{a collective sigh can be heard from bloggers across the globe due to suz's absence}
No worries, suz will be back blogging as soon as I hit the enter button on this post!
Well a lot has happened since I last posted and we're now in our 28th week…a huge milestone for suz and the Big IV. I would like to take this time to recognize the women in my life and all of you other women out there…all I can say is, WOW…you all handle this much better than we guys could. Ok, so this may not be earth shattering news to you, but I cant get over all the stuff that happens to you guys and how well suz is handling it.
Obviously my life has changed a bit with suz going on hospital bed rest and while those changes have not been as drastic as hers...i do constantly have 1000 things on my mind, i get very little sleep (im trying to condition myself now) and i can never find the time to do stuff around the house. Anyway, here are a few things I do a little differently now-a-days...
I actually "jog-mowed" the lawn a couple weeks back and yes, i just made up that word. This is not some new exercise craze im trying to start, but maybe it should be! I was actually just trying to hurry so I could get to the hospital and see suz before it got too late. Im sure the neighbors saw me and wondered what in the world I was doing and that i must be some workout fanatic…bottom line Im not even sure I got the job done any faster…good call joe, well done.

ok, so its not chuck, but jog mowing is going to be huge!
I pay bills and then forget that I paid them…in the process, probably stressing out suz b/c im worrying about whether I sent it, if I need to call them and pay over the phone…but what if I sent it and they deduct it twice…wow, if that last paragraph didn’t give you a headache, I'm sure I could in person.
I have become a huge fan of sonics "full throttle" energy slush…this thing actually give me a huge boost after lunch only to provide a slight crash around the 4 o'clock hour. I have realized that for only $0.20 I can sonic size this drink and buy myself ATLEAST another 30minutes…totally worth it.

can everyone say "caffeine rush?"...you know i can!
There are 3 movie theatres, 4 shopping centers, one staged empty police car (gets me everytime), 10 pot holes, 1 QT billboard (referencing a QT I have yet to find), and 2 broken down cars on my way from the house to the hospital.

thanks for the ad guys...but not so much
I have perfected the "glazed over" look. Not necessarily something I was looking for, but apparently its easy to notice. Even on my better days I get asked "you look exhausted" or "man, your mind must be somewhere else"…I'll need to work on hiding this a little better. im taking suggestions.
I've gotten worse at answering my cell phone, for some of you that’s probably hard to believe…but as a result I think I can text faster than my little brother. I may be able to give most middle schoolers a run for their money…im thinking about turning pro sometime later this year.

yes, we can hear you...but we'd rather not!
With all this said, I still get to enjoy little things that suz is unable to and my stomach hasn’t become the everballooning home to 4 kids. Im truly proud of her and everything she's doing, b/c I know there is no possible way i could've done it...not to mention its funny to think she's the one that calms me down whenever i get that "glazed over" look (referenced earlier in this post that has now turned into a short story) she is the one who comforts me when i start worrying about something else.

