The main crib room is painted: blue with a brown border and a green ceiling with scattered polka dots on the ceiling to match the bedding. Several curtains are already hanging.
The second crib room is painted: green up to your waist, then brown up to the ceiling. Ade is going to paint multi-width stripes on the back wall on the brown part.
Ade May
Zach May
Mr. Ellis
Mrs. Ellis
Mrs. Litton
and those of you from North Davis who brought food over to the house (a special thanks to Lacy Underwood for organizing the food deliveries!)
love...love...love it! your babies are already so lucky to have so many people ready to spoil them rotten.
Hi I found my way here through five litte monkeys. Great looking nursery.
Looks like it is coming together! I know you will be so happy and excited to see it in person and with 4 little ones with you too.
Thanks for the great pictures!
I just wanted you to know that your nurserys are very cute! I love the colors. You are a very blessed woman to have such wonderful people around you! I say a pray every evening for your four little ones!
How exciting!! I LOVE it (them!)!!! They are just beautiful nurseries!! I know you are absolutely dying to see them! I can't wait to see them, too! That was so nice of them to do that for you!
WOW!! They did an AWESOME job!!! It looks fantastic!! I especially love the ceiling.
27 weeks!!!! You are doing great!! Hang in there a little longer....I know how hard the hospital bedrest is!! I too felt so lonely!! I never really understood why, since I worked in the hospital I was in there were people always wondering in and out to say Hi, but it was just hard to shake the loneliness. I always had a hard time on the weekends. Everyone was out doing their fun stuff and I was stuck there. I also changed weeks on fridays, so I think that had something to do with it too. This month in 2004 was when I was admitted for the long haul. I didn't leave until October. Even though its been 3 years its still very "fresh" in my mind. :)
:) Katie- mom of triplet girls 2 1/2 years
Adorable nurseries! So thoughtful of your firends and family. I love the picture of Shiloh hanging out in one of the rooms:)
God bless,
I came to see the 27 week update, and was very excited to see the nurseries as well! It is looking beautiful. Doing the boys' nursery was so fun for me. Well, I couldn't help either, but at least I was able to be home to "supervise" the project. How fun will it to be able to go home and see it as a MOMMY?!
So happy for you.
As well as Jon, Caleb and Jacob
Those have to be two of the most darling nurseries I've seen. What great workers you had! :) I couldn't believe your post about your doc talking about taking the babies at 32 wks. I was thinking, wow, that's SIX weeks away!! You, Joe and the babes continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Take care, Mama!
Suzanne, Brett Emerson's wife here...I can't remember if I've introduced myself, but I'm good friends with Jessicca and Sonya and we've been reading your blog since before you guys moved to Arlington. When I read your thank you to "those of you from North Davis", I decided now was the time to write. My grandparents have attended that church for years and I have grown up going there during the holidays. When I read you were moving to Arlington, I wondered if you and Joe might discover that congregation. If you meet Bill and Dot Stewart, please tell them hello from their grand-daughter. ;) I enjoy your blog very much b/c of your positive and funny outlook on life. I asked Sonya, "is she really like that?" And she confirmed that how you write your blog is how you are. So, thank you for sharing your gift with all of us. God bless!
April Emerson
Oh, and I LOVE the nurseries!
those nurseries are awesome!!!!!!! i love the colors and the dots---your babies are going to really enjoy their rooms. praying for all 6 of you!!!
jenny in ms
LOVE it! I can't believe how professional it lokks! I can't wait to come over and HOLD the babies in the new nursery.
I am so thrilled that you are so close to having your babes! You have been a super star (SNL) and I am proud to be your ex-college roomate...I am FAMOUS! hahaha
Love you!
Suzanne -
AHHHH! What awesome rooms! They look great. I love the polka dots on the ceiling!
I know you can't wait (but you really will) to get those sweet babies in their cribs.
See you soon!
I tried to leave a comment earlier, but I sure have a hard time with the blogger stuff!! :( So, here's to re-typing!!!
The nurseries are adorable. Wow! It looks like Ty & his crew from Incredible Makeover-Home Addition (or whatever the name is) were over. Your crew could make some bucks hiring out!! Wish I had family & friends with that talent!
Keep up the good work keeping the babies in!!
Cindy Broder, McMoms President
Ummm, I do believe you inadvertently left Shiloh off the "thank you" list. I saw her modeling in one of the painted rooms, so I know she had a hand (paw?) in the work too! :)
Everything looks so great! You've got a grea team!
