Playing outside is MUCH MORE FUN...
...with the McNultys around!
Talk about a man who knows a thing or two about raising girls (3 to be exact)! Conor and Sav having a chat about clothes, shoes, and everything else that is of utmost importance.
Daddy pushing Ethan (L) and Ben (R) on the swings--it was such beautiful weather on Friday!
Chris & Mari Goerlich wouldn't miss the McNultys flying down for the world! So they cruised on up I-45 and met us late Friday afternoon. After dropping the "pieces" off with their grandparents, us girls met the boys at the Oasis for some good grub and great convo!
Such handsome quad fathers: Conor McNulty, Chris Goerlich, and Joe Steece (like 3 little peas in a pod).
We were all pretty wiped out, so we chilled at the Steece hacienda and enjoyed the fresh night air on our back patio---fully equipped with good tunes, a lovely fire, and childless mamas goofing around!
Saturday was our big Aggie vs. Arkansas game---so we stopped by Chuy's for a quick Mexican lunch- yummo! (Cannot visit Texas and NOT eat Mexican food at some point)
She's beautiful, folks! Chris and Conor showcasing the one-and-only "Jerry world" aka "Jones-Mahal" aka the "Death Star" aka the new Dallas Cowboys stadium.
Although the weather was "icky icky"...we somehow managed to have a rockin' good time! (Chris, Mari, Conor, Gen, Joe, Suz)
We loved having all of our buddies decked out in maroon!
Seeking shelter with Gen from the humid/muggy rain
Leaving the boys outside to fend for themselves under the dumpster lid!
A random pic of me and the boys' wet Rainbows (which left the bottom of my feet stained for days)
The inside of the stadium was amazing! (Conor and Joe)
Standing room only? No problemo---this place is HUGE! (Joe, Suz, Gen)
The Ags started the game with guns a blazin'...but by halftime, things weren't lookin' so good. Here is a pic of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band on the field and big 40 million HDTV screens (60 yds long, 72 ft tall)!
Joe and I cheered and yelled to no avail...the poor Ags got trampled :(
So we headed on over to Billy Bob's Texas---we had to show these California peeps a little slice of Texas while they were here...
The world's largest honky tonk! (Neal McCoy was playing that night---dude was cracking us up in his skinny little Wranglers! He was actually a really good performer)
Fellow quad mom- Casey Gerwer and her hubby, Rob were able to meet us out for the night! (We missed you Misty & AJ!)
Yes, Genevieve...real live bull riding....that's how we roll in Texas! None of this mechanical bull stuff! She also tried her first barbecue chopped beef sandwich and fried jalapeno poppers that night!
See??? (bummer that we missed all the action)
A little photo booth fun! 4 moms with 16 kids!

One last group pic before we hit the road! (Rob, Chris, Casey, Conor, Suz, Gen, Joe, Mari)
So on the way home, we were a little hungry..."What?! you've never heard of Waffle House?!" I immediately turned the car around and headed to the best, greasy, 2am little dive you could ever imagine. Disclaimer: Just LOOKING at this picture will immediately make you gain 10 pounds. SOOOOOOOOOO good!
On the count of 3 say "heartburn!" (but oh-SOOO worth it!)
Sunday was cold and rainy, so we just hung around the house before meeting the grandparents to pick up the rascals. Meanwhile, Chris and Mari headed back to Houston (sniff, sniff---thank you guys SO much for making the drive to come play with us! Can't tell you how much you mean to us---LOVE YOU! and see you soon!). Later that evening, my bestie, Liz, offered to come watch the kiddies so we could grab one last date with Conor & Gen! (she secretly was dying to meet Gen as well!) How sweet is Liz?!?!? Thanks woman-love you! (Raining again--and for the next week! Ick! Suz & Gen in front of the PF Chang's horsie)
What a great way to end such a wonderful weekend with amazing friends! Conrad and G-Gen, thank you SO much for making the trip down to Texas! We appreciate and love you more than you could ever know!
