences since he knows what I'm saying already.

My favorite trick had to be regarding the longhorns. I couldn't stop laughing.

RG Mama said...

Too adorable! We loved baby signing, too. Please and help signs were the best sanity savers ever!

Amazing Greis said...

Too cute.

Lynn said...

This comment may get duplicated because blogger is not cooperating but as I was saying.....

Your video, your beautiful children and you two precious parents are amazing. What memories you are making for your family. Hope 2009 is full of more of God's blessings.

Leah said...

So cute! I wish I knew sign language, so I could teach my kids!

Kristina said...

Love the video! My fave was Savannah's "Ho, Ho, Ho" it was so prissy and perfect!!

Anonymous said...

they are too cute, especially savannah with her expressions =)

Anonymous said...

That is too cute, she is a sponge!!

Mercedes said...

haha. That is too funny! They are all adorable and smart my goodness.

Rachel said...

Too cute! They are getting so big and developing adorable personalities!

Elizabeth said...

They are sooo adorable! I love all the tricks. I'm a speech pathologist and am so impressed with their signing and imitating! They are doing more than alot of my friends kids who weren't preemies!

Valerie said...

Loved it! Your children are beautiful & adorable! How blessed they are to have such wonderful parents!

The music didn't make me dance, but sure made me hungry for mexican food :O)!

The Johnson 5 said...

That was such a cute video!!

My kids are 13, 9 and 6 and were all about positive reinforcement.

Always have been!

The kids are so cute and so smart!!

The McNulty Family said...

I loved every single second of this!! Those eyes on that Sav, that smile... I just wanna jump through my puter and squeeze her sweet little self.

I love you all!!!

Anonymous said...

The video is so adorable!

Jac Tubre said...

So I just typed this long comment and my computer locked up so sorry if you get this twice...

Your kids are soooo smart! We are working on learning some of those tricks, but they have them DOWN! So funny to to watch them interact. Just precious.

You HAVE to email me the name of those sippy cups! Mine love their sippy cups, but can't drink at the table because they HATE to tip their head back (when washing hair in the tub too :)). That looks like the solution to my problem and the end or our bottle situation that seems to be dragggggggging out.

Love ya,

Marty Rhea Hill said...

Suz and Joe,
You guys rock for parents. Those babies are growing up so fast. Thanks for the sweet post. Love it!!!

Brittney said...

So Cute!!! This must be so exciting :)

Claire said...

Wow - you did a super job of putting together that video! Much more 'professional' than the cruddy ones I make (and was quite proud of until, uh, now).

p.s. loving your sweet accents :)

Melanie said...

Just precious!!!! I was grinning the entire time! :)

Greta said...

Oh, they are too cute!
I love the happy dance :).

Robin Bair said...


Jen said...

Very cute video (as if you don't already know that!)! Keep up the trick training, I mean, learning... :)

Melissa Halford said...

Totally craving chips & salsa now! The "no no" thing cracked me up because just the other day I went to get the kids up to find them already awake and mocking me to each other saying "No No guys" and then laughing hysterically!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Your children are so smart! They are all doing so well! Their doctor will be so impressed next time you go in for a check up. Boys and girls do develop differently. Girls tend to talk sooner than boys. Shiloh is awesome too!
Cathy in Frisco

Hilary said...

That was soooo cute!!!

Kelly said...

Ashley LOOVED seeing the Bebe's and the dog. She also danced w/Sav!

Anonymous said...

so so so sweet. that made my day! your family is absolutely precious. thanks for sharing!

jenn said...

tooo cute! looks like there is never a dull moment in your house! you all look like you are having loads of fun! even shiloh!

Anonymous said...

Hi Suz, its me!!! I love the video. Hope all is well. Hope you had a blessed and wonderful Chirstmas. The babies are getting so big. I love that you are teaching them the happy dance!!!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Awesome! I will tell you what I noticed FIRST THING !! Look how much BIGGER they sit in those seats than the first time. Can you post the 1st picture in the quad table and a current picture? They have grown so much!

They are adorable and you guys are doing a fantastic job!

Jeana said...

LOVE your new background! SO CUTE!!! Lovin' Savannah's dancin' and their signing, too precious!!

Casey's trio said...

So freakin' adorable! Love that all those baby signs are paying off:) Hugs to you all!

Liz said...

Precious!!! Tell her Good Girrrrrrl from me, too! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely video, thanks! I am very impressed with the signing, although I think the baby might be sick (vomit/throw up) if it was rocked as hard as that! Best wishes and happy new year to you all.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

GENIUSES, I tell ya, four geniuINE, GENIUSES on your hands. And, you're right, I loved the Longhorn trick...I even rewound it and showed it to Rich. They're so big, I can't believe it!

p.s. You KNOW this South Texas girl was dancing me some cumbia with that tune! Love it! Miss it!

Angela said...

So. stinkin'. cute! I can't believe how big they're getting already! Your new looks is adorable, too!

Audrey T said...

Good job beginning the Aggie indoctrination YOUNG!

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