Monday, June 30, 2008

2 Cool 4 School

Oh Ben...

So, lately, every time I am feeding the kiddies, Ben always props his arm up on his chair--totally relaxin', just chillin', waiting for his turn around the table for a spoonful of yummy goodness. It cracks me up to no end! Joe and I could not stop laughing last night as we got some quick footage with my camera.

same, emotion-less expression...

"(yawn) whatEV mom, I'm SO over this feed right now"

"what are you and dad laughing at?..."

"you want a piece of me?..."

(check out the "almost cry" at the very beginning)

...(this was round 2 or 3 of video taping him) just cracking us up because he sat this way the entire time! Too cool.....too cool 4 school, Benny-Benny-Boo-Boo-Bear

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our old stompin' grounds...

Well, I have been meaning to take the quads back up to see Dr. Tabor, the NICU, and the nurses on Jones 3rd floor (high risk OB- where I lived for 1.5 months) ever since they were able to get out and about in May. I was waiting for a good time when someone would be able to go with me...but realized that I just need to do it myself or it might never happen! So, yesterday after breakfast, I diapered, wiped-down, applied lotion, put 4 quads in cute clothes and into the burb, attached the hitch with the stroller, and headed to downtown Fort Worth (drenched in sweat, mind you! about a LOT of work! Ha!). As I was in the burb and realized that we were now 30 minutes into the quad's best nap of the day, I thought to myself that this MIGHT not have been the BEST idea! haha...but they ended up doing great!

Me and Dr. this guy! I don't know how I would have ever gotten through my high risk pregnancy and bedrest without Tabor's dry humor cracking me up every time I saw him.

I can't tell you what an amazing feeling it was to walk around the office and hospital while pushing my FOUR, BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY QUADS. It brought back so many memories--fond memories. Sounds weird, but the hospital was like my second home and so many people took such great care of me and my babies during our stays--I can't help but feel so proud to be back there. I was also able to chat with and encourage two ladies who were pregnant with triplets and on bedrest while I was there--very neat!

The staff at Tabor's office--LOVE THEM!

...and to walk back into the office where I was examined every week, hoping my babies were all still alive and healthy, not knowing what the future would bring...

Ben, Sav, Ethan, & Drew


It brings tears to my eyes. God has been so unbelievably gracious. Hang in there all you pregnant mamas with multiples! We're cheering you on!

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"What would we do without...


I just wanted to take the time to say a huge THANKS to all the people who help us out with the quads from time to time. The only way Joe and I can EVER get out is ONLY because people have given their time (and sanity) to come watch four, very mobile and busy babies! Trust me, it is NO easy task and I am used to it ONLY because I do it every day. It is such a huge undertaking and we are more than gracious for your time and energy!

So, thank you SO much Paul and Kate! (Grandpa & Grandma Steece) The babies told us how much fun they had with you! They loved Grandpa's funny faces and chuckled at Grandma's laughs!

Another huge thanks to the sweet friends who also came over while we were away (volunteers-turned-friends). The quads are more than blessed to have so many loving people in their lives (they have at LEAST 15 adopted grandparents!)

And a future thanks to my parents (Papa & Granna) who will be with the babies while Joe and I head off to our next big adventure...

We just can't thank you ALL enough for the unconditional love you have shown us and how you constantly go out of your way to make sure our babies are well loved! (and spoiled rotten! haha) You ALL mean the world to us, please know that we could NEVER take you for granted! May God pour his richest blessings upon you and your families.

We love you.

Joe, Suz, Ethan, Sav, Drew & Ben

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Monday, June 23, 2008

The History behind the Quad Mamas

The history of me and my girls:
As many of you know, when I was pregnant...Jen Murray and Gen McNulty saved my sanity--NO DOUBT! We formed such a deep, soul-mate-type, friendship, that I have long dreamed of the day that I would finally get to hug their necks! (Last week, my dream came true thanks to our amazing hubbies--but I'll get to that in a few)
Toward the end of my pregnancy, I hooked up with Mari somehow through the beauty of the blogworld. The Goerlichs were also pregnant with 3 boys and 1 girl and were due around the same time as us! (Mari made it past 32 weeks of pregnancy because she is absolutely AMAZING!) It has been so refreshing to share this experience with another positive, upbeat, Christian mom at the exact same stage as our kids!

How the trip all came about:

I found out about a month ago that the boys had been secretly emailing about how to get us girls together since the first of the year!. (WOW!) Our hubbies knew how much we talk (everyday) and mean to each other. (Isn't that sweet?!) So, it started out as a girl's trip that turned into a couple's trip and I am SO glad! It was great to watch the boys playing around and hanging out together--just 3 other couples who "get you" and understand EVERYTHING you have been through!....AMAZING time.