Monday morning, I took Gen to experience Francesca's (the best store in the world--my fav place to shop) and hit up Chick-fil-A. I still can't believe that she has never heard of Chick-fil-A before! Then we loaded everyone in the burb and headed to Dallas Love Field Airport. I sure did bawl like a baby as I watched Gen & Conor walk away from us and out of sight. Rip my heart out! Ugh. I miss you guys so much already. Back to reality and the daily grind! :)
So much ding dang fun! I can't believe all the stuff you girls packed in to one weekend! AWESOMENESS, I tell ya!
P.S. I JUST posted a pic of Ryan on our blog with orange feet courtesy of his Rainbows. I thought about cropping them, but got lazy. Hey, it's not like it was MY feet;)
Lots of love lady!
It sounds like you guys showed them one Texas sized weekend!!! Ok, yes I was so excited to meet Gen!!!! I loved her and so glad I got I finally got to meet her. I think meeting her brings my quad mama totally up to like 6 now! TEE HEE. JK! I also have to say NO CHICK-FIL-A, how sad and no Sonic drinks! I couldn't do it Gen! Glad you had a wonderful weekend. Love you girl!
I looked for ya'll at the Hog/Aggie! We were next to the U of A band on the 20 yard line. It was so stinkin' fun! Can I just say that you Aggies rocked the new stadium with your chants...I seriously think you need to explain what it was you guys were doing over there in Aggie land. Haha! Glad you had a great weekend. I've been keeping up with your blog via Google Reader which is so not satisfying since I can't comment!
All looks good but you were missing a big dose of Razorback red in those pregame pics! We will definitely be there next year to enjoy the $40 parking and $20 snacks! You girls are so stinking adorable!
It looks like you guys had a blast!!!!
First time to 2 step, Chick fil A, bbq sandwich, have been missing out! I dont know what I would do without my waffle fries!! ;)
Your friendship with each other is so freaking awesome! I love that you all take the time to make sure you get some quad sister (and brother) lovin in!! You all deserve it!
Love the photobooth pics! Priceless!
I still cant believe you packed that all into one weekend!!
What a fun weekend!
BTW, might I add, it is so not fair that you have 4 kiddos and look that good! You make all us "Mom's of Singles" look so bad :) haha
How fun!!! Is it sad that I get so excited every time ya'll get together!? LOL!!!
I think it is now time for a road trip so that all of the little ones can meet! However it is probably easier said than done. ;)
I love your new friendships y'all have formed with the other quad fams. I am jealous because it sounds like y'all have so much fun together.
You guys are so stinkin' cute! Great pics....
Brent (Abby's Dad)
I love reading that you were able to meet up with your quad mamas! You guys are all so darn cute together! Hope you are able to do it again soon!
What fun!!!!! I am sooo jealous!
WOW... That is a LOT of great fun in one weekend!!! I'm a little jealous!! And I'm LOL that she's never had a BBQ Sandwich? I'm goin to have to check out Francesca's.. Just went to there website, lots of cute things!!!
Sounds like you guys had a blast! Nothing like hanging out with good people! I get a little weepy eyed too when people leave after visiting! SO sad to see them go! )=
Love, Cathy & her quads
LOVE it!!!! So glad you girls had an amazing weekend!!! GREATNESS!!!! Love you girls so dang seeing those SMILES!!!!!
Suz-I love reading about y'alls trips together! What a blessing for all of you! One question---were you a TriDelt at A&M? I saw your sweatshirt in a picture above and what a small world that would be!!
lol jennifer! no, i have no idea where my hubby picked up that sweatshirt--just grabbed it from his pile-o-clothes! :)
i went to school in arkansas at a Christian university called Harding U. (but will always be an Aggie at heart!)