here she is...i am the luckiest
You are just as funny as Suzanne is! I'm so glad you've updated on your condition as well as the soon to be father of four. I'm thinking you should probably get used to that glazed over look...haha, probably won't go away any time soon :) And you're right about the sigh of people reading this post...I was really wondering if the babies were here since there wasn't a post since Tuesday! Still praying for all 6 of you! Can't wait to see more pics :)
Ok. You should weite blogs for a living! Great post Joe! I don't know ya, but I am pullin' for those babies!
Mom of 6 in Ohio
hang in there joe and thanks for the update! miss yall and can't wait to see you again one fine day!
Your post is hilarious! I love your honesty. Beware Joe, once you start on those Full Throttle drinks you could be hooked for a long time. My hubby started drinking them after we had the quads and now two years later it's a staple in our fridge. :)
Joe, pro-textsters (sp?) don't make enough money to support a fam of 6, maybe you should make a video of "jog-mowing" and sell it for profit ;) ! Thanks for the post, and update. Still praying for all six of you guys!
Ok, I laughed out loud while reading Joe's post! I think it helps to have met him to really understand how funny he is. I keep having this vision in my head of Joe jogging back and forth across the lawn, wiping sweat from his brow, just so he can get to see Suz faster. Hilarious! Then the pic of Chuck Norris just added to the joke...too funny. You are doing fantastic Joe..not very many men could run a household like you can. haha
Your kids are lucky to have such a sweet and funny daddy. I love it!
You really need to be a writer, Joe! I've graded many a TAKS practice writing paper, and you would be off the charts with voice! You are hilarious...y'all were made for each other! We're all glad to hear from ya and glad you're taking such good care of Suz (and the household). You are going to be such a great dad. Praying for you guys!! Hooray for it being almost 28 weeks!!! God is good!
hey suzanne! it's ashley fincher (franz now) from HUF! layne just told me about this and i can hardly believe it! if anyone can handle it, you can! i was going to tell you about the dixon quads but it looks like you already know them! i would love to hear from you...email me at ashleyfranz@gmail.com...talk to you soon!
Wow! I'm exhausted after reading that post...Joe covered so much territory in such short time, I could hardly keep up with him:) Thanks for updating us and letting us know that Suz is hanging in there. I think we all get a little worried when we don't get any updates for a few days.
God bless,
Wow, I don't even know you Joe and that brought tears to my eyes! You sound like such a nice (and hilarious!) guy. I was totally crackin' up at the jog-mow paragraph...that paints a very funny picture!
wow, what a sweet and honest post...nice to hear the male point of view. You are both lucky to have one another :-)
You don't know me but I just stumbled upon your blog and I am truly amazed at how well Suz is doing!!!! I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers!
That was fun to read! Thanks Joe! As always, you are all in my prayers!
Joe, thanks for giving us guys a manly man reason for reading "the life of suz.." Keep it up!
mike waters
I've have been there and my husband has been there. I spent 1 month on hospitalized bedrest around this time last year. I was preg with twins and they still came at 30 weeks but they are both doing great. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
Suz -
You are so lucky to have such a devoted, loving husband!!! I got a lot of laughs out of his post!! I have a feeling that if we lived closer, my little family would get along just fine with yours!!! :)
You have inspired me to start my own blog! Feel free to stop by and kill some time if you would like. I was on bedrest for 10 weeks with my son, Graham; 6 of those were in the hospital on Mag. When I wasn't too "Mag'd out" I would lurk on different blogs to pass the time!
Keep growing those little babies. I check back often and worry when there are a couple of days without posts. You're all in my thoughts and prayers!
Firmly In His Grip-
Mandeville, LA
I was just thinking to myself that you have now been at the hospital over 3 weeks and that is how long I was in the hospital before my twins were born. Wow! At the same time - wow! You are almost at 28 weeks. That is super exciting! 4 weeks past the viability date. You can do this! Keep up the good work! I remember reading recently in another post that someone wrote to you that long after the quads are born and have gone home to their [super cute] nurseries - that you will look back on the hospital bedrest in a blur - and she is right. It will not seem as difficult in hindsight as it does while you are living it. Anyway, if there is anything at all that myself or McMoms can do to help you out, please don't hesitate to ask.
Jamie - McMoms
Wow Joe, you are too funny. And, just as captivating as your wife! I have been reading the blog and cheering you guys on for a few weeks now, Hooray for 28 weeks! Awesome stuff!
Prayers for all of you!
Hum......I'll have to ask my husband how many land marks he passed when he came to visit me in the hospital. Interesting concept! :) Your humor is so refreshing as I remember how much of a burden my husband had to carry while I was gone....kudos to you! Congratulations to you and Suzanne for hitting the 28th week. Hope you have a big party planned for the 29th week. Isn't that a huge milestone for survival rates of preemies?
Great Post Joe...and as a woman I think the man does have more burdens on them during our pregnancies than they are given credit for..we do realize it. Thank you for loving your woman..its precious!
As a father of quads let me say that you’re on the right track Joe!! You seem to have the best possible attitude about it all. For me it was simple. Have quads and be miserable, or have quads and be the happiest dad, husband, cook, cleaner, bottle washer, lawn maintenance man, etc, etc, etc, in the world. Either way you have quads, might as well be happy. I'm glad to see you (like me) had enough sense to realize that what she is going through is something that you couldn't. I have said many times since Allison and I had our quads, "If you don't think Women are as strong as men, then you don't know any".
Ok... I love your post Sir Joe. Your kiddos are going to have the most honest and funny personalities. You both have got such amazing personalities and love that God had to bless you with four little miracles to share your traits.. Oh by the way, the chores are just the start of your new and amazing full time job as a MULTI DAD..You are an amazing Christian couple. You are both such a compliment to each other physically and spiritually. "Not able to sleep", spoken as if you had experience in the NEWBORN deptmt already.
I am so glad that you posted... I was wondering how you were handling it JOE...
Miss and Love yall very very much.... Hugging the babes right now with my love...
JoLee and Family
Joe, I'm glad to know that I'm not alone - I've jog mowed too! It's not any faster, I don't think, but the neighbors love it! Along with me chasing the soapy dogs all over the backyard trying to rinse them off for their baths.
Joe- Love hearing your persepective. Some advice - All electronic bill pay and a riding lawn mower. : )
Happy 28 weeks!!!
I love hearing from Joe! It is nice to get his perspective on everything going on. Laughed out lound on the jogging while mowing. It is nice to know that Suz has a great husband taking care of her. Those kids are so lucky to have such wonderful parents. 28 weeks..YEAH!!!! Only four to go..right?
Daddio says:
Congrats to my daughter, and son-in-law of course, on hitting the 200,000 plus blogsite views. You guys truly have a gift of writing about your current pregnancy situation, your upcoming birth of the quads, and your steadfast faith in the Lord which you obviously are sharing with people all over the world. Your Mom and I are very proud of you both!!!!! Oh yes, I better throw Shiloh in there too, she has been a wonderful dog to keep, not one single accident in the house in over 2 weeks, ha!
Joe and Suz,
You 2 are SO funny! I was laughing out loud while reading Joe's post. I am sure my co-workers think I am nuts. I am happy for you both. Your faith in the Lord and love for each other is awesome. What a joy it is to read you posts. Thank you for blessing my life by sharing yours. Hang in there! Still praying for you all.
Renee' Lewis
As a NICU nurse who has been reading your blog I am so happy that you have hit the 28 week mark. I know you know this, but each day makes such a difference...you have done such a great job!!
Great post. Good luck to you both. Can't wait to hear the good news. But not until they are ready!
Congrats on 28 weeks! Great post Joe!
--Sarah Reaves--Jen's pal in IN.
The "blogger nation" grows restless... How are you? Congrats on Week 28! Hope and pray all is well. Safely Rest!
I jog mowed in honor of Joe tonight!
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