Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Sactown Sun Warms my Heart

Awww. cheesy but true! A little over a week ago, Joe and I made a trip to Sacramento to play with our BFFs (and fellow quad family): the McNultys! We used free airline miles and vouchers---which made the trip even sweeter. We had such a great time, just being a part of the McNulty everyday life.

Love them SOOOOOOO much!


Friday: Gen, the kiddos and I went to her lil-sis’s college graduation.

Suz, Ally, G




Sweet Katie and the fam! Love them all like they were my own. Congrats K-Lou!! I know your big sis is beyond proud of you.




Still not quite sure what Conor and Joe were doing during their “dudes afternoon”…but we didn’t care because the girls were going out that night with Casey Quilao!!! (my fav triplet mom, with another precious baby girl on the way!) LOVE HER TO PIECES!!!!

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The next day was an absolute blast. We went out to eat for some grub. Libs, me, Mo-mo

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G and Ally Boo Boo

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Ummm…so I noticed in these pictures, that it is always me with the girls. I have like zero pics of my handsome Russ-man. Oops! I guess I get enough testosterone at home and just gravitate toward girly girls??

Molly, Suz, Ally

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Sweet Lil Libs!

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And thanks to Molly B, for coming over to play with the kids while the grown-ups headed out for 4 hours of whirlwind wine tasting! You are awesome, woman and we appreciate you so much!

My husband is a huge nerd…God love him. Winking smile

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Me and Genny Mac- driving up into California wine country.

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The boys- trying to be funny, but looking borderline creepy instead…seriously, what are those faces? LOL

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We were like speed demon wine tasting, trying to get back home in time for Molly to be able to leave. Some of the best times I’ve ever had in my life!

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Crazy Genevieve, how I love you so!

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In front of the vineyards with my main man. Such a gorgeous day!

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My sista from anutha mista.

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The next day, we were able to watch Conor play for the Sacramental Gold! It was so cool getting to attend one of his soccer games (even though it was bloody cold!) LOL.

Love Russell’s face in this pic---like “who is this crazy man with his arm around me?” Crazy indeed, Russ.





Me and the hubs. XOXO





We love you guys so much! Thank you for letting us crash your house and love on your kiddos. It is always bittersweet getting to hang with you---knowing that we will have to leave in a few short days. Why do we live a billion states away from each other again?

Suz, Conor, Gen, Joe

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Love you with my whole heart, G. You are my best friend.05 may 2011 110-1



Speaking of best friends…where were the Steece quads during Mom and Dad’s California adventure?…Ummm…with Chris and Liz and their 2 yr old twin girls the entire time!!! 05 may 2011 131



6 kids under 4 yrs, under one roof, for 4 days. Wow…

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You two are incredible. Joe and I love you more than you could ever imagine. Thank you SO much for always being there for us. You are the best friends anyone could ever ask for.


Lizzie-Poo and me at her birthday dinner last week! I love you, Liz.

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suz signature


I’ve been avoiding the computer like the plague!


We’ve been busy like crazy and I’ve been doing lots of things out of the house with the kids…so, the internet has taken a back seat for a while.


You know when you look at your inbox and see like hundred of unread messages?…my heart starts beating fast and I just cannot bring myself to weed through them. TOTAL anxiety. I haven’t even checked blogs in weeks!


Bad Suz. Bad.


So, I’m sitting in bed on this Tuesday morning, listening to the little hoodlums upstairs playing and I’m working on blog posts! Yaaaaay.


Still here! Are you? Winking smile

suz signature

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Birthday Week 2011

Wow! Okay, yes…its been a while. We’ve been super busy with insurance and the detective working on our stolen burb. Doesn’t look promising, folks. Probably chopped up into pieces by now. State Farm will be meeting tomorrow to go over our case and determine the value of our suburban. We then will have to find a replacement car---and let me tell ya…we take GREAT CARE of our cars. It is absolutely depressing to research what we would be able to afford by way of suburban, to take the place of our AWESOME burb. But we absolutely do not want another car payment.

Thanks again, to the thoughtful dude who stole our car. Grrr.


Anyways…let it go, Suz…catching up. Here are some pics from my Birthday week during the first of May:

My girls: Teryn, Casey and I had a ladeeez night at Houston’s to celebrate my birthday and Casey’s bday coming up!  So refreshing and I love them so much.

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That Friday, Joe took me out in downtown Fort Worth for a night of fun and quality time with me and my hubs!

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Rooftop bar at the Reata

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Interrrrresting cowboy outside of the restrooms…hmmm

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We came back to our hotel room to find that they had arranged a sweet little birthday package while we were out.

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We had such a great time. Thank you for making my birthday so special, Joseeeef! I love you more than words. You are my best friend.



The morning of my bday, this is how I was greeted. Could there be anything better than waking up to this?!?!




After church we had cookie cake (my favorite!)…and these pictures are hilarious- because if you know anything about my father…you will know that my entire life is on videotape somewhere. Every birthday, every basketball/football/softball game, EVERYTHING!

This is a good example of how our bday pics go:

“Ok, Suzy- hold up your cake.”




“Okay now Joe, go stand by Suzy and her cake”




“Okay, Granna get over there too”

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“Now, Joe, would you mind taking a picture of me and Granna and Suz?”

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Isn’t he adorable? God love him. I know I do.



Here is sweet Benjamin- looking so grown up and handsome.




the Diva.




and I tell ya---these two little tweedles are looking more and more alike as they get older. (isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?!) Drew- blue. E- green.