Suzanne -
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and I couldn't help but to comment on those wonderful nurseries! They are amazing! They are so kid friendly, but very sophisticated!
As I follow your blog, I am keeping you in my prayers as well!
ooooh.. Love it...! We just did a combination of pink, green & brown in my daughter's room! The boys will have a cowboy theme soon!!
I know how much you're dying just to get those babies home!!.. Hang in there....
someday in the near future, you will be home and wishing you could just go back to the hospital for some "bedrest"... soak it up!!!
oh my word. those nurseries are so stinkin' cute! i love 'em! and when everything gets in there... and those babies are sleepin' and playin'.... mmmmmmm that's the life. they are precious
your rooms are too cute!! can't wait to see what they look like w/ the furniture in them! me and my sister were talking about how you hadn't posted for a few days and we were wondering if that meant there were babies!! luckily there weren't when we saw the new post, but we wonder ever time you don't post all the time, haha. still praying for your health and the babies health!
Love, love, love the color scheme! You are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to do this for you. I am so impressed with the great job they all did. I always think, "Hey I can paint..no biggie" until I start and remember how much work it is! Keep up the great work and know that you are being prayed for here in Georgia!
So cute. What wonderful friends and family you have!
it's looking great! So how are you distributing the babies across the two rooms? will there be two babies in each room?
The nursuries look fantastic! You are very blessed!
Jamie - McMoms
girl, you are sooooooooooooooooo blessed! amen! looks incredible! i am getting so excited for you!
Absolutely Amazing!!! Gorgeous rooms...very professional:) They should be put in a magazine or something! I know you must be so excited to see them in person.
LOVE THAT! The ceiling is awesome and SO very unique!! While you're rocking your babies at night you'll enjoy looking around your adorable nurseries!!!
Congrats on 27 weeks!!! Love the colors on the rooms and all the circles on the ceiling. That is fantastic to have such a great team helping you guys out.
it looks wonderful! and congrats to getting as far as you have. those babies are lucky to have such a wonderful family. :)
Hi, I am Marty & Dallas' cousin and I live in Fort Worth. Marty told me about your blog a few months ago and I have been keeping up with it. The babies rooms look AWESOME! I am so impressed with everyone's painting ability. Take care!
GORGEOUS NURSERY!!!! You are so incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful people around you!
Jen H.
How wonderful!!! Love all those colors!!!
I just found your blog yesterday. Congratulations! The babies' rooms look great.
The nurseries are sooo cute!! You are a great decorator!! We're praying for you daily. Julie (Hunter) Tanner (Harding)
So Cute! Love the colors and design. What fun! Glad to hear you are still hanging in there. I know it's hard being stuck in the hospital just waiting for the days to pass by. Keep it up girl!
The rooms are AWESOME! ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS! It looks so good already I can't imagine what the finished product will look like. Plus when the 4 kids arrive it will be the sweetest pair of nurseries ever!
The rooms look incredible. I love nursery rooms that I not babyish. It is great that you have the space for these precious babies. I am trying to figure out where I am going to put mine....I joke with my hubby that the cages (stackable cribs) might be an option.j/k
Hurray for 27 weeks!!! 5 weeks to go....so close.
Take care and I would love to hear for you. Let me know if you need my email.
BEAUTIFUL! I a few months you will get to fill them up with babies! Yea!
Wow! What a fabulous decorating team! The rooms are amazing.
Wow Suz they look so great. I am the worst about picking out a color or 2 and following through I am always so worried about the out come. Congrats on having the guts and then the great results it looks wonderful and I love the circles on the ceiling.
Let's hear it for 27 weeks!!!!
Congrats, girl, on hitting the 27 week mark! It's so amazing how many supporters you have - especially the ones you don't know (like myself!) I hope the encouragement helps! It's clear that we're all rooting for you and Joe and the babes! The nurseries will be BEAUTIFUL!
- Danielle (from Sacramento)
Hey, sweet girl! It was so much fun doing this for you and Joe and the little ones! We had a great time together and lots of laughs. I missed getting to visit you but Mr. L and I send lots of love and prayers!
Mrs. L
Not only are the colors great but it has love all in it... all ready for your little PODs to dream away surrounded in peace and comfort. Thanks for sharing the pictures and so loving the colors... CONTINUING TO PRAY FOR YAH AS ALWAYS!!!!
