Here are pics from our Fall Festival a week was SOOO much fun!
Ethan- Tinman (big hearted)
Andrew- Scarecrow (quirky goofball)
Savannah- Dorothy (the ring leader)
Benjamin- Lion ( I really need to explain this one? LOL)
The whole fam with "Toto" (give 'em suckers and they sit still!)
This picture of Ethan cracks me UP! He would walk around all stiff--barely moving. How appropriate for Mr. Tin Woodsman! (notice the car in hand? ALWAYS.)
The fabulous foursome making their grand entrance

Ben was the cutest, cuddliest lion with those big cheeks. LOVED his big mane and floppy feet! (not to mention his precious bow-tied tail in the back!)
Sav..Sav..Sav...if looks could kill, darlin'. I promise she is a sweet, happy, smiling girl! How precious is that bumblebee, btw??

Aunt Susan with E, Granna with Drew, Dadda, Mama with Sav, Papa with Ben---in front of the "trunk-or-treating"! (SUCH a FANTASTIC festival! If you are in town next year--you must stop by!)
That crazy lil' scarecrow!
Unca-Col, Aunt Ashley and baby Carter joined us for some fun. FYI: Drew was upset and had just whacked me in the felt awesome.
Cutest lil' monkey I've EVER seen! (baby Carter)
Walking over to ride the this pic!
My two fearless dudes: Ethan and Andrew LOVED the horses and were SO upset when their ride was over. (Ben and Sav wouldn't even TOUCH the saddle)
Stopping for some refreshment...
...and on to the bounce house! They were having SOOOO much fun! Best part of the night!
Savi's dress was so beautiful! You can't really tell in the pics, but it has sequins all over and sparkles in the light!
Mr. Sunshine, staying true to his nickname (and spazmatic character).
Papa and Granna with their tired little grand-monkey