No Waffle House, No Chick-Fil-A, No Blue Bell Ice Cream..... we REALLY need to get her out of Cali, I mean, for her own sake!!! I so wish I could have been there even if for five minutes to hug y'all's necks!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
How fun! I think its so awesome that all you amazing quad mommies hang out in person too!!! thanks for sharing :)
Let me start off by saying WOOOOO PIG SOOOIE!!! Ok, now that I kinda got that out of my system I am so glad that you guys finally got Gen & Conor to the great south. I cannot imagine my life without Chick-Fil-A...I just don't understand why they are not on either coast!!
SOOOOOOO much fun for you all! Love reading about all the adventures you have together:) If I know Gen she must be
de-toxing and hitting the Gen double time this week....gotta love that girl! So when are YOU coming to Sacto so I can meet you Miss thang? :)
looks like you guys had a blast! love the pic of the boys standing under the dumpster lid!
and i cant believe they havent heard of waffle house or chick-fil-a....or never ate a jalopeno popper?!?!?!
so glad you were able to introduce your friends to these awesome things!!!!
Oh Suz,
I love you guys so much. I'm walking around sacto down in the dumps missing you. :(
Thank you for an AWESOME weekend. Seriously, it was so wonderful.
My kids want to know when THEY get to go meet Auntie Suz (who lives in my computer). No joke.. "next time mommy, do we get to go?" I can't tell you how many times I have heard that over the last 24 hours! LOL!
So glad Y'all had such a great weekend!! Too bad the Ags had such a hard time Saturday night! :(
I love when the Quad Mamas and Papas get together! It's so fun to read about your adventures!
BBQ Sandwiches, Waffle House, and Chick-Fil-A..... NEVER HEARD OF THEM?!?! I'm dumbfounded, lol.
Can we do it again next weekend? We had such a blast - thanks again for hosting! Come visit us soon - we miss you two and the kiddies too! Love you! -Mari
Hi Suz! I am from the DFW area (now live in Denver) and used to attend Grapevine Church of Christ. I think that is how I originally heard about your blog. I have followed since before the kids were born. Also, I was laughing a few months ago. We had gone home to visit in Texas and stayed at the DFW Westin the night before our very early flight. We were there the same weekend as you all with your broken AC.
Anyway, I was just reading your post about visiting with your friends and was going to send a suggestion. We have moved alot, and therefore have to fly to see our best friends, so we have met several times.....on Disney Cruise. WE love it and the kids do too!!!! They have a special next Jan. through cruise free. It is hard to find on their website, but you can all the 800# and get the info. It makes it really affordable. Disney won't let you have more than 2 kids in the small (cheap) room, so we take a set of grandparents along and put a child in their room. You might want to look into it. It is a great place ot meet if everyone has to by plane tickets anyway.
Looks like you all had an amazing time. You all look fabulous, and so dog gone cute! Glad you were able to have this precious time together. Memories for a lifetime!
Frequent lurker, infrequent commenter - looks like a fun weekend! And do I spy a Tridelt sweatshirt?! UCLA Fall PC '97 right here. :D
Having traveled to Sacramento a ton on business I thought for sure there was a chic-fil-a there, so I looked it up. Not that skinny mini Gen looks like she would eat there often, it is a nice treat.
Elk Grove Marketplace FSU
8430 Bond Rd
Elk Grove, CA 95624
2.10 miles away
Drive Through Only
Send Address To: E-mail|Mobile
2. Arden Fair FSU
2101 Alta Arden Expressway
Sacramento, CA 95825
12.85 miles away
Drive Through Only
Send Address To: E-mail|Mobile
I LOVE some Chuy's jalepeno ranch, can you send some to Phoenix, isn't it sad I have been fixating on it since reading about it in the second paragraph, YUM!!!!
Sounds like a GREAT weekend!
Fun fun! Looks like you all had a wonderful time!
Wow! I was a TriDelt at A&M too-I so recognized your sweatshirt because I was the "t-shirt girl" that year and designed it! Of course I have it too! I'm wondering what year you graduated because I was PC '99? Also, my husband and I were also at the A&M/Arkansas game-bummer!
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