Monday, July 20, 2009


Boy, oh boy- have we had some excitement lately. Our air conditioning unit decided to stop working last Thursday (the day before the Goerlich Quads were to come stay with us!)--while we have consistently hit temps over 100 for the last couple of weeks! EEEESH! We loaded everyone up (including Shiloh dog) and spent Thursday night at my brother and sis-in-law's house. (THANK YOU COLLIN AND ASHLEY!!! LOVE YOU)

After numerous phone calls, we were unable to get someone to come out to our house until TODAY! 4 days later! ugh. So, we decided to make the best of it and the Goerlichs and ourselves (PLUS OUR 8 KIDS!) spent the weekend at the DFW Westin hotel. And the fact that Mari scored an amazing Priceline rate from Captain Kirk at classy $47/night for this 4-star hotel, made it all the more sweeter!

Along with Chris and Mari, we attended a marriage conference called Love & Respect. It was amazing and I plan on devoting some time to blogging about our experience...but seriously: life-changing. We were able to put our kiddies in a children's ministry daycare while we attended the seminar which was SO nice for us and SO much fun for them!

Here is our crew of 8 kids enjoying a nice trolley downstairs to the parking lot! (Steeces in yellow--in honor of Nani, Gen!) From left to right: Finn, Ben, Savannah, Andrew, Ethan, Cohen, Sophia, and Noah

The set up: 8 pack-n-plays and peapods in one room, the adults in the other. Chris and Mari would sneak back in to sleep for the night in this room. Don't know how Joe and I lucked out on that one, but thanks guys! LOL. We were very surprised at how well the kids adapted!

We would watch them on the video monitor from the next room. (I have LOTS of cute video that will come later--going to let Mari do the montage b/c she rocks at creating videos!)

Ahhh...good room service, good conversation. Love these guys SOOOOO much!

Checking out the view by the airport---fascinated by all of the planes!

Saturday afternoon we were lucky enough to swing by the Gerwer's where they were celebrating 1.5 years of quad livin'! Casey did such a great job of throwing together a fun party for LOTS of tots! A few fellow quad mamas you might recognize: Suz Steece, Mari Goerlich, Casey Gerwer, and Misty Urech

Chris and Liz with their beautiful twin baby girls: Kinley and Madelyn

" pictures" ~our resident diva

Quadfathers of the world unite: Chris Goerlich, Rob Gerwer, Joe Steece

A little party sno-cone for our little quaddies (L to R: Ethan, Andrew, Savannah, Cohen, Finn, Ben, Sophia, Noah)---as you can see, the twins were once again obsessed with a toy lawn-mower that they found sitting around outside.

"Steece, party of 12....your table is now available...." Yep- we sure did venture out into a public restaurant with 4 adults and 8 toddlers!

Mommy and Sav

Dadda playing with Ethan

"Mah, stop! You're embarrasing me in front of the ladeeez!" (Drew)

"Hey Ben...whadya say we make a run for it?" (Noah)

Awwww...Savi has a boyfriend! Sweet Finn making his move.

Wait, shouldn't this be the other way around? (Chris and Cohen)

Ben and Joe- good timin' it

The kids did really well and we were able to enjoy a nice dinner out on the town! Mari, Noah, and Ben

"Dudebro...did you see that Sophia at the end of the table? She is one fine lady..." (Ethan and Andrew discussing future prospects)

Cohen and Sophia soaking up every last drop of their ice cream! TOO CUTE!

Caught RED HANDED! Oh Mr. Ben and his obsession with ketchup...Dad quickly intervenes before things get ugly

And a Saturday night bath in the hotel tub. Ben, Sav, Drew, E

We said goodbye to our good buddies and decided to head back to our house on Sunday (with only box fans and the upstairs air conditioning unit running to keep the house at a sweaty 85 degrees). The kids napped for over 4 hours and were exhausted from such an amazing, fun-filled weekend. We love you, Goerlichs, and can't wait to come party with you in H-town this fall!

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Paige said...

I love that that you venture out and have so much fun with your kiddos! And the eating out with 8- one BRAVE woman! Love your blog!

Charity Donovan said...

Awwwwww...soooooooo fun!!!! Love all the pics!!!! So glad you all had an awesome visit (aside from the A.C.) & what a blast for the kiddos!!!!! =)

Pics from Casey's make me miss you fine ladies even more!!!!!!

OMG the pic of the kiddos on the should be illegal to pack that much cuteness into such a little space - holy cow the freakin' massive amount of adorableness in one picture is FANTASTIC - I love it!!!!!

