Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas with the Steeces 2010

We had a wonderful holiday with the Steeces. We spent the days before Christmas in Austin and drove to Waco on Christmas Day. We are SO blessed to have family that live so close to each other…Joe and I are not huge fans of splitting up holidays!


There will be 2 very important people missing from these Steece Family Photos---Dani’s sweet grandmother lost her battle with cancer a couple of days before Christmas. Dan and Dani were in South Texas with her family. You guys were never far from our thoughts and prayers. And in true Steece form…this one’s for you! (it is cheesy, but true- we took this picture for you guys- love you so much)




The annual Crazy Christmas Hat Picture! Ed, Jess, Suz, Joe




The adults open all of our presents the night before- after the kids are in bed…then the next morning, the kiddies get to open their presents. I must admit---this night is always the most fun (probably because it is the least stressful! ha). Paul and Kate loving their Dinkytown shirts from D & D.IMG_1172



Ummm…thanks Grampy and Grammy! As a Mommy, all of my extra money goes to buying clothes/shoes for my kids, because that’s where I want it to go. (My how things have changed!) But its true, I hardly ever buy anything fun for myself. So, when Kate wrapped these up for me on Christmas---I was just beside myself! Awesome! Not to mention all of the other fantastic gifts (cute top, scarf, perfume, etc)!




Joe, kinda being funny with his half-serious, Aggie Snuggie gift…but I sure have used it…every day! Love it!




The next morning with the kiddies---they were SOOOO excited! (Sav, E, Ben, Drew)




Savi in her new shoes & purse. (I must admit- the kids got lots of new shoes and clothes because that is what was desperately needed! Thank God they still get excited about clothes/shoes because I know it won’t last long!)




Savi’s new babydoll (considering she asked Santa and everyone else she came into contact with- for a new baby!)




This was the year for Steece Quad Train Sets- and boy did they have fun with them! (the sharing part was a wee bit stressful- but overall, they did great)




Christmas Eve Dinner at Ciola’s with our favorite peeps. Sav and Grammy




Widdle E with his Shirley Temple




Benny Boo and Mama




Andrew and Grampy




I thought I had gotten a picture of Joe too, but apparently not. After dinner we took the kids for a walk-through in a super cool light park in Lakeway.




Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum- running through the tunnel of lights (I think Ethan is on the left and Drew on the right?)




Ben having SO much fun. Sav in the back making sure that her new shoes are not getting too dirty. ha! Such a girly girl.




One of my fav pics of all time! (Ben, Drew, Ethan in front) Its so candid and real life. Love it.



We had a wonderful Christmas with you, Grammy and Grampy! Kate, thank you for always going out of your way to put on an amazing holiday. We love you guys!

suz signature

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Broken Baby Girl :(

People tell you that having a child is like having your heart, walking around, outside of your body. You can only protect it so much…I never really understood this concept until I had children of my own. Now, it makes perfect sense and I get it…I truly get it.



My little baby girl has a broken body and is going to need MORE surgery on one of her kidneys (this will make 4 major kidney surgeries in her short little lifetime, not to mention the eye surgery that she had last year).

You can read up on her specific renal conditions from some of my previous posts: (this is not a result of prematurity, but a genetic/hereditary condition---unfortunately, we have lots of kidney issues in my family)


This past Monday, Momma and Daddy spent an entire day at Cook Children’s Hospital with our baby girl, Savannah, as she went through another round of fierce kidney testing:

  1. Renal Scan with Radioactive Dye & Lasix Wash Out
  2. a VCUG.




Savi has had so many of these tests, that I was worried about how she would react- especially now that she is much older.




She was amazing while we waited in the preop area. She was hilarious and would talk with all the nurses and anesthesiologists like a big girl. (Something she could never do before).

Sav being silly (I love this picture of her little booty)




I thought, maybe…just maybe, this round of testing would go better/easier for the little darling, especially now that we could explain what was going to happen to her.




yah…not so much. They sedated her to put in her urinary catheter and IV that she needed to perform the tests. Here she is waking up from the anesthesia…happy as a little lark after getting her first of THREE popsicles.