What I LOVE about each of my ladies:

Mari D

Like I said, could we HAVE any more things in common?! 3 boys/1 girl/1 amazing husband & father/1 dog...Mari is one of the most positive & encouraging people I know. When she smiles, she seriously lights up the entire room! Mari has that natural beauty both inside and out. (BTW-She is absolutely gorgeous with zero makeup, barf right?! jk). She has a strong faith and does not take anything for granted. She and Chris are ridiculously fun (check out their video of missing their flight by 2 minutes!) and were a pure joy to be around. Chris seriously made me laugh so hard that I was crying. Mari is radiant and I love this woman like a sister.


Gen was the first family of quads that I found when I was pregnant. Someone sent me the McNulty blog and told me to check it out--it was HILARIOUS! I got so much peace and support from reading through her experiences--both Conor and Gen have the ability to laugh in any situation. Conor could be Joe's brother, so of course I love the boy! Several people have told Gen and me that we are long lost sisters! (I take that as a HUGE compliment) The girl CRACKS ME UP! She is so fun and full of energy. She has a heart of gold and would do anything for one of her friends--very loyal. Being around Gen felt so comfortable--like we have known each other for years and years. Gen is truly my soul-sista. My life is brighter because she is in it.

Jen Jen

I found Jen's blog while pregnant and was so uplifted by her positive outlook and complete trust in God. When I was having a bad day, she was the first person I would want to talk to--so she could help me keep things in perspective. Jen has a HUGE heart full of pure gold. She is so sarcastically funny and we always find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time (JINX! It is kinda an awesome way!) Its like we are reading each other's thoughts! And ladies, Brad is the sweetest, most thoughtful husband in the world--so if you want your man to learn something, tell them to take a page out of Brad's book! Jen is my rock and I love her like a sis.

(Yep, we sure do have the same swimsuit! And Mari's is dern close! Just another freakish way we are all alike!)

There is so much to post about and fun pics, so make sure to check out the other ladies' blogs as well!

In other news: Savannah's appointment went well yesterday and she will NOT be having surgery at this time! WOO HOO! We will have to do more testing in December! Prayer works! Thank you all so much!

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lake Tahoe, CA

4 Hot Mamas x 4 Cute Hubbies =
16 Adorable Children

Stay tuned for more stories and pictures--as we travel back to our babies!!!!

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Having Fun In the Mountains & Sun

Who's That Girl?

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Savannah's Fishies

Thank you all SO much for the kind words and prayers! Sav's test went much better than the first go 'round! Now, her father will tell you that it was ALL because of HIS presence this time! Ha! Okay, so he patted her chest while I gently rocked her head--team effort...but the true life saver was this little dear:

I don't know why I didn't think of it the first time! Savannah LOVES her fishies and she goes to sleep with them every night. See the video of the first night Sav experienced her "aquarium" (when she was only 5 months old)

She finally cried so hard, she passed out while watching her little fishy swim back and forth with the music playing. WHEW! Poor baby girl! We will know the results a week from Monday! Thanks again for your prayers--we appreciate them more than you could ever know.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Renal Scan, Part Deaux

Quite the little personality...I'd have to honestly say that little Savannah Leigh Steece makes me laugh about 20 billion times a day! (not unlike her father) And if anyone is ever talking or laughing about something, she joins right in and starts laughing herself in this deep, loud, boisterous laugh--absolutely contagious!

Well...its that time again...Savannah has her second renal scan tomorrow (Thursday). In order to catch you up on Sav's condition, you can read back to previous posts:
Rough Week

And this is an excerpt from my post when we found out her diagnosis:

sav has two very specific DIFFERENT diagnoses:

1) kidney reflux...which they will usually just watch and treat with antibiotics every day until 5 years of age, hoping she will outgrow, but if she continues to have bladder/kidney infection after infection...they would go ahead with surgery...which is a relatively easy procedure

2) UPJ obstruction causing severe hydronephrosus (her kidneys do NOT LOOK NORMAL AT ALL! they are HUUUUUGE with large knot-looking things all over them and bulging with fluid)...they usually catch this in utero, but since there were four babies smashed in my uterus, dr. pinto said that he was not surprised that it was not detected. this is a GENETIC condition--the boys are all normal PRAISE GOD. dr. pinto likes to run two renal scans before opting for surgery. she does not have any kidney damage (woo hoo) and her kidneys are draining...just VERRRRY slowly. (so it is not a COMPLETE block! woo hoo) her renal scan was WAAAAY delayed more than normal. she is still SO little and since she was a preemie and is quite young...he's hoping that maybe it will get better by june...if not, surgery will be imminent. usually 2 to 3 days in the hospital and 6 weeks recovery. it is a pretty rough surgical procedure on her kidneys with a nasty scar on her back.

