LOVE you guys with all of my heart and miss you so much it hurts!!!
There is also a new edition to the Steece household that we are extremely excited about...
This Samsung review was SOOOO much fun!---These machines are AMAZING! Make sure to check out the review and enter for your chance to win a $200 Best Buy gift card!!! Woot, woot!
We have similar samsung front loaders and we LOOOVVVEEE them! It makes laundry as fun as it can be :-)
Can't wait to read more about your weekend fun!
Tears here too, missing you! Love the W & D, yo!
Got your gift in the mail today. Can't wait to sit down and soak it all in tonight.
So thoughtful, and so dang sweet, Mz Steece!
Ohhhhh pretties!!
Looking good, ladies!
Oh I cant wait fore the posts!! I love it when you girl get together! ;)
Love the W & D are going to love them!!
Missing you, hot mama! Thanks for such a fun weekend! Tell Joe we're missing him too! Love you, Suz! -Mari
UH...can't wait for the REAL post Suz...can't keep me hangin' for long though :o Oh better not! What a great W&D is just COOL!
Well, good gravy girl! Looks like you had SO. MUCH. FUN! And, you got to end it all with a new fangled washer AND dryer?! Blessed weekend indeed! Love u! SO happy for ya!
Miss you and missing Texas! ;(
I love you guys with all my heart!
Love that washer and dryer!! Love that it's all front load too!! Very nice!!
If you haven't seen it yet, you must rent "The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio". You are the new modern version of her story (at least the prize winning part). She earned her prizes through her essays and pitches, you through your creativity and blogging dedication. glad you girls had a great weekend!!! Love to see that trio smiling!!! AWESOME hook-up on the W/D -- Congrats girl...can I start mailing you my laundry?!?! LOL!!! Love you girlfriend!!!!! Have a most fabulous week!
OMG Suz...I have to laugh...I had the exact same old washer/dryer set & now I have the same NEW washer/dryer set!!! SWEET!!! :)
Kind of random... :) but I figure I'll share with you since you're prolly IN LOVE with your new W&D.
Just popping over from your review... I have the Samsung washer from 3 years ago- no steam, yes silver bars. AMAZING! The silver wards off bacteria and keeps smells at bay. Seriously. My hubby is a jr football coach and has games on Tuesdays. Well, he forgot to bring the jerseys home for washing on Tues night last week. Last night I pulled out 35 wet uniforms, which were damp but not moldy and not extremely smelly. So ya, the bars not only sanitize in the washer, they keep the clothes healthy (?) throughout the week.
Congrats on your new W&D set :) Oh, and this is my first visit to your blog. Congrats on your gorgeous family!
dang. i'm super jealous of your fancy new washer and dryer!
COngrats on the new W&D! So sorry I missed ya'll, would have LOVED to have made it.
Glad ya'll had such a great weekend.
Miss ya!
Ahhh, gotta love shiny new appliances!!
WOW, I SO want those at my house!! I swear it takes forever for things to dry in my dryer~oh well ;) Great pics of you girls, glad Y'all had a fun weekend!
We have a similar Samsung washer and dryer. I love them!
have the same W/D. Best thing I have ever bought. Sad to say that but so true.
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