Love---JoLee and Family
Suz! Congrats on 27 weeks! I am so proud of you- you are so strong. Hang in there. Love the nurseries. I've always wanted to try painting a ceiling- a bold color- but don't no if I could pull it off. The rooms look AWESOME!! Can't wait to see them with cribs and babies in them. Love Mo
I found out about your blog thru a friend of a friend (I think??) Anyway, I have been lurking for a while now and wanted to let you know that I am praying for those sweet babies to stay in as long as they can.
I LOVE the colors of the nurseries and the dots on the ceiling are so cute (are your family and friends for hire...heehee). I am 33 weeks pregnant with my second.
You can check out my blog if you are bored.
Praying for you and your family!!!
Hey Suz----What a fantastic job your "crew" did on the babies nurseries!!! Can't wait to see the finished rooms--complete with Ben, Andrew, Ethan, and Savannah... WOW--its still so hard to believe you are going to have 4 babies!!! I'm so excited for you and Joe!! Take care sweetie---Hang in there--only a few more LONG weeks to go.. :) Love you!!!!!
What cool rooms! You are sooo good to post pics and comments often so those of us far away can stay informed. I just wish you were closer to we could come in for a short visit or two to help with the loneliness.
You and Joe and the quads(and the rest of the family) remain in our prayers. Keep posting often so we can keep in touch.
Nursery is adorable! Fun to get out of all the work! Hope you had a good day. Carrie
Found you through friend of a friend , etc. Anyway LOVE the nursery. I was on hospital bedrest for 6 weeks with my twins in Feb. My mom did 100% of my nursery. It was the BEST feeling to get get home (although boys had to stay in NICU for 3 weeks) and see their new room. Brought me to tears. New to blogger and loving it! Prayers are with you.
27 weeks! Can you believe it? And how blessed to have all those people help with the nursery. By the end I was so big and tired that I didn't get my nursery done like I wanted and now that they are here it isn't getting done any faster!
Can't wait to see those precious faces!
WOW! I didn't take time to read all the other comments so I am sure I am just echoing what everyone else has said but, WOW! Even with out the furniture and cute bedding these rooms look so amazing! That is a VERY TALENTED crew you have there! I especially love the picture from the hall looking into the two rooms! It's great how the differant colors line up. I love your nurseries becasue just like the quads, they are both made from the same basic colors and elements but each is unique and has its own look and personality! You are gonna love these rooms and the babies will too!
found your blog through a friend's.
the nursery(s) is ADORABLE!!
I have been 'stalking' for a while now...you are your 4 little ones are in my prayers!
The nurseries look fabulous!! Isn't it great to have wonderful friends and family...what would we do without them??? Congrats on making it to 27 weeks!!
The nurseries look wonderful! I know that you can't wait to see them in person.
But while you are on bed rest check out
It is very funny!
OKay so I just happened upon your blog through others and I'm trully amazed at how things are going carrying 4 little ones. I'm in awe of how the Lord has taken care of both you and the 4 wee ones. I'm praying for you even though we don't know each other. I just had a baby on May 23rd and I can't imagine going through a pregnancy with 4 inside me, one was enough. LOL I pray you don't get too bored and keep us updated on everything. Oh and by the way I love what you did to the nursery, when we get our house at the end of this year I'm going to be doing that same thing except with Pink and Brown (those are Addyson's colors) Keep up the positive spirit! God is definetely taking care of you all.
I love the rooms!! They did a great job!! I hope you are doing better.
Deanna Turner
Suzanne,I love the nursery. It was so great seeing you the other day. I am so proud of you!!!! An, have I mentioned you look awesome!!!!!
Do you have a sonogram this week? Anxiously awaiting updates on the babies and their weights!
The rooms look so cute!! Still praying hard for you and your babies!!!
-Ashley Pittman
Hi Suzanne!
Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement. We really are doing okay. I'm just trying to be positive and know that something must not have been right to cause the baby to stop growing and now the other 3 babies have a better chance of being healthy. I hope you are feeling well--looking forward to seeing more pics. The nursery looks great. We are just keeping the same from my daughter--its neutral since we didn't find out the gender, so it will work for the 3 new babies also.
I'll check back soon for updates!
I love your nursery. So cute! When we had our son (Andrew) we couldn't paint the walls or anything cause we were still renting.
Hi, my mom goes to church with your mom in Waco. She sent me your site and I have been keeping up with your progress. I know many people at North Davis including two sets of my God-parents, and you couldn't have a better church family pr group of people to support you during this time. I had a baby almost three years ago and can't imagine having four little angels lol but I know with your support system you will be fine.
Best of luck to your family,
Meredith and Austin Buchanan (daugther and Granddaughter of Jean and Don Montgomery)
I love this room!
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