the two surgeries are separate procedures and cannot be performed on the same day b/c they are working on the upper ureter and lower ureter...the middle part would die! yikes.

all in all: good things...but everyone knows that i am not the most patient person in the world. if something is wrong with my baby, i want it FIXED! but, for now, we will wait until june when she gets her second scan. (which JOE will experience while i stay home with the other three!) oh yes...and we will be doing LOTS and LOTS of praying!!! ;)
Sorry, lots of writing. Thank you for all of your questions about Sav--I haven't responded b/c we really won't know anything until our follow up appointment with Dr. Pinto on Monday, June 23rd. Please be praying for little Savannah for tomorrow...and for mom and dad! Yes, we will BOTH be going.

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Uh-Oh...Joe's BAAAAACK!!

All right ladies and's been a long time coming, but the Quad Father Steece has returned!!! For those of you that have read the blog since the beginning of this crazy ride, YES its been a long time, so its good to be back and posting again. For those that are new and haven't seen me post, its been quite a while, but you're in for a blog post that's so good, you may not be able to read another blog EVER again. Ok, so its probably not THAT good, but I'm telling you its going to be pretty sweet. At the very least if you don't like it at all...well, Suz will be back momentarily.

I love using sports metaphors as often as possible so this post is like MJ#23's comeback from retirement! Well, hopefully.

Edit: Just realized I'm hyping this post a lets get to answering some of the questions that have been sent my way.

(1) What is the best support a husband can give during pregnancy?

Well, the only thing i can say is just be there for her (whether its getting her ice for her fifth non-caffeinated drink in 1 hour, holding her hand, getting her the daily "required" ice cream snack in the vending machine or calling her a few extra times during the day). I know it sounds cheesy or simple or even chick-flickish (yes, I just used the made up word "chick-flickish"). I just tried to be there to do little things to help cheer Suz up when she was down, help her enjoy the good times even more or be the person she could lean on. Now, this is making me sound like "the rock" or the "emotionally stable" one, but to be honest...Suz did more of that for me than I think I did for her, but I may have done a good enough job at faking strength or positivity to help.

(2) What is your fav part of being a daddy of 4?

Easy...just being a dad to 4! The blessing is unbelievable and to come home from work and do nothing but show my face in the playroom and get smiles across the board...its an awesome feeling. Not to mention, right now I can do just about anything and get a smile or laugh out of these guys...I feel like the Jerry Seinfeld of the house, maybe this is a career opportunity for me. I could hit the "under 12 month old quad" circuit comedian...definitely a market there.

Jerry Seinfeld or Joe Steece...hmmmm, close call

(3) How do you make sure you & Suz get alone time together?

We really just make it a was something we talked about even before we had kids. Now it got a little harder when that first kid turned into 4!!! But we just made time for ourselves so that we could continue to strengthen our relationship for each other and for our kids. Whether its watching a movie together, listening to some dave matthews on the patio or just sitting and relaxing not saying anything...its all time well spent. The other HUGE blessing have been the family and friends that have given their time to come "hold down the fort" so we can get out of house, even if its just for a quick dinner...feeling like a normal couple from time to time can recharge your batteries in a heart beat.

Our first dance, kiss and concert happened while listening to see this guy (Dave Matthews)...I owe him a big thanks

(4) What do you think of all the "girly-ness" Suz dresses Sav in?

Love it all. The bows, the dresses, the shoes...I'm in trouble b/c she's going to be able to get whatever she wants whenever she wants. She's already breaking down old dad by looking at me with those big brown eyes and gorgeous smile...I'm hosed and the boys are going to wonder why they're wearing the same outfit 7 days a week while Sav has morning, afternoon and evening outfits. Sorry fellas...

(5) What is like coming home after a long day at work to 4 kids who want dinner, bath, and so on? Is it complete chaos?

Depending on when I get home, chances are that its all gravy...they're upbeat, laughing, playing, smiling and paying attention to every thing you say. BUT, if I'm running late and its borderline or past feed time...well, quite frankly its as if someone has replaced my kids with a pack of little hungry Gremlins. Sure they're not green, full of fangs and trying to kill Gizmo, but they're screaming, crying, and could care less who's least until the bottle is in their mouth. Bottom line, it CAN be crazy and chaotic, but it is always a blast...we signed up for it all and I wouldn't trade one single day of it.