The Cochran Crew said...

Aw, how fun! Love the pic with all the pea pods and pack in plays!! Also, the one with all the babies on the luggage cart!!! Love You!

The Sweet Life said...

All 8 babies are so precious!!! You parents sure are brave!!

Unknown said...

I'm cracking up at all the pack n plays crammed into one hotel room! an I thought we were crammed a few weeks ago with 2 pack n plays and 2 cots plus 3 adults!

Glad you were able to manage despite no AC! Looks like lots of fun!

Elyse said...

Mari beat you on a post about this fun and adventurous week! What an adventure indeed! Can't believe your A/C went out in TX and in July! Thank goodness for some great hotel deals! impressed! What a great weekend! Love all the picts too!
LOVE the kiddos' expressions and smiles. Joe's white shirt could have been disasterous w/ketchup and Ben though ;)

Stephanie said...

Like I said on Maris blog...I love to see that you guys are so adventerous! You all seriously AMAZE me!
Great pics ( like always!!)
Love that you got to meet up w/ Casey and Misty too!!
The Steeces are going to be in H-town?!?! Thats where I'm at..I'll be on the look out! ;)

Misty said...

Love all the pics & it was so nice getting to see you & meeting your kiddos. They are so adorable!
Miss ya & can't wait for a playdate again!

wee said...

i follow your blog but have never commented. i enjoy the amazing moments you share with your friends and family.

my husband and i went to the love & respect conference before we were married. it was awesome! in fact, i think i am going to break out the book to read again.

Gilda said...

Thanks for sharing your sweet babies with us! It's always a joy to see your smiling faces!
How did you guys get such a steal on the hotel room? I'm always looking for good deals. Any tips?

jag said...

Man! This looks SO fun girl! I knew that if anyone was going to be able to make the most of an a.c. unit bombing out, it was you! The pictures were wonderful. I still can't believe you did ALL that in 1 weekend!

Elizabeth said...

The twins wanted me to tell Drew and Ethan that they are super jealous about them looking at other cute girlies...Just kidding!! Such cute pictures of you guys at the restaurant.

Anonymous said...

Awww so glad to finally be able to comment...I've been reading via Google Reader for a while now! Love all the pictures and am so glad you guys are blessed with some amazing friends that understand you completely. We all need that sort of support!

Unknown said...

My church is doing that conference on video for our adult class. Isn't that guy amazing? He sure knows how to talk in 'pink' and 'blue', doesn't he?

The Murray Crew said...

Oh My WORD, sista! What a weekend? And I didn't think I could possibly miss you any more than I already had! Soooooo wish we could have been there too, but I'm super happy that you had this time with the Goerlich's (and Misty and Case) and I'm super pumped to hear more about the conf. Good deal, mama. I could squeeze the life outta you right now! Hug Joe 4 me!

Amber D. said...

Oh what do you think Housekeeping thought when they saw all those bed in there! How cute!!!

Angie said...

Isn't that conference awesome?! We did it two years ago and still talk about it often. It truly was an eye-opener, and Dr Eggerichs is such a great speaker. Sorry to hear about the AC, but so glad y'all were able to have fun anyway! :)

Amazing Greis said...

Wow, you are one brave woman! I'm sure ya'll were a sight to see at the restaurant. LOL

Glad ya'll had a fun filled weekend.

cat said...

Oh wow - this is super cute - multiple quadroople fun.

Kelly said...

I love your commentary. You are hilarious!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

What a fantastic weekend and my goodness you are so good at putting it all together!! I'm getting tired all over again remembering all that we did. :) It was so much fun and such a blessing for me to see you with your kiddos. You are an amazing momma, so calm, so collected, so good at teaching your little ones! I need to come take some lessons - can you be my supernanny? :) Thank you for everything - the laughs, the cries and most of all the memories. Give your cutie pies a big high fiver from all of us! We love you!

Kimberly King said...

I read the book, Love and Respect, but didn't attend a conference. So I'm anxious to hear what you thought about it.
Looks like everyone had a wonderful time out and about for the weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a fun weekend! I loved seeing all the pictures of the kids. I think it's so neat that all these quads will grow up knowing each other. They will have an everlasting bond because of their parents being friends with other quad parents. I can picture it now..all of y'all loading up cars to attend each others children's high school graduations!
Sorry about your air conditioning but glad it's working again. Oh and that picture of Joe and Ben..I just don't think Joe can have a real serious face. You can tell he wants to laugh!
Cathy in Frisco

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Sav's glasses are CRACKING me up! Seriously. Also noticed you changed the title of the post below...really was NOT trying to be a smarty pants, just got a good laugh out of that!

