Click here to read our Success Story! I think it turned out GREAT and I love the wording...SO TRUE! It was an awesome photo shoot that lasted ALL DAY LONG- but the kids were amazing. We shot the billboard pics during the morning, let the quads nap, and then shot the print ad later that afternoon. They even had a hair & makeup gal for me--which was so much fun for a tired 'ole Mama! :)
We are currently on the back cover of the Fort Worth Child Magazine (November 09 Issue)!--Funny that I didn't even know about this until some of you, awesome blogger buddies, filled me in! Thanks!!
You Fort Worth peeps can also check us out in the FORT WORTH Star Telegram (NOT the Arlington version) from time to time!
It was fun to watch the kids examine the newspaper & magazine---making sure to point out every person in the pic!
Previous posts:
Click here to see "The Quaddies High in the Sky" (the billboard for the ad campaign) & HERE for the kiddies seeing the billboard in person, for the first time.
Suz... seriously that is awesome! Love the wording too!
Suz... seriously that is awesome! Love the wording too!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fun, Suz! Glad you had this opportunity to give back! And for cryin' out loud, you look SO GOOD! =)
Love you!
Hey Suz- Love the ad! Could you e-mail me through my profile account? I need to ask you something and get your advice. Thanks!
That is great!!!
I'm a new reader to your blog. I stumbled upon it reading up on multiples. No, I am not pregnant with multiples, in fact - I am not pregnant at all. I was just curious as to what moms of multiples adapt to fit their needs and what products they find most useful. Why? Because so many of my friends are having babies for the first time I figured moms of multiples probably have great ideas on what "have to have" gifts I could bring to showers!
Your children are all beautiful and so are you. Thank you for allowing me to snoop into you life
I saw that Billboard this weekend!!! I just started reading your blog about a month ago and think that they are sooo cute.. This weekend we took a trip to Forth Worth and I saw the billboard. That is sooo fun and exciting. BTW I LOVED LOVED their Halloween costumes this year. That was awesome!
Wish I lived closer so I could see the ad in person. Looks great though.
Incredible! Love it!!! You are just too gorgeous momma! OMG...I love the pic of sweet Sav reading the paper... giving it her famous eyebrow furrow as she gives it the once over!!! I love that little diva!!! Hugs!!!!
I picked up the Nov. Fort Worth Child last week, and tossed it over into the passenger seat. As I was driving home, I almost crashed when I glanced over and saw you guys on the back! What in the world would I do if I actually knew you?! And, I smile every day as I drive past the billboard on university! Your children are precious! Thank you for sharing your lives with us!
Sounds like you had a fun day
Suz - Thanks for sharing our ads with all of your readers! We are grateful for you all and for the outcomes your precious little ones had! Hope to see you soon!
- Whitney Jodry
What a great write up and an amazing photo! You should be the poster mom for "Just say NO to mom jeans". You always look so stylish.
Hi Suz! :)
Oh my goodness, I just realized that I know the other success story family as well - Chesleigh is a friend of mine from High School! What a small world!
Give those kids a hug from me and tell Joe I said hello!
Big Hugs to all of you!
Amy King
Sneaking out to see a movie hubby and I went to the Rave @ Ridgmar Mall in Fort Worth, bought our tickets and went to roam around before the start time SMACK right there you all were next to Toni & Guy. I said, probably too loud, I read her blog!!! :-)
Suz - Thanks for sharing our ads with all of your readers! We are grateful for you all and for the outcomes your precious little ones had! Hope to see you soon!
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