Ethan grew very attached to the new car (surprise surprise)
Sav, trying her hardest NOT to smile...but failing miserably
Sweet Benny boy LOVES the motorcycle
Andrew, with lawnmower in hand, waiting to pounce on the "vacuuuum" as soon as Sav is not looking
Some lunch at a greasy Mom-n-Pop hamburger joint (aren't they the BEST?!?!). Sav feeding her queso addiction (guess where she gets that from...). Yep, once the chips are gone, she just goes on in with a spoon.
Lucky #7! Awwww...sweet lil' guys: Ethan, Benjamin, Andrew (excited to find these coats for $10 at the Carter's outlet!)
Dids trying to show an apprehensive Drew that the giant blow up ghosts will not get him
BOO! (sweet Benny buddy)
MY BOYS! Ugh--a Mama LOOOOOVES her boys! So precious. (Ben, Ethan and Drew laughing at their Dadda's Aggie yells)
Grampy and Grammy with their grand-quads
Such a sweet pic of Ben trying to let baby Trent have some of his sucker. Ben is SOOOO sweet with babies. Just melts my heart to mush!
Some of our besties! Molly with Trent, Jason, and the Steece 6
Now on to the Halloween fun! Ben once again- fought us with all his might as we dressed him in his lion costume. That makes a total of 3 fights! poor guy---but the second he has it on, he is perfectly fine for the rest of the night- every time! Go figure. The grandparents and kids in front of Grammy's awesome decorations.
See? Happy lion. (Ben and Sav always holding hands)
Love this picture! Sav is so excited and is running to the first trick-or-treat house. It was chilly so we all put on extra layers and coats...but SUCH a beautiful day!
"Clap your hands, everybody...everybody, clap your hands"--Quirky little Scarecrow (Andrew)
Mr. Tin Man (E) and his awesome Halloween bucket that Auntie Liz made for the quads! Isn't she talented folks?! (You also need to check out her tutus---to die for! Her website is: The Painted Daisies) Thanks Lizzie-poo, we LOVED them!
She's smiling! She's smiling!!! ;)
We stopped at our first house---our good friend, Doug, greeted us at the door! "Trick-or-Treat!"
Stopping for a group pic...
...and off we go!
We took the quads to a fun Halloween party and had to watch Andrew like a hawk! Little man was fearless and on FIRE--trying to sprint toward the outside swimming pool every chance he could get- (talk about giving Mama a heart attack!) We stopped at the Hansards' on the way home- so they could get in a little Wizard of Oz action as well! "Trick-or-Treeeeeat, Mary Beth!"
This is what we looked like by the end of the night...Spunky Savi ditched the dress
Miss Priss...Sassy Pants...Sassa-frass
Why does Ben look like an 8 year old in this pic? Ugh- growing up waaay too fast!
Ethan still happy as a little lark at 10pm!
and Mr. Spaz...seriously. We could not stop laughing because Andrew was NuTsO! I had given him Tylenol for teething right before we left the house and I think it was like baby crack to him...either that or he snuck into Grammy's candy bowl! He was NONSTOP energy & running around! (more so than usual). Silly little man-of-straw. Let's give him a sucker and watch him bounce off the walls!
"Whut YOU lookin' at, Lion?...U wanna piece-uh-me? Yah- I got my hat on still. I like it. So what..."
Mama and her baby girl
Joe, channeling Andrew's can see it in the eyes! (and his plastered "perma-grin", as Conor would say) LOVE IT.
Our 1st Halloween outings were perfect! The "Wizard of Oz Quads" were GLOWING with excitement (even though they had no idea what was going on!) We had SO much fun and can't wait until next year! (...already have some costume ideas up my sleeve)
FABULOUS post!! They all looked sooooo adorable!
Sounds like you had a perfect weekend! This Texas weather has been great, hasnt it?!?! happy that you all had a great night!!! Seriously I think they get cuter & cuter in their costumes every single post! Cracks me up about Benny getting upset & then totally happy! Love his little face...such a sweetie!!!! Miss you momma!!! Hugssssssss!!!!!
WHERE did you get that 3/4 length black coat? I LOVE it!
K & B- a couple of years ago at francescas (my fav store in the world!) right before fall, they always put all of their coats on sale! i purchased it for like $30!!!
