Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby Carter!!!

We celebrated Carter's 1st birthday this weekend!
Ashley, Carter, Collin

It was SUCH a cute party with adorable green frogs everywhere---my sis-in-law, Ashley is BEYOND talented and made all of the decorations by hand! I had to get some pics of the party from my Dad, seeing as how I was busy keeping up with 4 crazy 2 year olds the whole time. Collin and Ashley- you are incredible parents and that precious little nephew of mine is SO blessed to call you Dad and Mom. It has been a true joy, watching you bring home this bundle of love and raising him to be such a kind-hearted soul. I love you.

Little Baby Carter, (I guess I can't really call you baby Carter anymore)---you are the sweetest, most adorable, best little baby boy that I have EVER met. I am in love with your bright, blue eyes and dazzling smile......SO proud to be your Auntie Suz! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

In other news, my Facebook status currently reads:
"Waving the white flag today. I am outnumbered and EXHAUSTED..."
Do you guys ever feel like this? That pretty much sums up what has been going on the last couple of weeks around here! I am overwhelmed with life right now...the yelling, fighting, screaming, whining, toy-taking, attitude, blatant disobeying, etc. Our days are either really, reeeeeally good----or really, reeeeeally bad. But its all part of raising 4 precious and wonderful little individuals, right?...


(I have to give myself peptalks)

And Please pardon the 'ole bloggin' funk. I just can't get in the blogging mood...but I'll get there soon.

Promise. ;)

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Zoooooooooooooo

What do you do on a PERFECTLY, GORGEOUS day in March with the sun shining and temperatures reaching 79? Why go to the zoo, of course! and that is exactly what we did!

First- can I just tell you how crazy this Texas weather has been?! It was SNOWING last Saturday---just days ago...and not just a sprinkle---but hard, windy, snow- blowing in SIDEWAYS- that was blanketing everything, making it VERY difficult for Joe to SEE the road after a lovely evening, in Dallas, with the Gerwers (our quad couple buddies)!

but I digress...

the ZOO!

I met some buddies, Miranda and Kim, up at the Fort Worth Zoo and we had a blast! The zoo was SOOOO much fun this time, at this age---especially now that I feel comfortable letting the kids get out and run around 50% of the time.

Here are MY monkeys, gawking at the other monkeys. (Andrew, Sav, Ben, Ethan) Okay, so if you had to take a stab at it....which kid, out of the foursome, do you think has the biggest attitude?...........anyone?.......anyone?... I'm just sayin'...

Mr. Crocodile swam up close to say "hi"! (...or to get a good look at some tasty treats: A, E, B, S)

"Hold on a sec, Ma...can't you see I'm on the phone?!" (A, S, B, E)

Ethan and Andrew playing with the alligator (probably the kids favorite part of the day!)

E-bud and his LOOOONG legs...looking SO grown up lately, right?!...I KNOW!!!!

Ben and Drew- pointing out the gator's sharp teeth..."thanks bud, yep...I see it!" (after the 100th time he asked me)

I love her!...just LOVE her!

Benny and his adorable silly faces! The kid is full of 'em lately...

Checkin' in on some Gator Fun Facts with our buddy ("L").

Savi giving Ben a hug....so cute! These two LOOOOOVE each other, I tell ya.

Mama's favorite! Giraffes!

Okay, so this pic just CRACKS me up. It is a horrible picture. This was our last stop of the day---everyone was tired and borderline cranky. You can't even SEE the elephants (who were getting frisky, btw). I asked the kids to look at Mama and smile...and this is what I got...lovely. But still makes me giggle ;)

Ahhhhh....the BEST part of the day. (just kiddin'..........well, kinda. heh)

Taking advantage of this gorgeous weather...you never know...we could have a blizzard tomorrow!

By the way---hop on over to my BFF's review blog (Gen)---she did an fantabulous review with lots of cute pics for "Designed for Babies"---Casey's awesome stuff (with an emphasis on multiples!)...very cool giveaway as well! So proud of you, Case!!!

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Dancing Leprechauns

We have had a blast with Aunt Judy this week! It has been SO nice to have another adult around! Haha...and the kids have thoroughly enjoyed her company as well.

Lots of book reading (Ben, Ethan, Sav)!

Gonna miss having you, Ju! Thanks so much for all of your help...I know the kids have had a wonderful time playing with you outside and hugging on that sweet neck!

On St. Paddy's Day, I introduced the kids to one of my favorite movies: Darby 'O Gill and the Little People.

