Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Jeep Wrangler!!!

so...Joe and I had decided that we were going to sell our Lincoln LS sometime soon...we wanted to lower our monthly car payments...
Why would you sell the LS?: it was a V8, took premium gas only, had no warranty left>>>so we knew that sooner or later it was going to start giving us problems and without a warranty, that could be $$$!

we've always wanted #1) a fun, cheaper car to drive around town in (the Wrangler), and #2)a nicer car to take on trips (our Cherokee)...and we LOVE jeep wranglers...so, I researched yesterday on the computer and found the jeep at Carmax! It was exactly what we wanted and was at the Carmax where Joe bought our other Jeep Grand Cherokee, out where we used to live in Jersey Village (Houston)...

so, after working out, we took the Lincoln out there (not really expecting to buy a car..but wanting to see what the trade in would be, etc)...needless to say, we ended up buying the wrangler! someone else was looking to buy it, but something was going on with their credit? or something? so, they told us WE could get it! and we did! for a GREAT deal!!!

our monthly payments are going to go down significantly, it's a manual transmission that takes unleaded fuel!, we have a 3 year warranty!, and it's going to be awesome to ride top down when it's beautiful outside!! we can't wait!! we went today and bought some ATV tires to put on there (the tires it had were pretty rink-dink)...so, we are thrilled! (if you can't tell)... these are baaaaaaad pics, but I promised I would post some...so, I'll put better ones on later!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Some things about me you might not have known...

(This is a take on several of my "blogger buddies" blogs)

1. I can't fall asleep cuddling & I am a very light sleeper...once I wake up, I'm up for good!

2. I hate mushrooms & tomatoes

3. I love sushi (the cooked stuff) & edamame (soy beans)

4. The first place I gain weight is in my face (the one place you can't really hide it!)

5. I absolutely HATE working out...HATE it...but make myself do it at least 3-4 times a week (we're talkin' weights AND cardio....YUCK!)

6. I am crazy about saving money. We have 2 separate savings accounts, investment accounts, etc....I read books on saving! It's fun to me! (nerd)

7. Nursing school was the absolute hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life! (Thanks, Harding U)

8. I was a member of the Waco Girls Choir for a couple of years (Alto)

9. My brother used to put live green locust and hard, crunchy, brown locust shells in my long hair when I was younger....I am afraid of them to this day

10. Pet Peeves: fake people, PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE people, work politics, church politics

11. I tore my ACL on our church skiing trip when I was a senior in high school, the MDs told me it was just a bad sprain, I went on to college where I played extremely competitive sports in flag football, basketball, etc. I re-injured it doing a toe-touch for spring-sing--which is when I found out it was an old tear. I took off my semester right before nursing school to come back home to Waco, have surgery, and be a youth intern for a semester...(which I absolutely LOVED!)

12. I LOVE roller coasters & roller skating

13. I've never had a cavity in my life

14. I never wear shorts, unless working out...I hate shorts/love skirts

15. I never watch the news or the weather...I have no idea what is going on from day to day unless people are talking about it at work (Dad is so disappointed! ;) )

16. I can play the piano by ear, no lessons--I would love to take them now

17. I am thrilled that Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams are a couple! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside ;)
18. I absolutely LOVE to cook, the Food Channel, and Paula Deen 19. I am a Surgical Registered Nurse who can see gory, bloody, nasty, bone crushing surgeries...but cannot take it when patients throw up...I start gagging and must leave the room...same thing w/ "code browns" (when someone soils themselves) and I must clean it up...I am physically GAGGING! I also HATE throwing up..I fear it.

20. I love manicures & pedicures--I get them once a week

21. I kill any plant/flower after about 2-3 Days...i'm terrible

22. The only books I like to read are true stories (like the one about Aaron Ralston, the climber who cut off his arm to survive and hiked his way down a mountain!) 23. I am BAD at keeping up long-distance relationships and HATE talking on the phone

24. It takes a LOT to hurt my feelings...I've got a hard shell (you have to when you work with doctors all day long! ha)

25. We want 3 kids (of course we just want them to be healthy...but I'd also really like a girl and Joe would really like a boy!)

26. When me or my brother eat anything with garlic in it, we will reek it out of our pores for about 24 hours...it is SO weird (no matter how many showers I take or how many times I brush my teeth and gargle w/ mouthwash)--needless to say, I stay away from it! ;)

27. I was a virgin up until the day I got married! ;)

28. I'm a very loyal friend to have & I'm extremely protective of my friends

29. I almost drowned when I was 5 years old in Concan, Texas on the Frio River: family reunion, everyone was watching my granny go down the rapids and laughing, then my mom accidentally got caught in the current and went down the rapids w/ no innertube and everyone was looking at her and laughing...no one saw me going down the rapids w/out an innertube, 5- years old,- head down- sinking down into a drop off...but my uncle saw me and dived in and saved me! and its all on tape!