Oh my goodness! That pic where they are all peaking into Mary Beth's door is so cute! You can tell they are all so curious to see what they're going to get from inside that big door! Love to you all! Mari
Oh my goodness! They are so adorable and I loooove the theme. Too cute. Glad they had fun and I know what you mean with that sugar rush, lol
Where did you find their costumes??!?!! They are amazing! I didn't know you could buy costumes like like!
LOVE the pictures!! I was going to ask about the coat too, always in the market for a good coate!!
How fun! I love that picture of Ben sharing his sucker. So cute!
All of these pictures are so cute!!!! They are just the cutest kids ever! Love you all!
Suz, I loved EVERY STINKIN' Picture and EVERY story to go with! How FUN!!!!! They are just delightful. Love to see their personalities through the camera. You got some GREAT group shots, mama! Kudos!
Loved getting my FB message today. What a treat of a friend I have in you!
Ashley (my two year old) was a witch and I was reading this and she said, "I need to watch my show! Wizard of Oz!! They looked adorable!
Such great pictures! I love the Wizard of Oz theme! Cute Cute Cute!
awww! thank you guys for all of the sweet comments!!! i ordered the costumes from a website designed only for wizard of oz costumes! (never knew there was such a beast!) here is the link if you are interested!
its everything you could EVER want to find!
cuteness overload. they melt MY heart, so I can only imagine what they do to you and Joe! Such a beautiful and blessed family, keep the posts coming!
How adorable. Your family is just beautiful. My 4 yr old looked over and said, "They are so cute, look at them, too cute. Where do they live?" LOL. Kids are awesome!!
I loved looking at the kids in their costumes- they are ADORABLE! Looks like ya'll had a wonderful Halloween!!
Can everybody say ADORABLE?! Too cute! The one thing that would have made your Halloween perfect--- if they had put wings on Carter's monkey costume so he could have been part of the original cast. Y'all needed an Oz, a Glenda, and a Wicked Witch. Oh and some "little people" too. =)
Fantastic post Suzy Q.. Love all the pictures---I miss those little wizard of oz quaddies... :) Glad you had a great weekend...Keep up the good blogging little mama.. You're the best !! Love ya... :)
I love all of these pics! One of my faves is the one of your 3 boys laughing! That is priceless! I could just eat all of your kids up!!
Looks like you guys had a fantastic time.
THAT is the cutest thing I have ever seen! What an adorable idea! :)
That is just precious! Looks like fun was had by all! Thank you for posting! Your friend in East Texas, the way, we were in Austin this weekend too!
You know I love all your pieces with all my heart.. BUT.. MISS SAVY PANTS is MELTING me in this post! The one of her running with Kate.. OMG!! Sweet, loving, darling, beautiful Sav.. auntie Gen want's to hug you so much right now! UGH.. hate the distance. Hate it!
I love you all!
Seriously...your kids are so cute! I can practically hear all those little laughs coming through those pictures.
The costume idea was perfect. And they look so cute.
Your kids are adorable!!!!! I love to look at the pictures, but I dont think I have ever commented. Sorry:( /My daughter is about the same age as your 4, you are super mom!!! and always look so cute!!! How do you do it? Also what brand is the toy vacuum, I have been looking one for my daughter. Thanks
Precious and beautiful parents as well!!! Love the costumes!! I wonder if Avery could squeeze in Sav's dress next year! I bought my tin man on clearance at Wal-Mart. Got Gunner's lion from a friend (2-3T isn't that sad?) Gotta get my scarecrow for Can-Man and the Good Witch for HN!!!
Their costumes are SO adorable! Looks like they really enjoyed those suckers, ha!
Bonnie :)
Being in Amarillo we don't go to Dallas much but on the way back from Waco last week I got just a bit excited to see your billboard "oh boy oh boy oh girl oh boy" for the hospital. It was cool seeing it after reading it on the blog so long ago.
LOVE the costumes! What a gem of an idea that worked so perfectly for all of the kids. Also, your pro family pics are precious. Must have been an AMAZING photographer to get such great shots of four 2 year olds!!!
Hi :) Just catching up on your blog, its been a while since I stopped by. I just HAD to comment this time - the Halloween pictures are SOOOOOOOOO cute!!! They are getting so big - can't believe it! How fun!
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