(6) Do you miss alone time with Suz?

Sure, we had a blast being a young married couple with very few responsibilities and had time alone whenever we wanted. It just gets back to making time or finding time to enjoy little things you used to do when 4 kids weren't upstairs sleeping in your guestroom. Date night at the coffee table for dinner with a good movie is a big deal...sure its a little different from hitting the town, but we can get just as much out of it!

(7) Do you ever watch all 4 kids totally by yourself? (When they are totally awake?)

Does a dad who just had quadruplets get a Vasectomy? YOU BET! I do it as often as I can, b/c Suz and I will trade off nights to get out and run errands or hang out with friends. She'll do it for me and I'll do it for her. I'm definitely not as smooth as Suz, but I think the little dudes know when dad is on his own and take it easy on me. Also, you know you've been in the house with no other adult conversation for too long when you start making up and singing a song to the bongo drum toy that seems to play non stop even when ths kids are napping.
Buyer beware, you may become the next family singer/songwriter

(8) Do you and Suz fight or argue very much?

I'm trying to decide how to answer this question...the wrong answer could incite one of these "fight" things you mentioned. In all seriousness, NO, NEVER I don't even know what we would fight was that? pretty smooth, huh? ok, ok, We do...We get frustrated about things, say the wrong thing (usually me), or just get in one of those arguments you don't even know how it started or why it started but you're dead set at winning...until we realize its just not worth it.

(9) Are you both as laid back as you seem? Do you guys have a good sense of humor?

Depends on when you catch us and yes, I'm absolutely hilarious! I do think we're laid back and try to be more so after quads b/c I think I'd be in the looney bin if I didn't just pump the brakes on worries and stresses. I think we think we're two of the funniest people WE'VE ever met, but not so sure everyone else would agree...we laugh at the same stupid stuff, give solid high fives for bombed jokes (I'm talking a bombed joke that may or may not cause the dreaded awkward silence in a group setting) and we both have those moments where anything and everything is funny b/c we haven't slept much or Ben just wont stop crying and there's nothing you can do but laugh about it.

(10) Ever thought about doing voice overs with that deep voice of yours? or a radio dj? You know when you watch a preview to a movie and that deep voice comes on saying something like "in a world where..." you could do that, lol!

This is one time when I'll say I would love to be THAT guy. Also, do you work for a radio station and are you hiring? I don't have a demo, but I could make one in the next 5 seconds. I honestly don't really hear what everyone else hears...I know I have a deep voice, but I'm not a big fan of hearing it in videos or on messages, etc. I honestly would love to be on the radio and talk sports...I could do it for hours on end and as Suz has figured out (the kids will too)...I already do. I also love the movie guy reference...if you want to hear something hilarious, go to youtube or google and search for Pablo Francisco movies. He does a great impression of the movie preview guy...freaking awesome.

(11) Since you are a twin, what is it like as an adult? are you and your twin bro still really close as adults?

I was actually a fraternal twin and my mom miscarried her/him during her pregnancy. I've got two other little bros that may as well be my twins b/c those guys are my absolute best friends. Now, we don't look all that alike...I'm the shortest at slightly over 5'10" (gotta give me credit for the "slightly over") and have curly hair while Ed and Dan are both over 6' with straight hair. Actually, maybe Im adopted...jk! Ok, see, that right there was one of those jokes that sounded hilarious in my head...not so much when I typed it. (motion high five to return...ouch).

(12) Where did you get those bracelets for Suz?

I think Suz has referenced this site and lady before, but just in it is:

She does really great stuff and her customer service is awesome.

(13) What was the first thing you thought when you found out you were having quads? And then that 3 of them would be boys?

Ahhhh, this is going to be a little tough. When we first found out I kind of blacked out. Not literally, I just went blank...I started backing away from Suz and the lady with the tv screen that apparently told me we were having quads. Sorry, but I couldn't make out anything and Suz started crying and it felt like one of those dreams you want to wake up from and restart. Ok, its tough thinking of that now considering I've got 4 healthy kids sleeping upstairs...its just how I reacted. It was a really long day filled with no emotion at first and plenty of it the second we walked out the door.

3 boys and 1 girl? I breathed a huge sigh of relief and said "one wedding." The sigh of relief was that I had 3 dudes to take care of Sav and any potential teens that think dating my daughter might be a good idea...the "one wedding" comment meant just that...I only have to pay for one wedding. Now I just need to figure out sporting goods, cars at 16, and Texas A&M tuition at 18...I'm open to suggestions.