Glad you guys were able to adapt and have a marvelous time! I'm constantly in awe of all you quad-mommas!

And the Westin for $47/night? I need to know THAT secret!! LOL

Audrey said...

I love Love and Respect! I didn't know they had conferences. Sounds like an awesome weekend.

Arnold Quads said...

It looks like you guys had a great time. I wish my hubby could get some of that quaddad bonding. I guess we just live to far away (Wyoming)! Love the pics!

Anonymous said...

The blog you posted on the 24th of June said you had some exciting news for the Quads, just wondering what it was!!!

Angie in FW said...

Suz, I was driving on 30 today, from Dallas to Fort Worth, and I could swear that I saw a billboard with a picture of the quaddies! I caught it out of the corner of my eye, but I was able to read "Oh Boy, oh boy, oh girl, oh boy." I was already driving past the billboard but I managed to get a look at the baby on the corner of the sign and I'm almost certain it was either E or Drew. I screamed at my brother, who was in the car with me, "Those are the Steeces! I swear I saw the Steeces!." And he was like "Were they in the car we just drove past? Are they people you know?" And I yelled, "No, no, no, on the billboard! They're on that billboard."

What's up with that? :)

Jac Tubre said...

HOW MUCH FUN!!! Yall are so brave and organized...I could just see Me, Torey, Moni and Billy trying to pull that off!

Love you,

Kelly Trullinger said...

Looks like you made a wonderful weekend out of something that could have been dreadful! Good for you! I am so jealous that I was able to attend Casey's party. It made me miss you all so much! Love the pic of Sav and Finn! So cute!

Candace Hickey said...

Hi! My husband and I passed you all on the way out from the Gerwer party...we have 2 1/2 yr old triplets....and we were a part of the reality TV show...small world.
Any way, your blog is awesome and your children are beautiful. :)
I may need some lessons in making my blog pretty! :)

andrea said...

oh my word how fun are those pics!!

girl your captions are hysterical!!

Casey's trio said...

Looks like an awesome weekend Suz! I love how adventurous you all are:) Hope your AC is back....we've been at 100+ days here too and I know how miserable it gets when it is so hot-yikes!
Big hugs girl!!

Amy H. said...

I saw your sweet children on a billboard for the hospital on University Drive in Fort Worth. very cute! It caught my eye and I told my husband those are the quads I always read about! Such Miracles!

Bridget said...

They are all too cute! I think it is awesome that you are not afraid to take all the kids out to dinner. I only have one little guy and am always afraid that he is going to annoy the other customers(although we still take him out to dinner).

It looks like you all had a great time, and as always, the pictures are so cute!

Anonymous said...

So many things to comment on...
1. SOOOOO GREAT TO HAVE YOU GUYS OVER!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing you all, wish we did it more!
2. SO sorry about the AC, what a pain!
3. I would LOVE to get together for dinner and perhaps a beverage and talk about the conference you went too. sounds amazing!!
4. Our husbands are handsome

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liz said...

Suz, I love reading your blog and follow you guys as much as possible.

I am a fellow DFW resident, and I'm pretty sure I saw your family on I30 yesterday heading into Ft Worth... is there something you are keeping from us?! I was thrilled!

-Liz from Dallas

Liz said...

Ok, I'm a little slow to read the other comments, I guess I wasn't the only one who saw you kiddos on the road!! HAHA

-Liz (again)

The McNulty Family said...

Oh my god... so fun!! SO SO SO FUN! I miss ya'll so much. It's nice to be climbing out from under my rock to see such a great post filled with yellow. I love you with all my heart. Next time.. count us in.

I miss you miss you miss you miss you so much!!! UGH.. why do we have to be so freaking far away????


Marianne said...

I can't imagine how hard it is to carry, deliver and raise quads, quints, etc. but how do ya'll make it look SOOOO EASY?!?!!? Oh, and is there some kind of requirement that all quad mom's must be gorgeous, because it sure looks that way! Am I nuts for wanting quads some day just so I would have a shot at being a part of your inner circle? hahaha. I love your blog and Gen's and really admire not only the love you guys have for your husbands, children, and families, but also for each other. It's inspiring, to say the least. God Bless and keep on keepin' on :)

Anonymous said...

? for you when does miss savannah have her next surgery? Ben by the way is looking more grown up by the minute. Love see pics of the kids.

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