Imagine that…they are in the same position with matching trucks.



It has been pretty neat to watch these two boys interacting lately. They are crazy fun and are always tackling each other, or chasing each other around the house giggling…together at all times, nonstop.


Having multiples is SOOOOO hard at times (especially with this age)…but I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. It is such an incredible thing to witness day in and day out. I love these children with all of my heart and it is such a blessing that they have each other.


I’m working on a post of all of my recent iphone pictures. I figure- what better way to catch you up on life than showing you what is in my phone?


Blessings, peeps!

suz signature

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Best Birthday EVER!

So special to have my 31st birthday fall on Mother’s Day this year!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful ladies out there!

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May 8, 2011. Ben, Drew, Ethan, Savannah



What more could you ask 4?~

I’ve got all I’ll ever need right here…05 may 2011 045-1


God is gracious. Life is good. We are blessed.

suz signature

Thursday, May 05, 2011

All Points Bulletin, Blogger Peeps.

I’ve said that blogging is my therapy- it helps me get through the crappiest of situations…

Well, I guess I’ll give it a try today.


What’s missing from this picture?…

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…oh nothing huge, just our freakin’ 2005 Z71 White Chevy Suburban (fully paid off)…




with a Texas A&M Association of Former Students sticker and Aggie decal on the back… (you know, just in case you guys happen to see it drive by).

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Yep, that’s right kiddos…I’m sorry, but someone stole Mommy’s car right out of her driveway Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

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I KNOW, RIGHT?!?!!!!!!

(and yep, we are still in our jammies—its been a couple of “those” days. don’t judge.)


Lets do a little recap of my Tuesday (just for the heck of it). I was in a crazy “Suz-redecorating-spring cleaning” mood. I decided to box up a billion toys that were never used. It feels so good to get rid of “stuff” you don’t need, amen?05 may 2011 027




While in my frenzy- I decided that I was going to do some major room reorganization- both downstairs and upstairs.

Tsk, I hope it was worth it…

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I took out the leather sofa sectional and moved it upstairs…I was able to bring in 3 different pieces of furniture that had been sitting in the garage- collecting dust for years…….but in order to do that, I had to back out the burb, into our driveway, to make room to maneuver.  *(boy- that smooth move is going to come back to bite me in the behind later!)*

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I did LOTS and LOTS of cleaning…notice the vacuum cleaner- full of Shiloh hair. Yuck. There were ungodly things that I found behind those couches.

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I wanted the upstairs to be a cozy, comfy lounge area for the kids to watch movies and such.

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Its still a work in progress…

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I also wanted to make room in the garage for this little kitchen that we are giving to the Tarrant Twins…I knew Liz was coming over the next day or so and didn’t mind keeping my burb in the driveway until then to make room.

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Awesome. We HARDLY EVER leave our burb in the driveway. I can count on my fingers how many times it has spent the night in our driveway…


So, Joe gets ready to leave for work on Wednesday morning around 7am and kisses me goodbye while I’m still laying in bed---about to get up and get dressed for work… get the kids dressed and ready for school… you know the drill.


All of a sudden, Joe comes rushing back inside and says, “SUZ. WHERE’S THE BURB?!………WHERE IS THE SUBURBAN?!!!”

Wow. I am still totally out of it and sleepy---my mind just absolutely cannot comprehend the words that are coming out of his mouth.


PANIC ATTACK. We both rush outside and just stare blankly for what seems like eternity (probably only about 10-15 seconds)… my heart is pounding out of my chest… it is hard to swallow… I feel dizzy…


The next hour was pretty much a blur.


Cops were called. Reports were taken. And the best part???--- I realized that my wallet was in the console. Yep. Awesome. FREEEEEAKING awesome. I had taken the kids with me to run errands and pick up pizza. I didn’t have enough hands to carry everything in---so instead of making multiple trips, I just threw it in the console and got inside.

Hey, I locked the doors! That’s good enough, right?!


Joe and I are re-playing all of the what-ifs in our minds. He even contemplated bringing the burb into the garage, but was like, “ehhh…what the heck…it will be perfectly fine in our driveway…its not supposed to storm or anything.”


So, I spent all morning on two phones, calling and cancelling everything under the sun. They had already tried to make hundreds of dollars worth of credit card swipes between 2-3am in Plano and Dallas (so, I’m guessing it was stolen around 1:45am).

Peeps- I’m telling you now, go get your wallets out of your car. Take anything valuable out of your wallet. And if you have a garage---don’t EVER leave your car out in the driveway.


Sure we had ipods, dvd’s, 4 brand spankin new carseats in the burb…

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but the items that hurt the most- are some hand-made Aggie blankets, from our good friend’s mom (Mrs. Sheedy) that the kids took everywhere. OUCH.

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Sentimental stuff, ya know? That one hurt.



I’m usually a pretty positive person, but I must admit that I have been down in the dumps- throwing pity parties for myself. Joe, on the other hand, has been awesome. I’m just completely bummed…laying around in t-shirts and boxer shorts…not wanting to do anything. (Ethan just snapped this shot of me. Lovely.)

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So, I am writing this post as one last chance to tell the story and now, I’m going to be done with it. Bad things happen. Time to move on. Chin up, chest out. Its all about perspective. Remember what you have been blessed with and shut your pie hole.


I’m looking forward to this weekend! Joe has made some special plans for my bday and I cannot wait. My birthday falls on Mother’s Day this year (Sunday)---so it will be extra special.

Thanks for your prayers and positive energy. I think I’m turning the corner!

Winking smile

suz signature

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