(14) Do you have dreams of teaching them a certain sport? Which one?

Every single one of them...just like my dad who had a baseball glove, football, basketball and golf clubs in his back pocket for 18yrs I'm hoping to do the same. I can't wait to play catch, shoot hoops, throw a pass and grab a tee time with all of them. Predictions real quick...Ben will play offensive line, the guy can put away a Gerber can like its no ones business and when you leave him to feed someone else he grunts until you come back around. The twins will be turning double plays for the Minnesota Twins in about 24yrs...these guys have the hand eye coordination of circus juggler on a unicycle...its crazy. A circus juggler on a unicylce does have good hand eye coordination, right? Sav will be taking on the LPGA with her Tiger Woods-like fist pump. Ok, so if her swing is anything like her moms she may end up being a cheerleader instead.

Me and Suz re-living our athletic "glory days" in high school at a Halloween party

(15) Do you guys ever think of having more kids or are you done?

See question 7...plan was 2, maybe 3...we're good. Trust me, we're all set.

(16) Are you in awe of how gorgeous your wife is? What is your favorite quality about her? You can tell she's an amazing mother and wife thru her post...lets hear it from you!

Suz, is that you? Suz?

In all honesty I am...I'm a lucky guy to say the very least. She still blows me away everytime we get dressed up to go out and I know everyone is looking at us thinking "what is she doing with that short curly haired dude?"...did I say I was lucky, yet? I love that we make each other laugh...and she knows me so well its borderline ridiculous, but its great when I don't need to say anything and she can tell somethings up. To say she's an amazing mother and wife wouldn't be enough coming from me...she does it all and then some. She takes care of the kids, takes care of me, takes care of Shiloh...we've all got it good. I appreciate her and everything she does for me and our family...I couldn't say enough and to spare any dudes who might be reading the overly sappy continution of this answer. Love you Suz!

(17) Boxers or briefs? Who is your fav muppet?

Like Dr Seuss once said, "oh the places..." I could take this question! jk. Boxers and any character living down in Fraggle Rock!!!

(18) What is the funniest reaction somone has given you (non-family member) when you tell them you have quads?

Well, the top 5 have to be removed due to explicit content! The others are a combination of either thinking I'm trying to pull one over on them (total disbelief) or others who aren't sure how many "quadruplets" are...the look like, I know that's more than 2 but how many more?

(19) You both have awesome personalities, which of you does each child take after?

First off, much thanks...and is this a collective post by our parents? As far as who the kids take after its still hard to tell. There are little things they all do that we both recognize...E is very easy going and just takes everything in (like me as a baby, so I'm told), Sav gets that diva mentality from her mom (so I'm told!!), Ben is outgoing and loves to flirt like his mom, JK! Drew is a little ball of fire...definitely got that from both of us!

(20) Do you spend time with Shiloh? If so, what are some of the activities ya'll do together? Do you ever find time to follow the NBA playoffs or sports in general? Love your fam! Bubba

Good to hear from you Bubba! Solid question. To be honest Shiloh is really getting the short end of the stick (no pun intended on her fetching sticks or lack there of) with all of our attention being put on working and taking care of the kids...she definitely doesn't get as much play time as she used to, but I think she'll have more attention than she knows what to do with here in a bit. I'm still following my boy KG and the Celtics (born in Minne and I'm pulling for the ex T-Wolve) 2 in the books and only 2 left to get...other sports? Of course, having a DVR and the ability to pause games is a quad parent must-have. We had Aggie baseball this weekend, the US Open next weekend and the Houston Astros every other night (Suz just loves all of this!).

Love this guy and although he's not in MN anymore...I hope he gets the title he deserves

All right if I was in Vegas playing Blackjack and the dealer set me up with 20, I'd b/c Im not in Vegas or at the Blackjack table or sitting with two face cards I'm going to call this a post and return all of you to your regularly scheduled dose of Suz!

In all seriousness, thank all of you for your questions, prayers and encouraging comments about our family...we appreciate every single one of them. I'll be back again to answer more questions as soon as possible...


Friday, June 06, 2008

Ethan, my little punk-rocker

These pics are for Lauren! The quads looked SO cute in their little outfits after church last Sunday! Thank YOU, sweet Lar! (Ethan, Drew, Ben)

(Ethan and Drew- looking more alike than ever!)

Ethan, Drew, Ben, & Savannah (Ben is a crawling machine, BTW! Holy COW that boy is FAST! Thank goodness for baby gates!)

We like spiking the boys hair in a little faux-hawk mo-hawk...went a little crazy with Ethan's hair after his bath yesterday!

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