30. I am the go-2 gal for anything computer related at work (my bro is a computer genius)

31. I'm almost 5'8 and wear a 6.5 shoe (its ridiculous!)

32. My weakness: chips & queso...& pizza

33. My entire life people have said I look like Kimmy Gibbler from Full House (in high school AND in college)...thanks alot!

34. I was a cheerleader from 4th to 12th grade (also at some point played basketball, softball, track, and flag football)

35. I was Valedictorian of high school & graduated Magna Cum Laude of nursing school, yet am TERRIBLE at simple math AND still count on my fingers! (embarrassing)

36. I am borderline diabetic (my dad is, and my brother became diabetic in his early twenties) my last fasting blood sugar was 122! (its supposed to be between 60-100)..yikes...henceforth, the working out...

37. My grandfather, father, bro, and myself all have the same initials: "SCH"

38. My middle name is "Claire", named after my grandmother, "Clara"

39. I would die if I had to live anywhere cold (my in-laws are from Minnesota)

40. My favorite verse is: John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!" (-Jesus) ;)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Will Miss My Shannon

Our scheduler, Shannon, just spent her last day with us at 1st Street Surgical yesterday...I'm going to miss her like crazy! As the charge nurse, Shannon and I would work extremely close together and had the best working relationship! She is too fun!

Things I'm going to miss about her:

- the way she would bob up and down when her favorite song came on the radio (which i HATED: the pussycat dolls-dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me) ahh...hate that song! but makes me laugh thinkin bout Shannon bouncing up and down

- her evil little laugh when she was up to no good

- our 8:00am breakfasts together, and 11:00am lunches

- throwing her under the bus when a doc would complain about the schedule! (ha, jk)

- our daily little 30 minute chats about life, marriage, friends, work politics, when i should have been working

- her "hoochie mama" outfits ;)

- "Suz please call extension 231...SUZANNE, 231" --said in a bold, brash, "i'm freakin' out" tone of voice ;)

- most of all, her sweet smile and loving nature...one of the most loyal friends i have ever met...good luck at your new job, Shan...miss you already!! ;)

p.s. check out the picture on Shannon's going away shirt and look what Shannon and I were doing...so stupid!
We wrapped Shannon's going away shirt in like 5 different boxes (wrapped with sterile cloth and surgical kerlix for the bow--made by yours truly) and wouldn't let her use scissors to cut the tape, by this time, she was getting tired and her face was all red! too funny...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Pictures from my weekend in Waco

It was so nice to see my sweet little pregnant friend, Lar! James is getting so big inside her little belly!

can't wait!!!

Me and my sweet mommy!
My little baby girl is smiling!

Me and my pops!

sweet Shi, flashing the world... (this is how she always sits)

Everytime I go home on a random weekend, holiday, whatever...we always take pictures outside! Life is too short, ya know? Its just something our family has been doing for a very long time! :)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Surprise visit

My brother surprised my mom earlier this week and told her that he had a couple of days off and was going to drive to Waco for the end of the week (we missed him at Christmas b/c he and his wife flip flop holidays and were in Memphis this year)...Well, he called my mom Wednesday while I was talking to her on the phone to tell her that he had been stuck in stand-still traffic, due to an awful wreck around Little Rock (?), on his way to Waco and had to turn around and go back home (to Memphis).

Needless to say, my mom was pretty upset (not mad...but sad), so I decided to try whatever I had to do, to come home and surprise her this weekend. I was able to leave work around lunch time, picked up Shi, and headed to Waco by myself...to surprise my mommy on her last weekend before starting back with school! (my dad knew since yesterday afternoon)

It's almost 4:00p and I went to the front door and rang the bell, while Shiloh was scratching to get in. You should have seen her face when she saw us!! The tears were great! And I'm looking foward to playing with my parents all weekend long! (it's always nice to go back home every once in a while, minus the husband--great one-on-one time with the parents!)

Lar, hope to see you, Josh, and baby James at church on Sunday!! ;)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Years Eve

It was so nice to keep NYE low key this year. We usually do the big hotel package with a huge groups of friends and get all dressed up..but this year, we hung with a few close friends, went out to eat at Carrabbas, then rang in the new year at the Reeves' new house (Jason- top left & Molly- bottom right). It was such a nice change!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Long time, no post...

Just now getting around to posting and reading others' blogs...been so crazy busy around here! The end of the year is our busiest time at the surgery center (everyone has met their deductibles, have time off for the holidays and won't have to miss work, etc.)...I have been working 12-13 hour days 5 days a week...I am ready for it to slow down a bit!!

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families! Here is a pic from Austin with the Steeces (Ed- a freshman at aTm, Kate, Paul, Dan- a Junior at Texas State, me and Joe).
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