“Wait a sec…Mama, where are we going? Aren’t we finished? I want to go home!” (No, baby girl, its time for your tests…poor thang…ugh)




I realized that although Sav has had these tests a number of times, I have never taken any pictures of what they look like, so I thought I would sneak in a couple of snapshots. I waited until after she settled down, of course…just imagine a terrified, screaming and thrashing little 3 year old girl who doesn’t understand why she is being strapped down to a huge, scary machine with bean bags and belts. (The screams of “Mama, help me!!!” Never get easier and I did my fair share of crying when she couldn’t see me). Once they get her positioned and ready, the entire procedure takes exactly 60 minutes.




For the first 30 minutes, they fill her body with radioactive dye. Here you can see the black areas: her kidneys with the contrast solution. The left side is her left kidney, you can see how much bigger it is than the right. Not good.renal scan 1



Next, they give her Lasix (a diuretic drug that flushes out her system) and for the last 30 minutes, they monitor how the kidneys work to rid the body of the dye. As you can see here, the left kidney is not functioning properly. Not good.

renal scan



So, after this fun-filled hour during the renal scan…we had to take Savannah to yet another radiology room for her VCUG. You can imagine how excited she was at this point. With the VCUG, they take a series of abdominal x-rays. Look at the end of this table and you can see a large bottle of dye contrast. They fill her bladder with the entire bottle (or as much as her little bladder can take). OUCH.




This is her abdominal x-ray before we start. Looks normal.

vcug 1

Inserting dye through her catheter and filling up her bladder (the bottom white part is her bladder filled with dye)

vcug 2

Now her bladder is completely distended with dye and it has backed up into her left kidney (up at the top left of the film). Not normal.

vcug 3

Here is another view of just how distended her left kidney is at the top. It is not a normal-shaped, smooth kidney bean looking kidney---but it bulges out and is not functioning properly. The good news is that her right kidney is working well and looks great!

vcug 4

This is the last film they take…it is at the very end, after she has voided. It is to see how much residual urine (with dye) is left in the kidneys. As you can see, it is a significant amount.

vcug 5



Obviously, Savannah did not like having her bladder over-distended with fluid which backed up into her kidney. Can you imagine how much that hurt? Especially after the radiology tech almost completely pulled out her urinary catheter (which was fully inflated) during the renal scan. All of a sudden Sav started SCREAMING when the bed was being moved, and Joe had to grab her foley bag that was caught at the end of the machine. OUCH! Sav cried every time she had to void for the rest of the day, poor baby. No tellin’ what kind of damage that could have done to her urethra.


But the instant the tests were over and we got her down off of that x-ray table, she immediately started smiling and laughing again. The resilience of children is truly amazing. She wanted her picture taken in front of the beautiful Christmas tree in the Cook’s foyer.




A nice passerby asked if she could take our picture together as a family! So sweet. (FYI: Mama needs to shed her “winter layer”-LOL! I’ve apparently got a little extra to love on the ‘ole body. Hittin’ that gym ASAP! We’ve got a cruise coming up!!! More on that later!)




Princess Savi on her throneIMG_1225



One last picture with Dad in front of the fountains with her goodies that they gave her (a stuffed doggie and a winter cap).




After spending an exhausting day at the hospital (from 8:30am to 2pm), we took Sav out to eat at one of her favorite restaurants (BJ’s)…yes, in her PJ’s! She loved having a day with Mommy and Daddy all to herself. Sweet baby girl. I just hate this for her and wish that I could take it all away.



Savannah had terrible nightmares that night and woke up screaming several times. We tried to get her to calm down and sleep with us, but it wasn’t working. Finally, Joe went upstairs and slept right beside her on the floor of the kids’ room (so I could get some sleep before work). What a sweet, sweet Daddy. Love him so much. Other than that, you would have NO IDEA whatsoever that her poor little body is not working well.


Savannah Leigh Steece absolutely amazes me. Such a strong little girl.


