SO happy that Uncle Ed and Jess drove up from Aggieland to hang out with us for the weekend. I mean, what college kid wants to spend a weekend- getting crazy with a bunch of 2 year olds?! Love them SO much.
Jess, Drew, Ed
Grammy and Sav
Mama and Benny Boy
Uncle Ed and Ethan
Jess and Drew
Joe and PDiddy
Sweet little Sav playing with Jess
We got home pretty late (which was the perfect timing for the Texas heat to cool down a bit with a beautiful sunset) and the kids got to experience their new play set for the first time!
Andrew exploring and Sav climbing like pro!
Sweet little Benny--if his smile doesn't tell you how excited they all were--then I don't know what would!
Benny and Sav...Bonnie and Clyde...Peanut Butter and Jelly--these 2 are best friends forever!
A break in the action for some more awesome cupcakes! Princess Savannah is beyond thrilled to eat her pink treat!
Andrew diving right on in...
Ethan trying to shove the whole cake into his mouth!
and my little goofball, Ben---I cannot help but laugh every time I see this pic!
Quads of the square table (Ben, Sav, Drew, E)
Double your pleasure, double your fun
Time for some gifts! (Savannah LOVES this part)
Uncle Ed helping Drew
Sav attacking the big box!
The older dudes, were bouncing and passing the younger dudes around in the air and they loved every second of it! Here is Ethan to demonstrate:
By this time, it was 10pm and the kiddos were still going strong!
Where does all of their energy come from?!?! Mama finally put the little ones to bed around 10:30pm. I have been trying to recover from the nonstop partying all week! But wouldn't change it for the world...Such a wonderful couple of weekends spent with awesome family and celebrating life! The quads are SO blessed to have so many people who love and care about them...just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Looks like a FABULOUS time, mama! Selfishly wish WE could have been there too! Those cupcakes are making me want to lick my computer screen. If it weren't for 8 little finger prints, I might just try it. =) I love you!
That's awesome, Suz!! I especially LOVE the picture of Savannah peeking out the top window...PRECIOUS!
I'm getting nervous about tomorrow, but thanks for walking me through everything. Say a prayer if you think about it. Love & HUGS!
What a wonderful family! Happy Birthday!! :):):):)
Awww your post makes ME all warm and fuzzy inside! GREAT pics mama .. LOVE the new play set and LOVE those babies like my own. Sooo fun!
Adorable! Some of the cutest 2 year olds I've ever seen!
I've noticed that lately all the boys seem to be dressed/undressed alike now. So, how are y'all distinguishing the twins without Drew being the only one in stripes? Are their differences (I don't see any, but I'm sure there are some.) easily identifiable now?
Just curious. =)
Love your "Quads of the Square Table" caption. Too funny! Looks like being 2 is fun!
That is so exciting to see them playing on their new swing set!
love me some big kid steece cuties!:) can't believe they're 2...that's what i keep saying about mine as well:) love the swing set!
miss you suziQ:)
It's so sad that no one enjoys these babies. LOL!! Look at how much fun everyone has while they're with the quads. I bet their little faces were in awe when they saw the new swingset. Love that Sav needed her crown on while she played too! She needs a feather boa! And those cupcakes...yummy! the quads will start realizing what birthdays are and they won't come quick enough.
Cathy in Frisco
You are truly blessed! They are so cute, and fun to read about! I hope they had the best birthday ever, and many, many more to come! Happy Birthday kiddos!
penny- YES! we have been given some cute outfits that are matching. mama can always tell the twins apart. i don't know how to explain it- its a combination of the way they look at me, their voice--i can just tell. now, their dadda and everyone else? no way. so, people usually just ask me and i will tell them. there are no distinguishing marks. drew tends to have a more plump little face, and ethan's is a bit skinnier.
Nothing goes w/a diaper like a tiara!! :o)
And I just had to give a shout-out from a fellow decorates-with-baby-gates-in-the-fireplace mama. =) That made me smile because that is my life.
Love those cupcake smiles.
is that a shadow or a birth mark on the back of sav's left shoulder?
btw, LOVE these diaper pics! CUTE!
and i may be the only person who noticed this, but sav's scar looks like it has healed up great! when is her next surgery?
Ok...Sav is SO SO SO precious in the diaper and tiara! Seriously...this girl can strut her stuff. I love how Ben&Sav have their special relationship and E&D do too! They are all four so stinkin sweet and adorable. Melts my heart :)
Can't wait to see ya tomorrow night :)
You did another fantastic post suzy q..Sure makes me miss those little angels..Love all of the pictures--that playset is awesome-- :) The kiddos are gorgeous 2 year olds..Please give them a big hug for me.. Love ya!!
Love to see the pictures with a very, very happy kids.
So glad they had a wonderful days with family. Family is a blessed.
Fabulous post!! Their smiles light up the room!!
Looks like they have enjoyed every second of their birthday celebration!!
Happy 2nd Birthday! Wow they are so aborable and can't believe how fast they all grow. You have a wonderful blog and I love checking in and reading about your beautiful family. Sav looks like she is doing great after surgery. Where did they buy the swing set from, I love it.
Look at them go! What a great swing/play set. They will have years and years of fun on that thing! Happy bday cutie pies. Its been so much fun watching you grow.
Oh they are so precious!!!!!!!! Happy B*day to your lil' angels!
How fun!!! It looks like they had some great birthday celebrations!! They are SO cute, I LOVE the billboard!
Look at all that bday fun! So glad you all had a week filled with celebrations :)
happy birthday . You have an adorable family. Thanks for sharing with us.
Hi Suz! I'm the Kelly who came up and met y'all at Joe T.'s. It was nice to meet you. Hope you guys are having a great week. p.s. sorry I completely forgot to introduce you to my husband, Adrian, as you were so graciously introducing me to your fam. oops. :) Kelly
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