Loads of fun were had by all! Especially Mr. Lion
Rummaging through some Halloween loot (Ethan, Andrew, Ben and Sav)
Lots of books- our favorite!
SUCH a bLaSt! Hope you all had a festive Halloween, we sure did! "Wizard of Oz, quad-style" overload coming up next! ;)
Aww they are too cute :)
That is SO adorable! It must be so much fun coming up with quad costumes ever year.
PRECIOUS!!! They are SOOOOO stinking cute! Love your leggins too!! And the post was super great since it had pictures of Joe in it ;) Love you Mrs. Steece!!! always!!!
They are SOOOO stinkin' cute!!!!!!! Glad you all had a fun Halloween!!! :o) xoxo
I'm a long time lurker, but MUST COMMENT that this is the most freakin adorable post ever. You rocked it Steeces!
Too cute!!! I love it! :o)
I'm pretty sure my heart stopped a couple of times! They are TOO cute. What brilliant costume ideas!
Awesome!! I love the costumes. You did a great job Suz!
Love ya,
They looked AWESOME!!!
I love how they matched their little personalities!
Savs little looks crack me up!! She is just letting that gorl know who is boss! ;)
I bet you guys were the hit of all of the costumes! So adorable.
Is it my imagination (or the fact that I don't really know any of you) that Baby Carter (very cute little monkey, btw) looks a little like Ben?!!!
Your kids are just too cute for words and make ME want to have quads instead of just twins ;) Can't wait to see the pics from the weekend b/c I just can't get enough of the cuteness! Where did you get their costumes?
Their costumes are ADORABLE! How appropriate too! I live in Fort Worth and I swear I pass by the billboard with the babies on it a few times a cute!
Lollypops come in handy on many occasions at that age. I would giv emy girls a lollypop and they would forget all about getting a shot.
Oh my gravy! They are SO CUTE!
OMG.....SO stinkin' cute. Seriously!! Love the costumes :)I'm dyin' over Miss Priss's a.t.t.i.t.u.d.e
Her facial expressions are "killer" for sure:)
OMG Suz...TOO STINKIN' CUTE FOR WORDS!!! Love me some Wizard of Oz Steece's!!! Adorable!!! BTW - I think we totally need to put Sav & Meredith in a room together...they could have a stare down! Those 2 girls are 2 peas in a pod! HILARIOUS!!!! Love you momma!
Such cuties!
I saw your ad on the back of Fort Worth cute!
They look adorable!
These pictures turned out GREAT!! I sure had a wonderful time with all of you that weekend..Love those babies in their costumes--You did good little mama!!!! Please give them a big hug for me!! Love ya Suz!!!!!
Those costumes were awesome! LOVE IT! Glad to see everyone had a great time on Halloween. =)
LOVE IT! I think it is so cute when the kids can all go along with the same theme! We won't have much of a say before to long:)
SOOOOOOOO adorable!
just adorable! lovin that little lion outfit :) So do you already have next years costumes picked out?!?!
Oh my gosh! Your kiddos are soooooo adorable! I luv luv luv the costumes! Great job Suzanne!
super cute! We did The Wizard of Oz for my twins' first Halloween - Dorothy and the Lion. This year we did the Flintstones..Pebbles, Bamm Bamm and then the baby was "Baby Puss" - the saber tooth 'kitty' tiger!
GENIUS!!! ahhh! so so so cute! i am in love with that dorothy costume!
WAY too cute! And creative too. They are all so precious. Oh, and I love Sav's little "look." Girl!! ;)
Thanks for sharing!
-fellow quad mom of 20mo GGGG and a 5yo boy
I know I've already seen these pics but I could look at them all day long. They are so cute and getting bigger everyday! I'm so proud of all the hand holding! MAMA.. that is HUGE!! Way to go!!!
I love you with all my heart and miss you so much. Now.. off to get mine to bed!! ;)
the wonderful wizard of oz 4 sure! great costumes and it looks like they had a magical time in them. wish we could've seen ya'll in person! come visit us soon - before things get too crazy (wait, it's too late for that isn't it?) love to you and your little munchkins!
OH my goodness...what spectacular little sweethearts I see :) Oh my goodness...the costumes fit everyone's personalities so well. WoW...I am soo impressed!
Love ya sweet woman!
LOVE the pics. You have a VERY cute family!!!!!
They are absolutely adorable! It looks like you guys had a great time. What a great costume theme for those four. I love it!!
Oh what a great idea!! I love the costumes!!
they are so precious and you're right...your nephew is one adorable monkey. glad you guys are able to get out and do some of this stuff this year.
My co worker and I have been looking at the photos - too cute! They are so adorable - it's our favourite blog :-) We both have our favourites, mine is Sav, her's is Ben...oh and Carter? Just too gorgeous!
Thanks so much Suz! I will give it a whirl!
Poor Ethan still has a shiner!! Adorable!
Seriously cutest Wizard of Oz troup I've ever seen!! You and your sweet family continue to be an inspiration to me (and so many others).
long time lurker as well! your kids are adorable! love the posts i look for them everyday :) where did you get that yellow car? my son is OBSESSED as well and that would be a wonderful christmas present! you can just answer me on here or my emai lis:
What a great choice for costumes! They all seem to fit their individual personalities so well. Just adorable! Love the sleepy monkey too.....
OMGOSH! How adorable! i JUST love THAT pic of Sav giving the eye to the bee. LOL She's an adorable little DIVA ;)
WHERE did you get their costumes?!!!!!!!! Amazing outfits!
This is absolutely the most precious thing I have ever seen!!! How will you outdo this next year?
I love the one with you all holding hands...priceless!!!
I am sure they made quite a stir on Halloween! Adorable. I would have so much fun choosing costumes for four. Sad when the day comes that they insist on their own choice.
That is AWESOME! My daughter wants to be Dorothy for Halloween. I'm thinking my son will be a character and my husband and I might need to step in. Maybe my baby boy could be Toto...?
This was so creative. Our Christmas card picture was Jesus, Mary and baby Jesus and I thought I was pretty cool for doing that. :) The only year it would work for our family was this last year.
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