Being in a children’s hospital, especially around the holidays, really makes my heart go out to the families that are going through unimaginable illness and scary times. There are so many precious kiddos out there who are suffering and spending their holidays hooked up to monitors, going through treatments, etc. Remember to give thanks for the blessings in your life and the health of your loved ones, get on your knees and pray for those who are less fortunate…and if you haven’t already, get involved with your local charities and GIVE BACK in some way or another.

You have been blessed…now go BE a blessing. 


I’m not working for the rest of the week, so I’ll get on top of our Christmas holiday pictures and posts. We have had a magical (albeit stressful & exhausting) Christmas and I cannot wait to share it with you all.


Please, please keep our baby girl in your prayers and thoughts. We will meet with her urologist/surgeon in a couple of weeks to determine how we will proceed.


suz signature

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

True Story

I took 60 SECONDS out of my day to go to and I left a comment (out of hundreds) on a Macy’s promotion. That’s all I did---I left a comment. And guess what?! A random number was selected and I WON!!!! I won a free gift! The fact that it was a bunch of brand new baby clothes doesn’t really matter because it feels SO good to win something! Am I right?!!


Blogger peeps- there are 2 super cool promotions that are ending this week that you must check out. How cool would it be to win a…


brand new laptop? (the final of 4 laptops given away)

or a $250 Best Buy gift card?

or a $100 gift card and Weebles gift pack?

It is definitely worth taking 60 seconds out of your day to leave a comment like I did! But HURRY~ the giveaways end THIS WEDNESDAY, December 22nd!

Good luck, my buddies!!! Let me know if you win!!!

suz signature

Friday, December 17, 2010

Gift Ideas- HUGE Sale- TODAY ONLY!

Hey favorite blog peeps of mine! (Cute shirt! You want it? It is only $10! I sure did order one this morning! Keep reading!)

DFB blog

(The hot mama of triplets and my buddy- Candace Hickey!)


I just wanted to make you all aware of my amazing friend, CASEY GERWER, and her awesome online business:

Designed For Babies

She is running a HUGE sale that is only good through TODAY (Friday). see below

DFB sale



All tees only $10! Are you kiddin’ me?!! Love this one!

DFB heart quads



Instead of the same ‘ole baby shower gift, go for something more fun and unique! DFB has a cute selection of maternity shirts- that are uber soft and adorable!

DFB pregnant



DFB specializes in multiples---so there are lots of gifts that are PERFECT for those Mamas out there who are expecting twins, triplets, or more!

DFB babies



Precious shirts for babies, toddlers, and big kids!

DFB brady



Nice variety of Melissa and Doug toys 50% off: (one of my kids favs!)

DFB toys



Uhh…did I mention beeeeautiful and unique diaper bags? Yes, I happen to own this one and absolutely adore it!

DFB bag



Having a hard time trying to shop for Grandma and Grandpa? Check out these- you can customize them! Only $10

DFB grandmaDFB grandpa


Even nice polos for beaming Dads and proud Grandpa’s! $20

DFB father



Here are some more favs of mine! (Lots of new stuff for the fall/winter)

This hoodie is SOOOOO unbelievably comfy~ extremely soft and warm (and LONG- to cover that Mommy belly! ha). I wear it all the time! $15

DFB hoodie



Why, yep- yep I sure do! $10

DFB got quads


and one of my all time favs: “YES! I Do Have My Hands Full” $10DFB hands full


Casey’s shirts are SO soft, comfortable and longer in length (which is a HUGE pet peeve of mine- I hate shirts that ride up!). A lot of them have a smooth, vintage feel (which I love). Because the vintage-type shirts are a little tighter and tend to run smaller, I recommend ordering one size bigger in any T-shirts that you purchase!


Have fun getting your “shop on”! (click on link to take you there)

Designed For Babies

If you see something you like- jump on it ASAP!

T-shirts for only $10!

50% off all toys (use code: TOYSALE)

Hoodies for $15

Polos for $20!

Stock is going to run out quickly!!!!


Love you, Case! You are an inspiration to me and an incredible friend. Muuuah!

suz signature

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