Here they are watching the little leprechauns dancing their groovy jig for the very first time. (Some are not quite sure what to think of it, while others wiggle along)

Now, they have asked to watch the leprechauns every morning when they wake up! Hilarious! LOVE it! Happy Friday!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My 4 Lucky Charms ♣♣♣♣

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!! Love, Andrew, Ethan, Savannah & Benjamin (who just so happen to be 4 VERY Irish little Leprechauns)

We hope your day is filled with LOTS-O-FUN...

and joy...

and smiles...

and love...

and laughter...

and kisses...

and dancing!

Thank you Grammy and Grampy for the adorable St. Paddy's gear! Wish we were celebrating with YOU on this fine, Irish day! ;) LOVE YOU!

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

South Texas Fun!

During Granna's spring break last week, we decided to take a trip down to Uvalde & Brackettville to visit our great grandparents and aunts and uncle. (about 7 hours from my house! LOOOOONG--but SO worth it!)

Aunt Ashley and cousin Carter were able to join in on the fun as well! Click HERE for our post from last year's July trip to South TX---the kids have grown SO much!

The proud great grandparents with their kiddies! Ben, Sugar, Carter, Savannah, GrandPapa, Andrew, Ethan

Andrew is still fascinated with that clock!

Sweet sister Sav, hamming it up, and loving the dress up clothes. I LOVED playing in Sugar's dress up clothes when I was little---so crazy awesome to see my own little girl doing the same!

LOVIN' Ben's silly faces...such a goob!

Love my Drew buddy

E-Man, 'El Cap-i-tan

How precious is this boy?!?! Little Carter and his dazzling blue eyes!

Miss Priss putting on a show and keeping everyone entertained

Aunt Susan came to play with us as well! LOVE HER! Thank you SO much for the fun new toys!

Not sure what is going on here---but Ethan's face is crackin' me up, while Drew is just chillin'! GrandPapa must have said something that was absolutely hilarious!

We headed on over to Brackettville to play with Uncle Stoney, Aunt Judy and all of their awesome toys!---We sure did take over their living room!

LOVE this picture of "little man"...dude is hilarious to watch---he is such a tiny little guy walking, running, mastering steps...just incredible. He's been doing this since he was 10 months old!

"Yo, Auntie Suz...what gives?!"

Ben cuddling up with Auntie JuJu while he watches a cartoon

We hit up our favorite place the following day---Fort Clark Springs! We had fun sliding down the slides...(Aunt Patsy, Aunt Judy, the keeeds, and Granna)

...we had a blast on the swings! (Carter, Ben & Sav, Ethan, JuJu, and Andrew)

Mr. Carter-man got some kisses from Uncle Stoney

And these next 2 pictures are some of my all-time favorites. You see, when we were little, this place was our magical play land. We spent ENDLESS hours each summer playing in the Fort Clark Pool and running around with all of our cousins. South Texas will always hold such a special place in my heart and it is amazing to watch my kids enjoy it as much as their Mama.

This is Andrew and Ethan overlooking Las Moras Creek

Benny and Sav taking a walk by the gigantic spring-fed (freezing at all times of the year) swimming pool...approximately 5.7% of my life has been spent in this pool! LOVE it. Ahhh...memories...

The next day, we started our long drive back home and stopped by GrandPapa & Sugar's house one last time for some huggin' and lovin'. Here are Ben and Sav conspiring:

Sav (always the ring-leader getting everyone in trouble): "Okay, Carter listen up...you run over to Papa & distract him while Ben and I make a break for it. Ethan, you're our look-out man..."

That cheezy grin and those gorgeous flowers! Melt me...

Drew absolutely LOOOOVES his Sugar. I have never seen him like this with anyone---its adorable. Such a warm little fella.

Andrew and Ethan gettin' some Sugar

Ben chillin' on his GrandPapa's lap

Oh man...if a picture could say a 1,000 words. This is a PERFECT depiction of the little toot these days! One second she's driving me bonkers, the next second she is the sweetest little loving angel full of kisses and hugs. You are such a character, Savannah Leigh Steece---and I wouldn't trade you for the whole world! (even on your worst days)

Also- the kids are getting SO big! I cannot tell you how many people in the past couple of weeks have told me how tall and skinny the twins are! When I look at all of their long legs and arms and feet---I realize that my quad babies are not babies anymore---not even toddlers! They are growing into BIG KIDS- and FAST! :( (sniff, sniff)

We had a blast! Love you guys and miss you terribly! Thanks for taking us in and showing us a wonderful time!

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