Saturday, January 10, 2009


I LOOOOVE working with Jennisa when designing a new blog header and layout! The kiddies are definitely not babies anymore and it was time for a new look! Jennisa is amazing and SOOOO talented. She has great patience and an uncanny knack for getting your personality reflected in your blog page JUST right! If ANY of you are itching to start this new year off with a new do---blog layout header/layout design, etc---please follow this link to Jennisa and she will take care of you from there!

I spent a good amount of time searching thousands of images and found the perfect combinations for our little fam...including my original "Suz" cartoon character! Woo Hoo! I picked out a cute little background---which actually looks exactly like something I would draw with all the little whimsical swirls. (I'm a huge "doodler"--or one who likes to doodle) I gave it all to Jennisa---and she is the miracle worker who made every piece come to life!

Thanks again, Jennisa! You rock my socks off! ;)

(BTW- you can always come back to my blog and find Jennisa's blog button at the bottom of my columns if you ever need to find the link again!)

post signature


Heather B. said...

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!! It looks amazing! When I clicked over just now I had to double check to make sure I was in the right place! It fits y'all just perfect!!!

Elyse said...

LOVE the new look...they ARE full blown toddlers now! Still laughing at Sav's new is the whole family!
Have a great weekend!!!

The Michaels' Quads said...

It is amazing how time flys!! Your angels are getting so big!!

Love the new layout!

The Michaels Quads

Devin said...

It looks great definitely reflects a bubbly and fun family!

I love the colors and the header....but the little girl in Daddy's arms, gazing adoringly at him is the cutest part of the whole thing! :-)

mrs boo radley said...

They're all so grown up! I love their hair...and the swirly brick road.

Kim and Dave said...

It's so cute! I absolutely love the new header.

Viviane said...

Hi Suz. I have been following your blog. your babies are too cute! Love the new design. You are welcome to follow up with my blog as well - at TirEMMAsu. Take care!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

I love the new header!!! So very appropriate and cute!

Fulton Quads said...

I love it too! I am also in the process of updating our blog! It is SO hard to do!! Jennisa did an AWESOME job! love, Cathy

jag said...

This is fabulous! Nice work Jenissa!

Jennisa said...

Well, my rock MY socks off! What a nice shout out!

You're too sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the look! The header is so cute and the colors just pop!

Lindsey said...

So charming. I love the new design.
Lindsey in San Diego

Andria said...

Perfect!...right down to the striped T-shirt! LOL. You're too cute!

Cindy said...

I am loving the new look!

CityStreams said...

It's gorgeous! Love the little Sav in her daddy's arms. Too cute!

Angie said...

I love your blog makeover!! How cute!! Your kids are getting so big!!

Angie said...

I love your blog makeover!! How cute!! Your kids are getting so big!!

Karen At Home Blog said...

I love the new layout Suz, I can't believe how big they are getting!!!

Kalle said...

Love the new look.

Yankee in England said...

How cute I love your new design! Thank you so much for sharing your life I have loved it from the moment I found it.

The Carlsons said...

i totally love it!! jennisa is the best! very cute!

-fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4.5yo boy

Cori said...

I love the new look!

Darron and Ashlie said...

super duper cute!!

Unknown said...

How fun! I really want a new blog makeover once our new lil one arrives, plus need to come up for a new name since there'll be more than just the 'twinkies' here! I'll have to check out Jennisa's site.

boysmum2 said...

Absolutely perfect for the growing family. It is awesome.
Think I might have to go check out what she can do.

Laura said...

Sniff sniff. I have been reading since you were pregnant. This look (while adorable) makes you all look so grown up.

It is adorable though...

Joan said...

LOVE the new look! I think I might have to pay her a visit!

katherine said...

Very cute. I love the colors and I definitely see the family likeness.

Tera said...

Love the new header! I love how the twins are dressed just right! :) Your family is as adorable in cartoon as they are in the pictures! Thanks again for your help the other day!

Alice said...

What a great new look for your blog!!! I love it! I'm on Jennisa's waiting list and just CAN'T WAIT till it's my turn already! :) Especially now I have seen your blog today!

Your little ones are such sweeties! I can't believe they are growing up so fast.

Kelly said...

I love it!!

Heather B. said...

I came over to look again and just noticed that the twins hair is going opposite!! Love that!

Question: Where did you get the people in your header from?

Kris said...

I love your new blog layout! I noticed that you and your husband have Minnesota Viking's shirts on. I am from Minnesota and a HUGE Viking's fan!

Your little ones are getting so big. Can I say C-U-T-E!!


Rachel said...

omgoodness it's so cute! But where's your signature? just a thought... i luv it!

Noah's Mommy said...

Too cute! Love the new look

Michele said...

I love the new design! The kids look so cute!!!

Lori said...

love the new look!!!

Annie said...

I love the new header, is great.

Have a nice week.

Stacey said...

it's absolutely adorable, suz!!

i've been following your blog for nearly a year. i cannot believe how big the "babies" are already. time flies!

Rachel said...

Too cute! It makes you realize how fast the kiddos are growing!

The McNulty Family said...

Suz, it's PERFECT! I love you so much!

E. Sloane Cannon said...

I love the new look! Jennisa designed my blog header as well, and I love it and have gotten so many compliments on it! She's a blog designer genius and SO easy and fun to work with! I found her on your blog actually :-)

Stephanie said...

I love it! The kids "look" so cute!

Unknown said...

Love the new blog! It's so cute!!

Lauren said...

I love your new lay out! Very cute! :)

Williams' bunch said...

Looks good! :-)

Rachael said...

I absolutely love the design! I never saw the old one, since today is my first visit, but it is fabulous!

Stefanie said...

I LOVE your new layout!! It is so Cute.

cat said...

Love your new header and new look!

Tabatha said...

I LOVE the new blog look!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

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